
September 11 2001 Video.
September 11 2001 Video.
September 11 2001 tribute and a watch of what happend that horrible morning near World Trade Center buildings. Victims and relatives must have Peace and Justice. Never Forget.

September 11, 2001 - As It Happened - The South Tower Attack
September 11, 2001 - As It Happened - The South Tower Attack
This segment is comprised of a succession of newscasts that feature the impact of Flight 175 into the South Tower as it happened LIVE at 9:03 AM. This segment documents and preserves how just about each and every network covered the moment the South Tower was struck on live television. Included are clips from ABC News, CBS News, WNYW-TV (Channel 5, New York), WNBC-TV (Channel 4, New York), NY1 (New York One, All News), Fox News Channel, WCBS-TV (Channel 2, New York), WPIX-TV (Channel 11, New York)... Also included in this segment are four NON-BRAOADCAST angles of the impact of Flight 175 into the South Tower. They are included here for completeness and utilize audio from NPR Radio from the morning. This is an exerpt from the DVD - "September 11, 2001 - As It Happened - A Composite."

9/11 The Falling Man
9/11 The Falling Man
9/11 was one of the most pivotal events in world history. Its impact will be felt for years to come. You owe it to yourself to go beyond the sound bites and the simplified official story. This is an extremely complicated story with numerous players and motives. The 9/11 information doesn't all make sense or fit neatly together. It's a story full of espionage, deceit, and lies. But if there are forces out there tricking us, they can only succeed if we, the general public, remain ignorant and passive. Download links will be provided for your benefit soon. Please don't spam me, I do have a life other than youtube. :)

Thanks to "Xendrius" for another Outstanding Documentary ! Xendrius is the creator of this video, i help him spread the word. Please check out the other videos pertaining to this FALSE FLAG ATTACK on my channel as well as his. For those of you who doubt the "conspiracy theories", and accept the "offcial" fairytale of cavemen pulling this monumental feat... you unfortunately are a victim of years of conditioning and mental programming. The US Government as well as all other Governments in the world are NOT who you think they are. They are a tightly knit network of occultists who all share the same Religion. They are NOT Christian, Muslim, or Jew... but Satanists. They Refer to themselves as "Luciferians" . They created this horrible false flag attack to initiate the first stages of the NEW WORLD ORDER. The War on Terror Marks the first stage of their plan. Coming soon ...... WWIII - The Christian "Zionist" Nations Vs. The Muslim nations of the World. Their End Goal is a One World Government with One Central Bank, One Religion, and most importantly .. ONE SUPREME RULER. Seems far fetched ? We are ALMOST THERE...

INSIDE 9/11 : ZERO HOUR (PART 1 of 4)
INSIDE 9/11 : ZERO HOUR (PART 1 of 4)
Part1(contains:the plan/hijacking/WTC impacts) Minute by minute documentary about September 11 2001 and the terrorist attacks that day. It contains tons of footage from the WTC impacts and collapse as well as the pentagon.It contains interviews with survivors and actual recordings from the WTC , passengers, flight crew and the terrorists on the planes. This is a National Geographic Channel documentary from 2005-06(PART 1 of 4)

9/11: WTC South Tower Plane Crash
9/11: WTC South Tower Plane Crash
Compiled views of video capturing the plane impact on the South Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. Download 100 MB clip: www.megaupload.com

Amateur 9/11 Footages
Amateur 9/11 Footages
Huge collection of video footages captured on September 11th 2001. Shows views from inside the Lobby of the North Tower, the South Tower's attacks, and the collapse. Plus the collapse of World trade Center 7. My nineteenth video.. Please Rate and Comment

Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (MUST SEE)
Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (MUST SEE)
So many 9/11 witnesses or people who would seem to have knowledge of the cover up have been mysteriously dying. This all can't be a coincidence.

9/11 Mysteries - [Full Length]
9/11 Mysteries - [Full Length]
90 minutes of evidence and analysis, filled with eyewitness testimonials. Point-by-point review of the official story set alongside clear science. The question is not one of politics or nationalism or loyalty, but one of strict and simple physics. Does steel melt in open air fires? What caused the core to vanish in seconds? No agenda. No finger-pointing. Just the facts and the questions. www.infowars.com

9/11/01: The Exploding Van With a Mural of a Plane Hitting The WTC (NYPD Police Radio Reports)
9/11/01: The Exploding Van With a Mural of a Plane Hitting The WTC (NYPD Police Radio Reports)
One word.... Mossad.

9/11 World Trade Center Attack - YouTube Banned this Video World Wide
9/11 World Trade Center Attack - YouTube Banned this Video World Wide
9/11 World Trade Center Attack - YouTube Banned this Video World Wide 9/11 World Trade Center Attack - YouTube Banned this Video World Wide this is the edited version, the original version was banned from my acount World Wide, Youtube also put a Strike on my Account. Boeing Uninterruptible Autopilot—If anyone attempts to force their way into the cockpit an autopilot can be activated manually or by pressure sensors that are installed in the cockpit door. This would eliminate any possibility of terrorists using the aircraft as a deadly missile. The "uninterpretable" autopilot would be activated -- either by pilots, by on board sensors, or even remotely via radio or satellite links by government agencies like the Central Intelligence Agency, if terrorists attempt to gain control of a flight deck. Carlton Bartels, who was killed on 911, invented and held the patent on a computer-based system for simulated automated carbon trading while at Co2e by putting out a news story for example, in the mainstream media to see what effect it would have on the value of the amount of carbon dioxide put out. On the morning of 911 Carlton Bartels was operating this simulated game and it is alleged his simulation administrator codes were stolen and then the game hacked into taking the game from a simulation to an actually live game. On the morning of 911, Captain Chic Burlingame's American Airlines Flight 77, it is alleged, taken over by a Boeing uninterrupted autopilot and as a 'drone' with a <b>...</b>

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory
Transcript and sources: www.corbettreport.com Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.

By Brian Bezalel Song: "Hands" By Jewel Created: 2003 **Now with Closed Captions** This music video details the events which occurred on September 11, 2001, the reaction to the attack, as well as its consequences. This is a tribute to all 2998 people who died that day, as well as those who responded to the scene to help (who are still suffering from health complications to this day). Please be respectful. I encourage everyone to share the video, and use it for whatever purpose they desire. We all need to remember what occurred on that day, and to learn from this tragedy.

9/11 Truth Versus The BBC
9/11 Truth Versus The BBC
Debunking the BBC's Conspiracy Files and Conspiracy Road Trip hitpieces. Featuring clips from the following "debunking" sources: The Conspiracy Files - 9/11. Aired February 2007. The Conspiracy Files - The Third Tower. Aired June 2008. The Conspiracy Files - The Third Tower (Updated). Aired October 2008. The Conspiracy Files - 9/11: Ten Years On. Aired August 2011. 9/11 Conspiracy Road Trip. Aired September 2011. National Geographic - 9/11: Science and Conspiracy. Aired August 2009. NECSS 2009 - "The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe" Panel. Filmed September 2009. Also features a clip fom Jesse Ventura's 9/11 Pentagon episode and footage of me burning the 9/11 Commission Report on 9/11/2010!

Who Cares About 9/11?
Who Cares About 9/11?
The TSA, DHS, patriot act, police state, and all the rest wouldn't be where they are now if it hadn't been for 9/11, but people seem to forget that. Do you still care? Are you still truthing about 9/11?

9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out - Trailer - AE911Truth.org
9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out - Trailer - AE911Truth.org
This is the trailer for the much-anticipated Final Edition of the expert-packed 90-minute documentary by Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. The powerful documentary takes its cross-country World Premiere Tour of 30 cities with AE911Truth founder and the film's director, Richard Gage, AIA, from May to July 2012. Please send this YouTube link far and wide and share it with your Facebook friends. The film, which has been edited over the last six months since its "Pre-Release v1.3" and which has now been packed with over a hundred new photos and videos, while still being cut down to 90 minutes, will be ready for viewing/download by May 21, 2012. It can also be ordered in our online store now and it will ship to you 5/29/12. Order the DVD today at shop.ae911truth.org Feature-length 9/11 Documentary: www.911ExpertsSpeakOut.org http Join 23-year architect Richard Gage, AIA, in this feature length documentary with cutting-edge 9/11 evidence from more than 50 top experts in their fields -- high-rise architects, structural engineers, physicists, chemical engineers, firefighters, metallurgists, explosives experts, controlled demolition technicians, and more. Each is highly qualified in his/her respective fields. Several have Ph.D's -- including National Medal of Science awardee Lynn Margulis. She, along with the other experts, exposes the fraud of NIST and discusses how the scientific method should have been applied and acknowledges the "overwhelming" evidence of high <b>...</b>

The 9/11 Masterminds - Zionist Insiders Assisting Mossad & CIA
The 9/11 Masterminds - Zionist Insiders Assisting Mossad & CIA
Most of the material for this video was adapted from Kevin Ryan's landmark article on who had "Demolition access to the WTC Towers": Reposted from www.youtube.com

The Secret Service on 9/11 - Kevin Ryan on GRTV
The Secret Service on 9/11 - Kevin Ryan on GRTV
Kevin Ryan, a former site manager for Environmental Health Laboratories and a whistleblower on Underwriters' Laboratories involvement in the discredited NIST report on the WTC destruction, joins us to discuss his latest article on the anomalous actions of the secret service on 911, and what it tells us about possible government foreknowledge of the attacks. Read Kevin Ryan's article here: www.washingtonsblog.com

9-11 Veritas @ Harvard University : "The Fictional Basis of the War on Terror"
9-11 Veritas @ Harvard University : "The Fictional Basis of the War on Terror"
Dr. Graeme MacQueen discusses the 9-11 attacks and anthrax mailings in his presentation "The Fictional Basis of the War On Terror". Harvard University, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Studies May 22 2010 Born in Nova Scotia, Graeme MacQueen received his Ph.D. in comparative religion from Harvard University and taught in the Religious Studies department of McMaster University for 30 years. In 1989 he became founding Director of the Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster, after which he helped develop the BA programme in Peace Studies and co-directed (with $2 million in government, UN and NGO funding) peace-building projects in Sri Lanka, Gaza, Croatia and Afghanistan. He has also contributed to the development of the Women's Peace Brigade in north India (active now in several states) and was involved for some years in the Third Option, a peace initiative for Afghanistan. He has published numerous peer-reviewed articles and book chapters as well as four books. He took early retirement from McMaster University to devote his energy to peace and justice work. For the past five years most of Graeme's research has focused on the events and anomalies of 9/11. He has written four research articles on the subject: www.journalof911studies.com www.journalof911studies.com www.journalof911studies.com www.journalof911studies.com Graeme has given numerous interviews and talks on 9/11, some of which can be found on the internet. americanbuddhist.net investigate911.se www.youtube.com www <b>...</b>

Inside Story - Will the 9/11 suspects receive a fair trial?
Inside Story - Will the 9/11 suspects receive a fair trial?
Suspects of the 9/11 attacks show defiance at their US military court hearing in Guantanamo Bay with defence lawyers questioning the legitimacy of the process. Will the 5 men get a fair trial? Guests: Richard Weitz, Jeremy Corbyn, Najeeb Al-Nuaimi.

Architects & engineers evidence proves 9/11 story fake
Architects & engineers evidence proves 9/11 story fake
Richard Gage founder and chief spokesperson of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is on a tour of 12 Canadian cities. His aim is to demonstrate that the official cover story of the pulverization of three World Trade Center Buildings on 9/11 does not conform with the available evidence. This week his talks included a presentation to Prof. Anthony Hall's Globalization Studies students at the University of Lethbridge. Gage's Canadian tour is timed to coincide with a petition, signed so far by 1400 Canadian citizens. It will be read into the record of the Canadian parliament by a principled parliamentarian who questions the veracity of the cover story fed to the world within hours of the 9/11 debacle. Richard Gage demonstrated to students that, for the the official cover story to be true, many basic laws of physics and engineering would have had to be be suspended. As Gage proceeded to debunk numerous state-sponsored myths about 9/11 it became apparent to many in the audience that 9/11 could only have been a false-flag psychological operation orchestrated to provide a pretext for imperialist wars of aggression. In particular, Gage drew attention to the collapse of World Trade Center 7 which fell symmetrically into its own footprint at 5:20pm without having been struck by an airplane. Many see the obvious controlled demolition of WTC 7 as the smoking gun of 9/11, as the most clear demonstration that the world has been subjected to a monstrous lie that purposely <b>...</b>