
Cops arrest innocent man for taking a cell phone video of a scuffle. Charge: Attempted Murder!
What you are about to see is the real video shot by WTF Magazine's owner who was arrested ...
published: 19 May 2012
author: TheWTFMagazine
Cops arrest innocent man for taking a cell phone video of a scuffle. Charge: Attempted Murder!
What you are about to see is the real video shot by WTF Magazine's owner who was arrested on charges of Conspiracy to Commit 1st Degree Murder for THIS VIDEO! This is a clear example of Baltimore's overcharging and malicious prosecution. Charges were later dropped due to lack of evidence only after he spent 50 days in Baltimore City Jail facing three life sentences! This is an outrage and clear Civil Rights violation. Since when does taking a cell video make you a Conspirator to murder??? How does a black eye turn into attempted murder? Why was a cop with the same last name as the victim involved in the witnesses statement? Everyone that knows the facts of this case agrees someone's dirty. As you watch this, do note that we do not condone the actions of anyone in this video and we aren't attempting to justify those action, but are the two members alone in this fight... or were all parties involved in the scuffle? Blatant lies overlooked by the police...why? Police say the victims were totally innocent and just defending themselves... or were they in fact on the offensive for much of the fight??? You decide! Update: Daniel Goodman (the boy) was charged with domestic violence 7 days after this incident by Megan Hurka (the brunette) then charges went back and forth between them of second degree assault 3 times...Seems they have a history of violence that progressed on.
published: 19 May 2012
views: 10958

Police involved Shooting-Attempted Murder of Officer
Police officer forced to shoot a man after he attacked the officer. Police ran a warrant c...
published: 27 Jun 2011
author: jacksongino
Police involved Shooting-Attempted Murder of Officer
Police officer forced to shoot a man after he attacked the officer. Police ran a warrant check and found that the subject had a warrant.
published: 27 Jun 2011
author: jacksongino
views: 54429

Brutal attempted murder! Brutální pokus o vraždu! Ale moc se to útočníkovi nepovedlo.
Belarus - On June 30 2011, Brest provincial law court sentenced a 33-year old man to 10 ye...
published: 11 Mar 2012
author: Christiangeorgiu
Brutal attempted murder! Brutální pokus o vraždu! Ale moc se to útočníkovi nepovedlo.
Belarus - On June 30 2011, Brest provincial law court sentenced a 33-year old man to 10 years in prison for attempted murder. In August 2010 he was having his wedding celebration in the local cafe 'Baranovich'. When a cafe staff member asked him and his quests not to smoke indoors, the groom demanded the 'complaints book', and when it was brought to him, tore its covers off, started breaking the dishes and to threaten the cafe staff. To pacify the enraged man, the cafe staff threatened to call the police, after which the groom and his guests hurriedly left the establishment, but a short while later the man returned with a knife in his hand, charged behind the counter and stabbed the female bartender 11 times and would have probably killed the woman had it not been for the other cafe clients that came to her help and struch him three times on the head with a bottle. I've uploaded two version of the CCTV-video, first being the short one, on the longer one you can see the cops were there just before the stabbing... Oh! Also forgot to mention the guy and his guests were of course drunk..
published: 11 Mar 2012
author: Christiangeorgiu
views: 2902

Four arrested for attempted murder
Four people are arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a woman was found in a dis...
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: pressassociation
Four arrested for attempted murder
Four people are arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a woman was found in a distressed state, abandoned in woodland in Huddersfield
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: pressassociation
views: 8

Md. Teen to Face Attempted Murder Charges
A 15-year-old student has been charged as an adult with attempted first-degree murder in a...
published: 28 Aug 2012
author: AssociatedPress
Md. Teen to Face Attempted Murder Charges
A 15-year-old student has been charged as an adult with attempted first-degree murder in a shooting on the first day of classes at a Baltimore County High School. (Aug. 28)
published: 28 Aug 2012
author: AssociatedPress
views: 1663

DayZ Adventures - Episode 54 - Attempted Murder
Surviving the simulated zombie apocalypse, one can of baked beans at a time. In this episo...
published: 14 Jul 2012
author: SpockBlocker
DayZ Adventures - Episode 54 - Attempted Murder
Surviving the simulated zombie apocalypse, one can of baked beans at a time. In this episode, we continue our search for a vehicle and run into an unarmed player. Talk to me on Twitter: www.twitter.com Follow the Live Stream: www.twitch.tv Join the Steam Group: www.steamcommunity.com Facebook: www.facebook.com
published: 14 Jul 2012
author: SpockBlocker
views: 8288

Attempted Murder of Police Officer During Traffic Stop
Listen closely to hear the hammer drop on the suspect's revolver the first time it's fired...
published: 27 Apr 2012
author: hckrwolf
Attempted Murder of Police Officer During Traffic Stop
Listen closely to hear the hammer drop on the suspect's revolver the first time it's fired - just inches away from the officer's face. Watch for sparks from the telephone pole he hits. This is an amazing video of what should've been a routine traffic stop... this officer is extremely lucky to be alive today. INFO: HAMILTON - A coroner's inquest found Tuesday that Hamilton Police Officer Ross Jessop was justified in shooting Raymond Thane Davis to death after the Hamilton man opened fire during a late-night traffic stop in January. It took a six-woman jury one hour to make its ruling following nearly five hours of testimony, which included a video that showed Davis pointing a pistol inches from Jessop's face and pulling the trigger. The click of the revolver's hammer hitting a previously fired round was audible in the recording. Davis fired a second time as the officer fell back and drew his own weapon. Jessop fired his pistol 14 times into Davis' vehicle as it sped away. One round hit Davis, 36, in the back and he died at the scene. Davis' .41 caliber revolver was recovered from the floorboard of his vehicle. Its hammer was cocked and ready to fire. *** Jessop was raised in Pinesdale. He is a 2001 Corvallis graduate who had been working at the Hamilton Police Department since 2008. On Jan. 1, he came on shift at 4:45 pm and was scheduled to get off work 10 hours later, at 2:45 am That night, Jessop first saw Davis talking to two Hamilton police officers. The officers were ...
published: 27 Apr 2012
author: hckrwolf
views: 37567

Murder and attempted murder by shotgun demonstrators in #Bahrain البحرين
a short clips that shows some of the daily crimes of the brutal Bahraini regime...
published: 20 May 2012
author: amarpaint79
Murder and attempted murder by shotgun demonstrators in #Bahrain البحرين
a short clips that shows some of the daily crimes of the brutal Bahraini regime
published: 20 May 2012
author: amarpaint79
views: 2067

PKR veep quizzed over 'attempted murder' article
PKR vice-president N Surendran cried foul as police decided to question him when he accomp...
published: 27 Jul 2011
author: malaysiakini
PKR veep quizzed over 'attempted murder' article
PKR vice-president N Surendran cried foul as police decided to question him when he accompanied PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim's bodyguard Fayyahd Afiq Albakqry to record a statement at Travers police station at 3pm today. Full story: malaysiakini.com Camera/Editing : Arvind Raj
published: 27 Jul 2011
author: malaysiakini
views: 5508

The Sims 3 w/ Chilled (Part 29: Attempted Murder and Love!)
If you enjoyed the video, leave a Like and a comment, I love reading them! Thanks! www.you...
published: 21 Feb 2012
author: CriousGamers
The Sims 3 w/ Chilled (Part 29: Attempted Murder and Love!)
If you enjoyed the video, leave a Like and a comment, I love reading them! Thanks! www.youtube.com Part 29 of the Sims Extravaganza. So...the Pool didn't work. Time to burn this motherfucker down...all the while trying to love and Woo Kate! So...I havent played The Sims in like...ten years. Heres to much success! If you have any tips for being a star...leave them in the comments. I plan on being an International Super Star!!...uh...spy...yea spy. Thanks for watching...I love you guys... Follow me on the Internets! www.twitter.com www.facebook.com www.reddit.com
published: 21 Feb 2012
author: CriousGamers
views: 55173

Lawyer: Assault on Anwar's guard 'attempted murder'
The lawyer for Fayyahd Afiq Albakqry, a member of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's securi...
published: 20 Jul 2011
author: malaysiakini
Lawyer: Assault on Anwar's guard 'attempted murder'
The lawyer for Fayyahd Afiq Albakqry, a member of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's security detail who was injured while protecting his principal, says they view the action of the police as "causing bodily harm" and "attempted murder", as prescribed under criminal law. The bodyguard's lawyer, N Surendran, who is also a PKR vice-president, said this when met by reporters in front of the Dang Wangi police district headquarters this afternoon after Fayyahd lodged a report over the police assault which resulted in his injuries. "During the Hindraf rally, only one person threw a rock at police and yet 30 people were charged with attempted murder," reminded Surendren, saying that a similar charge must now stick upon police personnel who fired tear gas canisters directly into the crowd. Fellow counsel R Sivarasa added that the police had committed three violations of accepted law enforcement conduct during the assault. Full story: www.malaysiakini.com Camera: Amir Abdullah Editing: Tan Jiun Wuu
published: 20 Jul 2011
author: malaysiakini
views: 12828

Survival Time! Season 1 Ep. 12 - "Attempted murder, same thing."
The continuation of Niea and Misconduct's mission to survive with NO cheats and NO mods. W...
published: 09 Sep 2011
author: 2girls1minecraft
Survival Time! Season 1 Ep. 12 - "Attempted murder, same thing."
The continuation of Niea and Misconduct's mission to survive with NO cheats and NO mods. We're so screwed. Visit our website! www.2girls1minecraft.com Follow us on twitter! http Like us on facebook! www.facebook.com Want some 2g1m merchandise? Click here: www.cafepress.com Ending credit song by Paradise Decay: www.youtube.com
published: 09 Sep 2011
author: 2girls1minecraft
views: 7805

LONDON RIOTS: Is this attempted murder? Building gets set on fire with people inside
This is one of the most disturbing scenes to come out of the London Riots. A shop is set a...
published: 10 Aug 2011
author: Dylan Clements
LONDON RIOTS: Is this attempted murder? Building gets set on fire with people inside
This is one of the most disturbing scenes to come out of the London Riots. A shop is set a lite in Clapham and then set on fire. Above the shops there were people living in a flat. They quickly evacuated however on exiting they had bottles and other items thrown at them. The whole building was demolised by fire. If you have any commercial enquiries regarding this footage then please contact Raw Cut TV - www.rawcut.tv (C) Copyright - Dylan Clements 2011 - Not to be reproduced in anyway with out permission
published: 10 Aug 2011
author: Dylan Clements
views: 17801

Eddie Bravo gets charged with attempted murder?
Eddie Bravo gets charged with attempted murder 10th planet jiu jitsu rubber guard twister ...
published: 09 Aug 2011
author: Eddie Bravo
Eddie Bravo gets charged with attempted murder?
Eddie Bravo gets charged with attempted murder 10th planet jiu jitsu rubber guard twister lockdown half guard
published: 09 Aug 2011
author: Eddie Bravo
views: 75631
Vimeo results:

The Silent Scream | Strigătul mut (Romanian subtitles)
„THE SILENT SCREAM” - COMPLETE VERSION - Abortion is Infanticide
[see also: „The Answer” ...
published: 19 Aug 2009
author: provita
The Silent Scream | Strigătul mut (Romanian subtitles)
„THE SILENT SCREAM” - COMPLETE VERSION - Abortion is Infanticide
[see also: „The Answer” http://vimeo.com/37862103 ]
Dr. Bernard Nathanson's classic video that shocked the world.
He is a former abortionist, having been the director of the largest clinic in the Western world.
He explains the procedure of a suction abortion, followed by an actual first trimester abortion as seen through ultrasound. The viewer can see the child's pathetic attempts to escape the suction curette as her heart rate doubles, and a "silent scream" as her body is torn apart.
A great tool to help people see why abortion is murder. The most important video on abortion ever made. This video changed opinion on abortion to many people.
American Portrait Films
Call 1-800-736-4567
:: RO ::
"STRIGĂTUL MUT": Vezi si www.strigatulmut.ro !
[Vezi urmarea - „Răspunsul” http://vimeo.com/37862103 ]
"Strigătul mut" ("The Silent Scream") este un documentar care arată că avortul nu "îndepărtează un ghem de ţesuturi", aşa cum afirmă susţinătorii acestuia, ci ucide o ființă vie. Filmul prezintă şi explică înregistrarea cu ultrasunete a unui avort prin aspiraţie, în primul trimestru de sarcină.
Imaginea copilului nenăscut, ferindu-se de chiuretă şi căscând gura într-un "strigăt mut" în încercarea de a scăpa de instrumentul ucigaş, este una din cele mai dramatice scene captate vreodată.
Filmul este realizat şi prezentat de dr. Bernard Nathanson, pe care "Strigătul mut" l-a schimbat total. Din director al uneia din cele mai mari clinici de avorturi din New York şi fondator al organizaţiei care a legalizat avortul în SUA (NARAL), dr. Nathanson a devenit un mare luptător pentru cauza vieţii.
Acest film nu are nimic a face cu religia. Dr. Nathanson s-a declarat ateu. Nu are nimic a face cu "convingerile personale". Este doar crudul adevăr: avortul nu înseamnă "dreptul femeii de a alege", ci o crimă comisă "legal" împotriva unei fiinţe umane.
Organizaţiile, medicii şi politicienii pro-avort din România şi întreaga lume ţin femeile în ignoranţă, ascunzându-le, prin omisiune sau minciună, adevărata natură a acestui act criminal, dar şi consecinţele devastatoare pe care avortul le are chiar asupra femeilor care-l fac.
Avortul a devenit o industrie puternică şi influentă. Cu cinism, cei care pretind că "ajută femeile" operează în toată lumea o reţea de mii de clinici, cu o cifră de afaceri de miliarde de dolari. Bani pătaţi de sânge de om.
Împotriva acestora se poate lupta cu instrumente precum "Strigătul mut". Vizionaţi filmul şi anunţaţi şi pe alţii despre existenţa lui.
Descărcaţi filmul tradus în limba română de la http://www.provita.org.ro
Organizaţiile pro-vita (pro-life) pot primi gratuit în scopuri educaţionale o copie a documentarului, în format DVD, de la Asociaţia Pro-vita Bucureşti - http://www.provitabucuresti.ro
Casetă de copyright
Prezentat de Dr. Bernard N. Nathanson | Producător Executiv Donald S. Smith
Pentru mai multe informaţii despre acest film sau alte filme pro-vita, Contactaţi:
American Portrait Films, Inc.
503 East 20th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44119
(216) 531-8600
Tradus cu permisiune
Copyright 1984, by American Portrait Films. All Rights Reserved, cel mai mare producător şi distribuitor de filme în problemele Pro-Vita.
abortion the silent scream abortions anti-abortion pro-life prolife pro life infanticide pregnancy pregnant unborn pre-born babies baby termination abortionists Planned Parenthood NARAL fetus fetal embryo rape incest abortion-on-demand pro-abortion roe wade supreme court legal illegal born alive infants protection act freedom of infant partial-birth induced suction dilation evacuation extraction intact curretage vacuum aspiration partial birth terminate obama pro-choice prochoice choice live

Not many people know this, but as I child I used to train heavily in Sport Karate, which i...
published: 21 Oct 2011
author: BENIGA
Not many people know this, but as I child I used to train heavily in Sport Karate, which is what Tricking is derived from. I've seen Tricking being applied to a lot of dance numbers lately, but have yet to see a real marriage between the two. This is my attempt to make sense of it all.
I hope this finds you well!

Sacred Marriage 2: The Refining Fire (How to Make a Great Rub)
We are all in the gutter, but some of us look at the stars-Oscar Wilde
They dream in court...
published: 03 Nov 2009
author: Jim Tompkins
Sacred Marriage 2: The Refining Fire (How to Make a Great Rub)
We are all in the gutter, but some of us look at the stars-Oscar Wilde
They dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake…Alexander Pope
Because marriage, more than any other relationship, reflects God’s involvement with us and bears more potential to draw our hearts to heaven, it can more readily give us a taste of hell (Dan Allender & Tremper Longman III)
We all associate the image of fire with hell. And many marriages in American have gone through this fire of Hell. Whether the marriage ends or the couple stays together, marriage is seen by some as hell on earth.
The Apostle Peter was well acquainted with fire.
He denied Jesus while warming his hands over fire. Jesus questioned his love while fish were roasting over fire. In both cases he associated fire with a test. One he failed another he passed. I think that is why he wrote these verses in 1 Peter 4:12-13 (NLT):
1 Peter 4:12-13 (NLT) Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.
1 Peter 1:6-7 (NLT) So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.
Fire is certainly viewed as destructive and dangerous. Fires destroy forests, but fires also lead to renewal. Fire burns away the dross surrounding certain metals and reveals the pure gold or silver. The fires of life can destroy our marriage, or, if survived, purify our marriage. The fires of our marriage can draw our hearts to heaven or leave us with the taste of hell.
In the movie Fireproof
Captain Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) is a firefighter in Albany, Georgia. His seven-year marriage to Catherine is falling apart. Neither one understands the pressures the other faces, and after a heated argument in which Caleb screams in Catherine's face, she declares she wants out of the marriage, and takes off her wedding ring.
While Caleb claims to his friends and co-workers that Catherine is over-sensitive and disrespectful, Catherine simultaneously claims to her peers that Caleb is insensitive to her needs and doesn't listen to her. Further catalyzing Catherine's motivation for divorce is Caleb's addiction to Internet pornography and a large sum of money ($24,000, to be exact) he has saved up for a fishing boat he intends to buy, ignoring the fact that Catherine's disabled mother is in need of hospital equipment that she cannot afford, and which insurance refuses to cover. Caleb tells his father John about the impending divorce, and John challenges Caleb to commit to a 40-day test called, "The Love Dare." Caleb reluctantly agrees to do the test, but more for the sake of his father than his marriage. Catherine initially sees through Caleb's half-hearted attempts to win back her heart, which deepens Caleb's frustration. But with his father's encouragement, Caleb continues with The Love Dare, and eventually makes a life-changing commitment to God, unbeknownst to Catherine.
The movie has some various twists but the end result is Caleb and Catherine realize they need each other, and at the end they renew their vows in an outdoor ceremony, this time as a covenant with God. Their marriage is FIREPROOF.
Marriage is a Covenant
Did you see your marriage vows as a marriage Covenant? Did both you and your spouse get married knowing you were making a covenant before God! You did, whether you realized it or not.
Definition: a binding and solemn agreement to do or keep from doing a specified thing; compact
We know of Covenants from the Bible. God put a rainbow in the sky as a covenant that He would never destroy the world by rain. He made a Covenant with Abraham, He made a Covenant with David, He made a Covenant with all who by faith believe in Jesus Christ. That Covenant was sealed by the blood and body of Jesus.
When we get married, we enter into a covenant before God. In a Covenant, you make a binding agreement to stay with this woman or man until they die. In that Covenant we also promise to do so and so.
Most people believe “Well, my husband broke his promise to love me, or take care of me or so and so, so it’s OK for me to break my promise to him.” Or, well my wife is no longer the person I married, so my vow does not apply.
WE draw a line in our marriage
“I’ll keep my end of the covenant as long as you don’t cross over this line.” I’ll keep my word as long as you don’t … … … But as soon as you do, that’s it, I’m out of here!
That would be OK if marriage

How to Invite people to Grace Compass Church?
Grace Compass Church
7 Steps to More Spiritual Conversations
Here is what I do to engage ...
published: 27 Apr 2009
author: Grace Compass Church
How to Invite people to Grace Compass Church?
Grace Compass Church
7 Steps to More Spiritual Conversations
Here is what I do to engage people in a spiritual conversation:
1. Make it a priority. Be intentional
2. Pray for the opportunities.
3. Get out into the community.
4. Cultivate relationships.
5. Learn to ask good questions.
6. Look for God’s work in people.
7. Guard your heart.
Effective Evangelism Training
Power of the Holy Spirit emphasizes learning God’s vision for evangelism, and developing a passion for personal evangelism. This evangelism conference also seeks to develop practical evangelism skills in cooperating with the Holy Spirit.
The course uses a lot of the principles we teach about cooperating with the Holy Spirit and conversational evangelism, based on Phillip and Ethiopian Eunuch.
Phillip And The Ethiopian Eunuch
By EvangelismCoach • April 24, 2007
Acts Conversions
Let’s look at an “easy conversion,” that of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts Chapter 8.
This conversion was as simple as picking a ripe mango ready to fall from a tree.
It’s not so much about the Eunuch as it is about Phillip being God’s tool to help the man come to faith.
The fruit is ready
The Fruit is Ready
These are the kinds of evangelistic conversations I love because a person has been prepared by the Lord to this point, and I get to be the one God uses to bring that person into the kingdom.
It reminds me that God is the Evangelist, that the Holy Spirit goes before us to prepare the way, and that when we are obedient to His promptings, the Lord can use us.
The passage: Acts 8:26-40.
Phillip had been directed by the Lord to go on a scavenger hunt. “Go to the south road, the desert road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.”
Phillip was then prompted to go and stand near a chariot that was on the road.
Phillip hears a man reading a particular passage from the book of Isaiah.
Phillip asks if he understands.
The man’s response: “How can I unless someone explains it to me? Please tell me who the prophet is talking about.”
Phillip began there and told him the good news about Jesus. The eunuch believed, he took baptism, and went on his way rejoicing, never to see Phillip again.
A seeker:
We know from the text what Phillip didn’t know at first. This man had been coming from Jerusalem, where he had been to worship God. Phillip didn’t know him, but found a man reading out loud from the Old Testament.
This man shows all the signs of one who is spiritualy thirsty.
• He had reworked his schedule to go to Jerusalem on his own.
• He was reading from the Scripture.
• He wanted somebody to explain what he was reading.
• He was willing to search for the truth.
• He was willing to understand.
This man was hungry for the things of God. He was spiritually thirsty. Prepared by God.
All he needed was a person to help explain.
An evangelist.
The Lord used an obedient Phillip to help this man into the kingdom.
Both sides always balance
God worked both sides of the equation, so to speak, putting Phillip and the spiritualy thirsty eunuch in the same place at the same time. This positioning is the Role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism.
All Phillip had to do in this encounter with a stranger was to obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
In other words, Phillip got to work with God.
Phillip didn’t
• need to pry open a hard heart like a can of beans.
• have to waste hours of conversation about the existence of God.
• need to get the Eunuch to the starting point of a Gospel Script
All the talk in the world could not replace the work of God that prepared the eunuch ahead of time.
Luke on summarizes the conversation as “the good news about Jesus”. This was not a Scripted Evangelism Conversation.
So what?
For one brief afternoon, the stories of these two strangers intersected. Phillip was doing his ordinary routine when the Lord prompted him to go to specific place. The eunuch was simply going home after a pilgrimage.
But at one moment, their paths crossed and one man’s destiny was changed.
It is my desire that you spend time asking “God where are you at work?” It’s much easier to cooperate with God’s activity, rather than wasting hours of argument prying open a locked heart.
The key is that Phillip noticed “THAT” Chariot. God underlined the chariot and Phillip positioned himself.
We know that God’s Spirit is at work in us as believers, training us, teaching us, and transforming us.
But, I also want to point out how the Holy Spirit prepares the way for evangelism to occur naturally.
Consider Phillip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. Clearly the Spirit of God was at work in the life of the Eunuch.
• He had gone to Jerusalem to worship.
• He was reading Scripture.
• He wanted someone to explain Scripture to him.
The eunuch had a spiritual thirst, created by the Holy Spirit, and he was busy searching to slake that thirst. He was like the merchant looking for the fine pearl.
Easy Conversati
Youtube results:

LSU Girl Tried to KILL Mother for $500k Inheritance!
Nicole Boover, a freshman at Louisiana State University (LSU) faces charges of attempted m...
published: 18 Oct 2012
author: tytuniversity
LSU Girl Tried to KILL Mother for $500k Inheritance!
Nicole Boover, a freshman at Louisiana State University (LSU) faces charges of attempted murder after allegedly firing three shots at her mother before driving back to her dorm room. "Her cohort in murder plot, Nathan Yuhas, 18, was charged with serving as a principal to attempted first-degree murder." Via Huffington Post. Watch the video and find out more with John Iadarola and Lisa Ferguson! What do you think of this insane case? What could drive a college girl to try to murder her mother? Is it just the half million dollar inheritance? Or do you think she had some other sort of major psychological problems? What about her co-conspirator? How do you broach the topic of potential murder to a friend? Let us know what you think in the comments down below! And if you liked this video, PLEASE "Like" it as well! :) Find out more here: www.huffingtonpost.com Subscribe to TYT U for more videos: tinyurl.com Follow us on twitter!!! twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com TYT University covers all the news you need to know happening at colleges around the country and across the globe! From student loans to frat parties and dating, we've got it all. Tags: "Nicole Boover" "Nicole Boover Attempted Murder" "Sherri Boover" "Sherri Boover Attempted Murder" "attempted murder" "crazy crimes" "murder" "LSU Attempted Murder" Matricide "Nathan Yuhas" "Student Trying To Kill Mother" "college news" "university news" class campus college university "tyt university" "tytu" "lisa ferguson" "john ...
published: 18 Oct 2012
author: tytuniversity
views: 16586

Harold Camping prophecy leads to mothers attempted murder of children
The cost of end time prophecy mother does the unthinkable to "SAVE: her daughters from the...
published: 22 May 2011
author: HighPoweredLasers
Harold Camping prophecy leads to mothers attempted murder of children
The cost of end time prophecy mother does the unthinkable to "SAVE: her daughters from the end. How? With a bible and a box cutter! www.ktla.com BILLBOARD MAP: www.ebiblefellowship.com lynn benedetto Here is her inmate information: app4.lasd.org
published: 22 May 2011
author: HighPoweredLasers
views: 56081

Bodhu Kon Alo Laaglo Chokhe - 2nd August 2012
Anshuman is haunted by his atrocities on Alo and repents his deeds. Biman, Dhiman and Dama...
published: 02 Aug 2012
author: starjalshaindia
Bodhu Kon Alo Laaglo Chokhe - 2nd August 2012
Anshuman is haunted by his atrocities on Alo and repents his deeds. Biman, Dhiman and Damayanti find Anshuman on the street and take the divorce paper from him. Surekha hands over Anshuman to the police for attempted murder on Sujay. Anshuman vows to take revenge on Surekha and her sons.
published: 02 Aug 2012
author: starjalshaindia
views: 2234

Nick is cleared of attempted murder-Part 2
NOTE: Part 1 of this is missing. The gist of it is that Amy finished her testimony and the...
published: 22 Mar 2011
author: TheYRfanatic
Nick is cleared of attempted murder-Part 2
NOTE: Part 1 of this is missing. The gist of it is that Amy finished her testimony and the judge ordered the judgement of conviction to be vacated and a new trial to be ordered. And at first it looked like NIck was going back to jail for a few days before the new trial started, but then the District Attorney, Mr. Glenn Richards decided to dismiss all charges against Nick. Then VIctor asked if that means that they can take Nicholas home. The scenes you see here are the continuation of that clip. The judge says that all charges against Nick have been dismissed and that he is free to return home with his family. Nick and the Newmans reunite with hugs and kisses. Then Nick sees Sharon and asks her if she will marry him. Sharon says yes and the two of them kiss, much to Nikki's disgust. Victor and Nikki return to the ranch and Miguel asks them how things in court went and they tell him that NIck has been set free. Nick and Sharon spend some time together, up at the cabin, before they have to return to the ranch for Nick's homecoming party.
published: 22 Mar 2011
author: TheYRfanatic
views: 2958