
This is How a Leader Speaks !!! - Iranian President vs. Musharraf
This is How a Leader Speaks !!! - Iranian President vs. Musharraf
Wow.. Best Interviews of our times and for my Archieves.. Thank You President of Iran. Well Said.

Iran parliament questions President Ahmadinejad
Iran parliament questions President Ahmadinejad
For the first time in Iran's history, the Iranian President appeared before the parliament for questioning. The long list of questions included his management of the economy, employment, inflation, domestic policies, the subsidy reform law, his relation with the country's leader plus his recent appointment and removal of key officials. Ghanbar Naderi, Press TV, Tehran

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Addresses United Nations General Assembly
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Addresses United Nations General Assembly
For more: www.pbs.org Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took to the podium at the UN General Assembly Thursday - one day after two American hikers were released from prison in Tehran - to deliver a speech strongly condemning the United States.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez mock US
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez mock US
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez mocked US its move to expel a Venezuelan diplomat at the start of a visit to four left-leaning Latin American nations.

Iranian President interviewed about Israel
Iranian President interviewed about Israel
I'm no fan of Iran but Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, their president, gives a very enlightening and thought provoking interview concerning the Israel and Palestine situation which I think people should watch.

Reality Check: What Did Iran's President Really Say About "Wiping Israel Off The Map"?
Reality Check: What Did Iran's President Really Say About "Wiping Israel Off The Map"?
Ben takes a look at whether or not Iran's President really said he would wipe Israel off the map with a nuclear weapon

US walks out on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad AGAIN !!! ... US prefers WAR . 1 of 2
US walks out on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad AGAIN !!! ... US prefers WAR . 1 of 2
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke before the United Nations as CNN rolled text graphics of past statements to enrage viewers. The Iranian president asks the UN attendees who are the people responsible for both World Wars, invasions, nuclear bombings, occupations and humanitarian efforts that come by way of NATO missile strikes while turning a blind eye to hunger and poverty in countries where there is no oil or other natural resources. He sights the false flag attack of 9-11carried out to rob the American people of freedom and privacy and wage war on the rest of the world in the name of safety and security and hunting down imaginary terrorist. He questioned why was Osama Bin Laden executed and buried at sea rather than brought to trial and questioned so the truth could be heard rather than sent to the bottom of the sea. While still speaking at the podium, US attendees began to get up and walk out as they did when Ahmadinejad was at the UN in 2009. This was a show for the American people to convert us into war mongers like our government that love death and destruction over communication and peace. ( We are not like the demons that are in power for the moment ) . Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Palestine should be recognized as a state and should be allowed to be part of the United Nations which Obama doesn't want because he is the puppet of the Israeli president that bombs the people of Palestine regularly. If anyone dares to mention actually events ( also known <b>...</b>

Iranian president's tough stance on Israel
Iranian president's tough stance on Israel
The Iranian president says the creation of an internationally recognised Palestinian state would be the first step towards wiping out Israel. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was addressing worshippers at Friday prayers in Tehran. "The Zionist regime is the axis of unity of all the world's thieves and criminals. Do not suppose that by recognition of a Palestinian state your existence will be stabilised." Ahmadinejad delivered his speech on al Quds, or Jerusalem Day, an annual show of support for the Palestinian cause that is held on the last Friday of Ramadan. ... www.euronews.net

House of iranian president
House of iranian president
can you believe this? Like if you truly love the loyalty of this person. How loyal is he to his country

Simplicity Of Iranian President
Simplicity Of Iranian President
Simplicity of Iranian President is an example for Pakistani politicians because "In character, in manner, in style, in all things,the supreme excellence is simplicity but not only sovereignty.

Full speech by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at UN General Assembly 2011
Full speech by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at UN General Assembly 2011
Events at the UN gathering in New York have once again been heated up by the speech of the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. US, France and other western delegations walked out of the assembly as a sign of protest at his claims. RT on Twitter: twitter.com RT on Facebook: www.facebook.com

Iranian President Ahmadinejad visits Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Ecuador (January 8, 2012)
Iranian President Ahmadinejad visits Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Ecuador (January 8, 2012)
Despite the desire of the US-Empire to isolate Iran, some countries in Latin America are eager to expand their ties to Iran. Original report at: www.presstv.ir Also see: More and more countries are saying goodbye to the US Oil Dollar (waterput.yolasite.com

State TV shows Iran's President Ahmadinejad inspecting nuclear plant
State TV shows Iran's President Ahmadinejad inspecting nuclear plant
Iran has claimed a significant advance in its nuclear programme, installing new fuel rods in a research reactor and claiming to have developed a more advanced model of centrifuge.

Iranian president leaves Tehran for Latin America
Iranian president leaves Tehran for Latin America
Iran's strengthening its Latin America ties. Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has left Iran for a seven day visit to Latin America. Iranian president on this trip will visit Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Ecuador. Press TV's Arash Khalatbari reports from Tehran.

Iran president visits Venezuela 2012
Iran president visits Venezuela 2012
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has visited Caracas as the first stop of his 5-day tour in four Latin American countries. www.presstv.ir

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Comments on the Holocaust and 9/11
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Comments on the Holocaust and 9/11
www.memri.org www.memritv.org www.memritv.org

Iran's President on Israel/Holocaust.
Iran's President on Israel/Holocaust.
He never said he wants to wipe Israel of the map GET OVER IT.

Iranian President Dr. Ahmadi Nejad Life Style
Iranian President Dr. Ahmadi Nejad Life Style
Iranian President Dr. Ahmadi Nejad Life Style People's Friend

US walks out on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad AGAIN !!! ... US prefers WAR. 2 of 2
US walks out on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad AGAIN !!! ... US prefers WAR. 2 of 2
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke before the United Nations as CNN rolled text graphics of past statements to enrage viewers. The Iranian president asks the UN attendees who are the people responsible for both World Wars, invasions, nuclear bombings, occupations and humanitarian efforts that come by way of NATO missile strikes while turning a blind eye to hunger and poverty in countries where there is no oil or other natural resources. He sights the false flag attack of 9-11carried out to rob the American people of freedom and privacy and wage war on the rest of the world in the name of safety and security and hunting down imaginary terrorist. He questioned why was Osama Bin Laden executed and buried at sea rather than brought to trial and questioned so the truth could be heard rather than sent to the bottom of the sea. While still speaking at the podium, US attendees began to get up and walk out as they did when Ahmadinejad was at the UN in 2009. This was a show for the American people to convert us into war mongers like our government that love death and destruction over communication and peace. ( We are not like the demons that are in power for the moment ) . Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Palestine should be recognized as a state and should be allowed to be part of the United Nations which Obama doesn't want because he is the puppet of the Israeli president that bombs the people of Palestine regularly. If anyone dares to mention actually events ( also known <b>...</b>