
LGBTQ+ organizing against racism and pinkwashing in Nova Scotia | Nov 2 2016 | Scott Neigh | Ardath Whynacht and Dee Morse talk about the work of the Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project.
Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka at CHUO with other panelists heard in the program
Executive Director of UN Women on violence against women in Canada | Oct 25 2016 | Sarah Newton | In a roundtable with Canada's National Campus and Community Radio Association, Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka discussed violence against Indigenous women; how to include transgender people.
Flickr/Patrick Stahl
Free speech and the cruel shackles of empathy and mutual respect | Oct 23 2016 | Mercedes Allen | A nuanced dissection of UofT professor Jordan Peterson's campaign against trans* people in the name of free speech.
Image: Flickr/Ted Eytan
On Jordan Peterson's political correctness and the 'radical left' | Oct 20 2016 | Raluca Bejan | If claims for equality, diversity and 'that kind of thing' are ideological, so is the position of ignoring them.
Image: Twitter
Liberal support for NDP transgender bill could augur well for the future | Oct 18 2016 | Karl Nerenberg | The Trudeau Liberals voted for NDP MP Randall Garrison's Bill 16 that would ban discrimination on the basis of transgender status. Is that a sign of a willingess to co-operate across party lines?
Halifax Pride 2014
Atlantic Jewish Council doesn't speak for all Jewish Haligonians on Pinkwashing | Oct 14 2016 | Larry Haiven | The Atlantic Jewish Council took over Halifax Pride's Annual General Meeting in order to protect Israel's pinkwashing campaign "Size Doesn't Matter." Many Jews oppose such pinkwashing campaigns.
Image: Ludovic Bertron
How free speech was used as a weapon in the debate at Halifax Pride | Oct 8 2016 | Nora Loreto | Free speech is one of those values that is used as a way to disorient, confuse, obscure or end debate.
Photo: Alternative libertaire/flickr
Human rights protections raise new questions for freedom of speech | Oct 7 2016 | Rick Salutin | A commitment to free speech doesn't reconcile easily with human rights codes that may compel respect and courtesy toward specific groups -- including their right to be addressed as they choose.
David Eggen
We don't need an inquiry -- we need to bring the hammer of defunding down now on scofflaw private schools | Sep 21 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | When the inquiry fails, can we just get on with defunding those schools, please?
Gender issues in the garment sector in Indonesia | Sep 16 2016 | Jiselle Hanna, Piergiorgio Moro | Labour updates of workers' struggles from the Asia-Pacific region and interview with garment workers on gender and LGBTI issues at the workplace in Indonesia.
What exactly is the 'compromise' Jason Kenney thinks the NDP should make on sexual minority rights? | Sep 11 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | It's pretty rich for Jason Kenney, of all people, to accuse Alberta Education Minister David Eggen of trying to score political points by standing up for human rights.
David Eggen
Was pastor encouraged by right-wing allies to say intemperate things that could cost his private schools? | Sep 6 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | Don't expect Alberta Education Minister David Eggen to just drop this issue. Whatever Eggen does, this potato’s going to stay hot.

on babble

Vancouver sex workers honoured with memorial susan davis said... and it's about time, long have ideological and morality based enforcement actions as promoted by...
Show Pride in your small town Aristotleded24 said... We normally think of Pride events happening in big cities. However, in an effort to expand our...
Trudeau government introduces transgender rights bill Arthur Cramer said... Debater, the NDP and activists led on this issue for years. Stop acting like you guys are the ones...
Newly Elected Liberal MP Seamus O'Regan Enters Rehab terrytowel said... As per the title of this thread, Seamus O'Regan has just tweeted I've decided after consultation...
Do I and should I tell my roomate/landlord that I am a pre op trans woman? Pondering said... It's nobody's business but your own that you are transgender and your medical/physical status is...
How the NDP and Liberals are failing queer voters terrytowel said... Rob Salerno writes a very good piece
Petition in support of Bill C-279 (aka Gender Identity Bill) mark_alfred said... The Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto is just now launching an online petition to the Senate...
Cheri DiNovo wants Ontario to ban 'conversion therapy' for LBGT youth mark_alfred said...   Quote: NDP...
Michael Sam new Alouettes player mark_alfred said... Quote: The Montreal...
Ireland: Looks like a Yes! abnormal said... Every report I've seen says that the only question is how big will the margin of victory be. in

in cahoots

United Food and Commercial Workers
UFCW Canada activists show their Pride in nation's capital
The rain couldn't damper the spirits of UFCW Canada activists who participated in this year's Capital Pride parade in Ottawa.

on twitter