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David Suzuki's picture
Extinction crisis signals that it's time to change course | Nov 9 2016 | David Suzuki | Clean air, water and soil to grow food are necessities of life. So are diverse plant and animal populations. But as the human population continues to increase, animal numbers are falling.
karl nerenberg's picture
Trump suckers white working-class voters into putting him in the White House | Nov 9 2016 | Karl Nerenberg | Voters who believe Donald Trump really cares about their economic distress are in for a big shock. All that talk about shuttered factories and forgotten people was just a tactic for gaining power.
J. Baglow's picture
America flips the bird | Nov 9 2016 | J. Baglow | Trump triumphs: A time for reflection.
rabble staff's picture
Policy advocate Steven Staples named Acting Publisher of | Nov 9 2016 | rabble staff | The Board of Directors is very pleased to announce that Steven Staples has been appointed Acting Publisher of
Oct 27 2016
In "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" sociologist Matthew Desmond offers a critical examination of urban poverty and homelessness told through the stories of eight families.
Sep 15 2016
New collection "In This Together: Fifteen Stories of Truth and Reconciliation" describes what reconciliation can mean to the individual. But are words enough? Our reviewer says it's time for action.
Sep 8 2016
'Forbidden Fruit' is Gail Pellett's raw and highly personal memoir of the year, mid-1980 to mid-1981, when she lived in Beijing as China was just emerging from its decade-long Cultural Revolution.

Current rabble poll

40% of students lack access to adequate food. What did you call 'food insecurity' when you were in school?

A pretty revealing new report from Meal Exchange, Canada's only national organization dedicated to providing students with resources to quell food access instability, says that 40 per cent of Canadian post-secondary students from the five institutions studied are food insecure. You can read Adam van der Zwan's investigation into food insecurity and education here.

High tuition, insufficient food systems, housing costs all contribute to the difficulty of tracking down an honest meal. Students are certainly under more financial and social pressures than ever before. That said, while the language we use to describe insufficient access to adequate nutritious, affordable and palatable meals may have changed, the phenomenon of "food insecure" students is nothing new.

What did you call "food insecurity" when you were in school?

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