Tuesday, April 27, 2010

bruce boxleitner & cindy morgan 04/24/10


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Another Sci Fi Expo treat - in fact, a really special treat for all of us who grew up thinking that Tron was one of the greatest films of the early 80s (seriously who didn't want their own personal Light Bike?)

Of course, I'm referencing Bruce Boxleitner, Tron himself, as well as the star of one of the best, most thoughtfully plotted, sci-fi shows of all time, Babylon 5 (as Captain John Sheridan). Joining Bruce was fellow Tron, and Caddyshack star, the lovely Cindy Morgan.

Their Q&A; came in at almost an hour - with a lot of time spent telling stories about being cast in and making Tron, and the upcoming Tron: Legacy. Also, some brilliant stories on how Bruce auditioned for the role of Luke Skywalker and thought George Lucas was the... (actually I'm going to let you listen to it, I don't want to give away the punchline!).

Live MP3 MP3s:
Entire Q&A; As One File
Bringing Back Alive
How Bruce Boxleitner Got Cast In Tron
Bruce's Luke Skywalker Audition
The Tao & Making of Tron
Opportunities After Tron
How Cindy Morgan Got Cast In Tron
Disney Remaking Movies & Fans
Cindy in Tron 2.0 & Tron Legacy
Tron Legacy Was Made By Tron Fans
Babylon 5 & Richard Biggs
Starting In Bablon 5 Season 2
Scarecrow and Mrs. King
Reality TV Impact
Luke Macahan vs John Sheridan
Reba McIntyre Music Video
Scenes with Peter Jurasik
Babylon 5 Actors
Caddyshack Bill Murray Stories
Caddyshack Ted Knight Stories
Caddyshack Piano Scene
Caddyshack Script vs Riffing
Bruce's Ted Knight and Mary Tyler Moore Story
Tron vs Tron Legacy CGI Technology
Future of Babylon 5 & Heroes

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Monday, April 26, 2010

adam baldwin 04/24/10

I have to say that I really appreciate the guys behind the various Dallas Sci Fi/Comic Conventions - they put on Dallas Comic Con, Sci Fi Expo, and Fan Days (Star Wars/Star Trek). Atypically, they bring at least one, or more, actors from Joss Whedon shows - Buffy, Angel, Firefly, etc. As I'm a huge fan of Whedon, it's always a treat to listen to these actors talk about their careers and various experiences.

This weekend saw the annual Sci Fi Expo, and Adam Baldwin (aka Jayne from Firefly, and John Casey on Chuck) came to town and spent about 40 minutes having a tonne of fun with the audience, taking a broad range of questions - from his experiences working with Mr. T, to the future of Chuck, the dynamics of Firefly, his take on Stanley Kubrick and whether he's jealous of Nathan Fillion!

Good stuff - check out the Q&A; below, conveniently broken out by each respective question. Enjoy!

Live MP3 MP3s:
Entire Q&A; In One File
John Casey Spin Off Series
Status of Chuck
Getting Recognized
Casey & Morgan Scenes
What Made You Want To Be An Actor
Are You A Baldwin
Voicing Superman
Carrying Guns
Stanley Kubrick
Clint Eastwood Influence
Jaynestown & Ariel
Traitor Spin
Jayne Song
How Much of Jayne is You vs Whedon
Independence Day 2
Head On A Stick
Nathan Fillion & Jealousy
Screen or Voice Acting
Video Game Fan
Mr T & D.C. Cab
The Patriot
Military Roles
Twitter & Political Posts
Personal Politics
Staying or Leaving
Hannity Impression Or Not
Photo Ops
Brand of Cigar

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

nicole atkins 03/19/10 SXSW

I've been slowly working my way through the SXSW 2010 shows, mastering, cutting, tagging, uploading etc. Good news is Im done (at least with the shows that are worth posting... Unfortunately ended up with about ten shows that just didn't work out - very sad, especially Yatcht, The Watson Twins and the Living Sisters.)

One absolute jewel that emerged today was Nicole Atkins closing song at the Brooklyn Vegan day party at Club de Ville, a cover of Sparklehorse's It's A Wonderful Life, dedicated to the recently deceased Mark Linkous. Check it out.

Live MP3 MP3s:
It's A Wonderful Life

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Saturday, April 03, 2010

the one am radio 03/18/10 SXSW

Quick post this afternoon, as I run out the door.

The very first band we saw at SXSW this year was LA based, New England raised, The One AM Radio. Mixing indie pop singer songwriter sensibilities with strong electronica undercurrents, Hrishikesh Hirway, One AM Radio's mastermind ripped through an extremely brief, 5 song, 15 minute set.

Here's the Wiki description of the band -
The One AM Radio's sound is often characterized by Hrishikesh's lush, soothing vocals over dream-like instrumental arrangements. He does most of his own recording, playing several of the instruments and producing all the beats; the style borders electronica, folk, post-rock, chamber music, and ambient music.

Live MP3 MP3s:
Removed... Wait patiently til the next tour for live MP3s!

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

sondre lerche 03/19/10 SXSW

I was wondering what happened to the (what I expected to be) annual Hot Freaks! SXSW party that for the last several years has been put on by a host of excellent bloggers at Club De Ville and the Mohawk in Austin, but I never found out - all I know is that it didn't happen in 2010.

Which isn't to say there wasn't a host of good music at those venues this year. On Friday March 19th, Brooklyn Vegan descended on Club De Ville and hosted a great set of bands (and free beer! and free vodka! and free food! and free ear plugs! (critically important at the loud shows)).

I was especially excited about The Antlers and Sondre Lerche. Long time readers will know I'm a big fan of Sondre Lerche, having seen and taped him numerous times, beginning with this show in support of his first record, Faces Down, back in 2003.

As usual he didn't disappoint, playing a great little show - finishing up with a rousing solo (with audience as accompaniment) rendition of his classic, Modern Nature. Check out a few of the tracks below.

Live MP3 MP3s:
Good Luck
Airport Taxi Reception
Modern Nature

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Friday, March 26, 2010

amber rubarth 03/18/10 SXSW

So, Amber Rubarth. I basically would have driven to Austin just to see her play for 30 minutes. I've had her record, Good Mystery, on repeat for weeks now. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, it's just a beautiful, honest, record. A lovely voice, over songs that get stuck in your head... I find myself puttering around singing lines and melodies that just won't go away.

We walked from Dan Black over to the MySpace/SongCast Day Party to see Amber, which was basically as much of a musically 180 as you can have. Electornica, beats, loud guitars from Dan, to Amber's simply strummed acoustic guitar with a single cello (stand up bass?) accompaniment. A quick set, Amber played a Tom Waits cover before kicking into a couple of tracks from her first record, New Green Lines, before finishing the set with three songs from her most recent album, Good Mystery.

The best news for me was that she played my request (and seemed quite surprised by it), Answer, the "I'm-Going-To-Break-Up-With-You-Before-You-Break-Up-With-Me" anthem (I like the melodies, and it's kind of funny!).

Enjoy the set, and be sure to pick up Good Mystery ($8!).

Live MP3 MP3s:
Chrysanthemum Song
Song To Thank The Stars
Edge Of My Seat

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

dan black 03/18/10 SXSW

Good news! I did get a chance to make it down to Austin last week for a couple of days of SXSW 2010. It was the shortest, kindest, gentlest SXSW trip yet - we minimized show jumping, and spent longer stretches of time at specific venues catching bands we wanted to see.

A great trip, and like most years it was made up of bands we knew we wanted to see, and then other random bands that sprang up out of nowhere and really impressed us... and to be fair, there was some crap as well, but Im not sure how you can have 1600 bands without a fair amount of awfulness!

There were really two bands, or to be specific, artists, that we wanted to see - Dan Black and Amber Rubarth... and sure enough, even though I saw a couple of dozen bands, it was these two shows that really made the voyage worth while.

We wrote about Dan Black a few weeks ago (here), and he was actually one of the very first bands we saw, at the Spaceland/Echo showcase at the Beauty Bar annex. It was an early afternoon show at 1:35pm, and the venue was near empty - I think there was about 20 or so folks there. I could tell Dan was a bit freaked out by the lack of people, but as far as we were concerned it was Austin that was missing out and we had the benefit of semi-private Dan Black show (plus I'm fairly sure he had a PACKED house later that day at the VEVO/Fontana Distribution party).

And it ROCKED. He was seriously entertaining live, playing with a bassist, a guitarist, and what looked to be a 128 square board that played various samples when each square was pushed. He basically recreated his record, or variations on his record, by punching buttons, tapping buttons, driving up and down the pitch, then rocking out over it. Bottom line, a brilliant show made up of tracks from both his new record, Un, and his mixtape, Weird Science - be sure to check him out if he comes anywhere near you, and if you haven't yet - buy his new record ((UN)) on Amazon for FIVE DOLLARS. It will be the best $5 you spend all month.

Live MP3 MP3s:
Pump My Pumps
U + Me =
Pass That Head Noize

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