

Image: PMO/Adam ScottiImage: PMO/Adam Scotti
Labour, human rights groups want Trudeau to respect promise of a mining ombudsperson | Nov 3 2016 | Karl Nerenberg | In 2013 when the Corporate Accountability Network proposed creation of a mining ombudsperson the Liberals were in favour. In power, they have yet to do anything about that promise.
Photo: Martin Schulz/European Union 2016 - European Parliament/flickr
Denying globalization's downside won't stop right-wing populism | Nov 1 2016 | Jim Stanford | True believers may think that merely educating citizens about how trade deals really are good for everyone will save the day for globalization. But there's a much deeper problem.
Image: National Post
No, Financial Post, there is no secret anti-trade pact between 'Big Labour' and Donald Trump | Nov 1 2016 | Nora Loreto | In a column for the Financial Post, Terence Corcoran is trying to use the broad consensus that has emerged about Donald Trump to marginalize Unifor's position on the TPP and CETA.
PMO Photo by Adam Scotti
When did the Liberal government go tone deaf? | Oct 28 2016 | Rick Salutin | It's as if the Liberal cabinet was frolicking along among its doting public when an explosion went off at close range, rattling their hearing.
Image: Steve Snodgrass/flickr
How do you solve a problem like precarious work? | Oct 28 2016 | Angella MacEwen | What can government do to address precarious employment? A whole lot, it turns out.
Trade union procession along King William Street, Adelaide.
November 16 marks the global day of action against trade union repression | Oct 28 2016 | Jiselle Hanna, Piergiorgio Moro | Labour updates of workers' struggles from the Asia-Pacific region and an interview on the Global Day of Action against trade union repression.
Join us! Announcing the 2016/2017 labour beat reporter position at | Oct 27 2016 | rabble staff | In partnership with Unifor and CALM, is pleased to announce our fifth annual labour beat internship!
Automobile factory in the Philippines. Flickr/ILO in Asia and the Pacific
The effects of death squads in the Philippines' war on drugs | Oct 27 2016 | Jiselle Hanna, Piergiorgio Moro | Labour updates of workers' struggles from the Asia-Pacific region and an interview on the effects of the continuing war on drugs in the Philippines.
Not Rex: Hail Wallonia! | Oct 26 2016 | Humberto DaSilva | The Canada-EU trade agreement has met its Waterloo in Wallonia. Turns out CETA, which the Harper regime said was a done deal, may indeed be done.
Image: Flickr/Denis Bocquet
Why is Canada still privatizing public services when most of the world is going the other direction? | Oct 25 2016 | David McDonald | Canada still suffers from "privatitus," despite the evidence -- and the global trend -- encouraging us to move in the opposite direction.
Missing Mars Lander
Schiaparelli lander missing; ground control still in contact with Postmedia; prognosis grim for both | Oct 21 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | You don't need a calculator to know that if Postmedia keeps losing money at this quarter’s pace, it'll soon be burning through $400 million a year.
Photo: Paul Sableman/flickr
Boosting minimum wages, boosting the economy from the bottom up | Oct 20 2016 | Armine Yalnizyan | Boost the minimum wage and you boost the economy, from the bottom up. Here's why we should be raising the roof about the benefits of raising the wage floor.

on babble

Fight for $15 march in Montréal on 15th of October lagatta said... No surprise that fake progressive and fake feminist Justin Trudeau also opposes this very modest...
Lib government pay system mess affects 80,000 workers mark_alfred said... The government instituted a...
Canada's WWI Internment of Leon Trotsky, and the Captivating Mass Psychoses of antiSemitism and antiCommunism NDPP said... Fascinating read and much that was new to me. Many thanks for posting this Richard! in
Time to nationalize Bombardier mark_alfred said... I just found the above article....
Buy French's ketchup instead of Heinz mark_alfred said... Seems Heinz just up and left, screwing over the workers and farmers in Leamington Ontario. ...
NDP presents anti-scab bill C-234 mark_alfred said... Quote: Today, New Democrats presented their...
NDP stands up to the Liberals for better protection for interns mark_alfred said...
Manitoba to expand child-care system Aristotleded24 said... Look out Quebec, your daycare system has some competition! Quote:The Manitoba government is aiming...
Common Front demonstration 3 Oct lagatta said... I don' t know how this got into the wrong forum. It is in the labour and consumption one, or the...
OFL Sid Ryan's President Report: Choose NDP mark_alfred said... Sid Ryan wrote:I am calling on every worker, in every riding, to make Thomas Mulcair the next Prime...

in cahoots

United Steelworkers
Operation backpack 2016
For this year's seventh annual Operation backpack 2016, steelworkers gathered at ArcelorMittal's Hamilton East plant and filled 1,000 backpacks with school supplies for students.

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