La Belle et la Bête.1946
À la campagne vit un marchand au bord de la faillite avec ses quatre enfants : un fils, Lu...
published: 17 Jul 2012
La Belle et la Bête.1946
À la campagne vit un marchand au bord de la faillite avec ses quatre enfants : un fils, Ludovic (Michel Auclair), et trois filles, Félicie (Mila Parély), Adélaïde (Nane Germon) et Belle (Josette Day). Deux de ces filles sont ignobles, égoïstes et ont un mauvais caractère ; elles traitent leur sœur, Belle, comme une domestique. Cocteau tire parfois le récit vers la farce, par exemple quand il fait adresser aux canards en train de caqueter un commentaire destiné aux sœurs de Belle. À ce moment-là le conte de fées évoque Cendrillon.
Un jour, le père part en voyage d'affaires ; avant de s'en aller, il promet à ses filles de leur rapporter des cadeaux. Pour Félicie et Adélaïde un perroquet et un singe, ainsi qu'une tonne d'artifices et de bijoux, et pour Belle une jolie rose. En route, il s'égare dans une forêt où il trouve un château étrange et majestueux ; après y avoir passé la nuit et y avoir soupé, il y remarque une rose qu'il décide de prendre pour Belle. C'est au moment où il la cueille qu'apparaît le propriétaire du château (Jean Marais), un monstre doté de pouvoirs magiques, à l'aspect mi-humain mi-animal. Le châtelain condamne le marchand à mort, à moins que ce dernier ne lui donne une de ses filles. Belle accepte de se sacrifier et s'en va vers le château. Son voyage est filmé dans un mouvement lent qui lui donne un caractère onirique. Quand elle voit la Bête, elle commence par s'évanouir, mais au fil du temps passé avec lui elle en vient à l'aimer, quand elle se rend compte que la Bête est autre chose que ce qu'un premier coup d'œil ferait croire. On se rend compte qu'elle devine l'âme pure qui se cache derrière la laideur de la Bête et la véritable bête est désormais un Prince qui veut se marier avec elle. Ce dernier possède étrangement les traits d'Avenant tandis que celui-ci, tué à cause de sa cupidité, a pris ceux de la Bête.
published: 17 Jul 2012
views: 67983
Hit Parade USA 1946 - Top 10 - DanntaS
music, hit parade, 1946, usa, top, billboard, chart, list, old, oldies, best., h...
published: 06 Oct 2009
Hit Parade USA 1946 - Top 10 - DanntaS
music, hit parade, 1946, usa, top, billboard, chart, list, old, oldies, best., hits, songs, classics, bigbands, big band, orchestra, frank sinatra, dinah shore, bing crosby, andrews sisters, johnny mercer, frankie carle, ink spots, eddy howard, perry como,
published: 06 Oct 2009
views: 60828
The Stranger (1946) - Full Movie
In 1946, Mr. Wilson (Edward G. Robinson) of the United Nations War Crimes Commission is hu...
published: 23 Mar 2010
The Stranger (1946) - Full Movie
In 1946, Mr. Wilson (Edward G. Robinson) of the United Nations War Crimes Commission is hunting for Nazi fugitive Franz Kindler (Orson Welles). Kindler has effectively concealed his Nazi activities prior to his escape to the United States. He assumes a new identity, Charles Rankin, lands a job as a university professor and marries Mary Longstreet (Loretta Young), who is the daughter of Supreme Court justice Judge Adam Longstreet.
Wilson releases Kindler's former associate Meinike (Konstantin Shayne) and follows him to Harper, Connecticut, but Meinike is strangled before he can identify Kindler. Wilson must convince Mrs. Rankin, the only person who knows for certain that Meinike came to meet her husband, that her Charles is a war criminal.
The Stranger is a 1946 American film noir/drama film starring Orson Welles, Edward G. Robinson, and Loretta Young. Welles also directed the film, which was based on an Oscar-nominated screenplay written by Victor Trivas. Sam Spiegel was the film's producer, and the film's musical score is by Bronisław Kaper. It is believed that this is the first film released after World War II that showed footage of concentration camps. The Stranger was the only film made by Welles to have been a bona fide box office success on the first release (Citizen Kane had made back its budget and marketing, but not enough to make a profit). The copyright was by "The Haig Corporation" and it has been in the public domain for several years.
The Stranger is in the public domain and can be downloaded here for free:
published: 23 Mar 2010
views: 326229
Hiroshima Aftermath 1946 USAF Film
Source: US National Archives, Archive Research Catalog
published: 23 Apr 2011
Hiroshima Aftermath 1946 USAF Film
Source: US National Archives, Archive Research Catalog
HIROSHIMA, WAY OF LIFE, 03/22/1946 - 04/08/1946
ARC Identifier 64526 / Local Identifier 342-USAF-11078
Moving Images from the Department of Defense. Department of the Air Force. (09/26/1947 - )
Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Records Section, Special Media Archives Services Division, College Park, MD
Item from Record Group 342: Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations, 1900 - 2003
published: 23 Apr 2011
views: 527138
Till the Clouds Roll By
Light bio-pic of American Broadway pioneer Jerome Kern, featuring renditions of the famous...
published: 17 May 2010
Till the Clouds Roll By
Light bio-pic of American Broadway pioneer Jerome Kern, featuring renditions of the famous songs from his musical plays by contemporary stage artists...June Allyson.
published: 17 May 2010
views: 26686
Wederopbouw van Nederland na WO II (1946)
Samenstelling van Neerlands Nieuws over het weer op gang komen van het leven in Nederland ...
published: 15 Jun 2007
Wederopbouw van Nederland na WO II (1946)
Samenstelling van Neerlands Nieuws over het weer op gang komen van het leven in Nederland na het einde van de oorlog. Bestaand uit fragmenten uit eerdere Hollands Nieuws-uitzendingen.
Deze video of jouw TV-favoriet op DVD bestellen?
Ga naar: http://www.beeldengeluid.nl/tvfavoriet
published: 15 Jun 2007
views: 55412
Яблочко 1946 г. - полная версия. Russian Terminator - full length cut.
Год выпуска: 1946, киностудия "Союздетфильм"
Режиссёры: Иван и Владимир Никитченко
published: 08 Jun 2012
Яблочко 1946 г. - полная версия. Russian Terminator - full length cut.
Год выпуска: 1946, киностудия "Союздетфильм"
Режиссёры: Иван и Владимир Никитченко
Художники: Иван и Владимир Никитченко
Оператор: Михаил Кириллов
В ролях: Давид Ашкенази (пианист), Владимир Зернов (матрос)
Доп. информация: "Оптические перекладки" - научно-исследовательская работа, известная лишь среди специалистов киноиндустрии. Ролик используется в качестве учебного пособия для студентов ВГИК и ГИТР. Его полная версия для обычных зрителей никогда не публиковалась. Он демонстрирует уникальный принцип создания спецэффектов, разработанный братьями И.С. и В.С.Никитченко на киностудии "Союздетфильм" в 1945 году, при участии мастеров А.Э.Авика, Е.Н.Царевского, А.А.Дюбакова. Главным оператором проекта стал легендарный кинооператор Михаил Николаевич Кириллов. На съемку ролика у создателей ушел примерно год. Сцены снимались отдельно, пленка проявлялась, затем при помощи специальной аппаратуры отдельные "куски" изображения проецировались на экран, куски - вплоть до мелких деталей- совмещались. Полученную картинку из совмещенных кадров переснимали с экрана на другую видеокамеру. Процесс повторялся, пленка проявлялась, проецировалась на экран, и вновь совмещалась с другими деталями, и вновь переснималась на видеокамеру с экрана.
Об актерах:
Давид Ашкенази - Знаменитый советский эстрадный пианист, концертмейстер и композитор.В послевоенные годы был аккомпаниатором Рашида Бейбутова, Изабеллы Юрьевой, Клавдии Шульженко, Людмилы Зыкиной, Марка Бернеса, Валентины Толкуновой, Иосифа Кобзона, Марины Гордон. Народный артист России (1996). Отец пианиста и дирижёра Владимира Ашкенази.
Владимир Зернов - Один из первых русских степистов. Первые свои номера (имелся и номер "Яблочко") он поставил еще вовремена НЭПа. Начинал выступать со старшим братом. Много позже работал в Московском ансамбле эстрадного танца «Семья Зерновых», педагогом в Государственном училище циркового и эстрадного искусства. Считается легендарным балетмейстером, воспитавшим плеяду талантливых учеников - Аркадия Насырова, Владимира Кирсанова, Олеко Абдуллаева, Сергей Скоробогатова и других.
published: 08 Jun 2012
views: 165384
Bogota, 1946
A film about the Colombian City of Bogota in the early 1940s. To purchase a clean DVD or d...
published: 29 Oct 2009
Bogota, 1946
A film about the Colombian City of Bogota in the early 1940s. To purchase a clean DVD or digital download of this film for personal home use or educational use only contact us at questions@archivesfarms.com. To license footage from this film for commercial use visit: www.travelfilmarchive.com
published: 29 Oct 2009
views: 86555
Restoring the Rule of Law - 1946 - A True Story, The Battle of Athens, TN
READ Information Below: Folks this happened only 12 years before my birth. This may have h...
published: 13 Jan 2013
Restoring the Rule of Law - 1946 - A True Story, The Battle of Athens, TN
READ Information Below: Folks this happened only 12 years before my birth. This may have happened in many of your parents lifetime. This could happen again.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson
American citizens restore the Rule of Law in an illegal election.
The Battle of Athens - 2 AUGUST 1946
These Americans were Tennesseeans of McMinn County, located between Chattanooga and Knoxville, in Eastern Tennessee.
On 2 August 1946, some Americans, brutalized by their county government, used armed force to overturn it. These Americans wanted honest, open elections. For years they had asked for state or Federal election monitors to prevent vote fraud -- forged ballots, secret ballot counts, and intimidation by armed sheriff's deputies -- by the local political boss. They got no help.
These Americans' absolute refusal to knuckle-under had been hardened by service in World War II. Having fought to free other countries from murderous regimes, they rejected vicious abuse by their county government. These Americans had a choice. Their state's Constitution - Article 1, Section 26 - recorded their right to keep and bear arms for the common defense. Few "gun control" laws had been enacted.
Above description can be read in full at http://constitution.org/mil/tn/batathen.htm
or please do a search for The battle of Athens for more information.
This video was brought to my attention from bctruck and LadyJoJoDmn channel.
Due to the social nature of this site, this channel may make use of copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this channel is offered publicly and without profit, to the public users of the internet for comment and nonprofit educational and informational purposes. The following work should be shared, is free and only for educational purposes.
published: 13 Jan 2013
views: 1264
Great Expectations John Mills Valerie Hobson 1946.avi
Great Expectations (1946)
A humble orphan suddenly becomes a gentleman with the help of a...
published: 21 May 2012
Great Expectations John Mills Valerie Hobson 1946.avi
Great Expectations (1946)
A humble orphan suddenly becomes a gentleman with the help of an unknown benefactor.
Director: David Lean
Writers: Charles Dickens (by), David Lean (adapted for the screen by)
Stars: John Mills, Valerie Hobson and Tony Wager
published: 21 May 2012
views: 15441
Youtube results:
Let's Play IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
Taking a quick break to dust off another older game in my collection to see how terrible I...
published: 28 Apr 2011
Let's Play IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946
Taking a quick break to dust off another older game in my collection to see how terrible I've become at it! This time it's IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946, a rather intense World War II combat flight simulator.
In this video I'll show you how to narrowly avoid disaster and death when taking off from and landing on an US Navy aircraft carrier. Then, I switch sides and take to the skies in a rocket plane to defend the Vaterland against an onslaught of B-17 bombers. Here I put my skills on display, showing how to waste all your ammo, run out of fuel and get blown to smithereens by the enemy. Mission success!
published: 28 Apr 2011
views: 75508
Criterion Trailer 176.2: The Killers 1946
www.criterionco.com / www.criteriondungeon.com - This is the trailer for the 1946 version ...
published: 01 Oct 2006
Criterion Trailer 176.2: The Killers 1946
www.criterionco.com / www.criteriondungeon.com - This is the trailer for the 1946 version of the criterion release of The Killers.
published: 01 Oct 2006
views: 26143