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In Language Production


Cutting through language barriers for a safer community

The NSW Police Force has a range of community information and educational material that is used to explain a range of legal and community matters relating to policing. Up until recently much of this material was written and also limited to the English language. The NSW Police Force was looking for new ways to deliver these messages into culturally diverse communities and they worked with SBS In Language Production to transform a range of English language fact sheets into online, digital videos in 16 languages.

Culturally aware

Policing and community safety information can be especially difficult to access for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and the NSW Police Force wanted to ensure that their message was delivered effectively and within the right context.

“The NSW Police Force acknowledges the complexity of cultures and communities and extensive diversity that makes NSW the second most diverse place in the world. The production of the digital videos has improved accessibility and inclusiveness for the community of NSW and in particular, victims of crime in NSW.”

Public Affairs, NSW Police Force

Speaking from a local perspective

SBS In Language Production was able to draw on the in-house video production talent and facilities to create video content that was engaging and effective. Most importantly the scripts for the different language versions were specific to each cultural group. The actors and voices were drawn from SBS’s network of talent, and it was important that the faces and voices in the videos were speaking from a local perspective.





The NSW Police Force now has an online resource that cuts through language, cultural and literacy barriers and SBS In Language Production is excited to be part of that work.

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