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Fight for Fair Vote | Nov 3 2016 | Don't let proportional representation die on the vine
Is proportional representation important to you | Nov 3 2016 | If it is, don't let the Liberals step away from their commitment to it.
Yukon Greens Campaign Vehicle (before the snow)
Yukon Greens got some good ideas | Oct 26 2016 | Lewis Rifkind | The Yukon Green Party is running five candidates, although it is highly unlikely any of them will get elected. Pity, because they have some good ideas.
Photo via Lindell Smith campaign website
Halifax councillor Lindell Smith is more than a symbol | Oct 26 2016 | Stephen Kimber | First, of course, there is the symbolism. Lindell Smith is Halifax's first Black city councillor since 2000. But not just.
I'm Voting For The Peel - door hanger
Yukon political debates and other vicious sports | Oct 20 2016 | Lewis Rifkind | The Yukon 2016 territorial election is well underway. Voting day is Nov. 7, but first there is an almost endless series of debates, forums and discussions.
Photo: Jimmy Emerson, DVM/flickr
Halifax has a new city council. Now what? | Oct 19 2016 | Stephen Kimber | With this year's municipal elections history, the question becomes: what should our new-old council do first?
Unofficial House Banners of the 2016 Yukon Election
The North sends thee a raven | Oct 14 2016 | Lewis Rifkind | The dukes and barons of the territory of Yukon joust, as they do every five years, to see who will become the ruling lord; but the wire to the south is in peril!
Here's how we can repeal Bill C-51 and win strong privacy rules to keep us safe | Oct 12 2016 | David Christopher | With your help, we've just launched a powerful new tool to get Canadian voices on the public record against Bill C-51.
Photo: Luke Walker/flickr
Lil MacPherson won't be elected mayor of Halifax, but that was never the point | Oct 12 2016 | Stephen Kimber | It will come as a surprise to no one -- least of all to Lil herself -- when I predict Lil MacPherson will not be mayor of Halifax after all the votes are counted. So why then did she even bother?
Screen Shot of a Yukon Government Oil and Gas Request for Posting web page that
Hot air in the cool North | Oct 12 2016 | Lewis Rifkind | The Yukon Premier popped into a local supermarket, called a territorial election, denounced carbon taxes and kept very quiet on future fossil fuel development.
Photo: John Douglas/flickr
Encroaching development a defining issue in Halifax municipal elections | Oct 5 2016 | Stephen Kimber | Whatever your position on development, you need to ask those who seek to represent you their views on development generally, and projects specifically planned for your district.
Image: Bill B/flickr
Instead of panicking, we need to think our way through the U.S. election | Sep 30 2016 | Rick Salutin | In politics, we tend to see what we want or need to. You're looking for an outcome, yearning for it. What, though, of political cases that require actual thought, not prejudgments?

on babble

Yukon General Election on 7 November 2016 mark_alfred said... This is the election happening in early November that everyone is talking about. https://en....
Neethan Shan May Run For City Council Next Mighty Middle said... As Robert Benzies of The Toronto Star writes Voters may not have seen the last of Neethan Shan — he...
Christy Clark - Kathleen Wynne - Rachel Notley in RARE Joint Interview Mighty Middle said... Canada's three female premiers gather to discuss Hillary Clinton's run for the U.S. presidency and...
Green Party sanctioned for peddling 'misleading' polling data in elxn42 Mighty Middle said... Erroneous information distributed in flyers in hard-fought Victoria riding Canada's elections...
How MP are spending taxpayers money for office expenses Mighty Middle said... Clown, balloons, cakes, jazz singer among entertainment items charged to MP expense accounts http...
If Elxn 42 were in Oct 2016 would Trudeau still have won? Mighty Middle said... We have had multiple Terrorist attacks overseas, multiple shootings towards police, and several...
Ontario provincial by-elections, 2016 Ken Burch said... As reference points, here are the vote breakdowns from each of those ridings for the last Ontario...
2016 Australian election Ken Burch said... Interesting that Australia now has TWO parties named for the people who founded them. in
Tom Mulcair Leading The NDP - It's a Liberal Conspiracy! terrytowel said... Reading these threads the narrative seemed to be that Mulcair leading the NDP is a direct result of...
Rachel Notley calls Leap Manifesto 'naive' 'ill-informed' & 'tone-deaf' terrytowel said... Alberta Premier Rachel Notley is repudiating the controversial Leap Manifesto, but...
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UnFair Elections Act

in cahoots

Fair Vote Canada
The case for proportional representation
Fair Vote Canada makes the case for proportional representation to the federal government Special Committee on Electoral Reform and it's worth reading.

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