Friday, March 31, 2006

mo pair 03/26/06

So Mister Mo Pair is a local boy from Texas.

Here's the bio from his site -
As lead singer/guitarist for two of Austin's more interesting bands (Grass, Groovin Ground) many Austin music fans know Mo Pair as an animated, chapeau-topped rocker. His solo work is from a whole 'nuther place.

Native American chants and songs, recounts of magical journeys and of people and loves lost are ingredients in a Mo Pair stew. He is often accompanied by other sympathetic musicians and singers that add a symphonic texture to his music.

I was lucky enough to catch Mo Pair at a small bar in the Montrose area in Houston and see him play through his "Old Pink Floyd Happy Hour," a collection of Barrett and Gilmour/Rogers tracks from the first few Pink Floyd record. Amazing source material that's luciously translated into a solo acoustic performance.

The bar that they played at didn't actually have their own PA, so Mo and his harmonica-playing friend, Wayne, set up a couple of amps that were powering the guitar, vocals and harmonica. Fortunately, both amps had effects outs and we ran a couple of 1/4inch cables straight out of each amp straight into the Microtrack. Awesome.

Mo Pair has several shows coming up in South East Texas - so if you are around go check him out. List of shows - here.

Burning Bridges (Obscured by Clounds)
Fat Old Sun (Atom Heart Mother)
Whats Wots...uh the Deal (Obscured by Clounds)
Jug Band Blues (Saucerful of Secrets)
San Tropez (Mettle)
Mother Matilda (Piper at the Gates of Dawn)
Wish You Were Here (Wish You Were Here)
Green Is The Colour (More)
Bike (Piper at the Gates of Dawn)
Stay (Obscured by Clounds)
Cirrus Minor (More)
Leaving On A Jet Plane
Country Roads
Sunshine On My Shoulder


Blogger Don't Need Anything said...

i cant seem to download the first and third john denver cover. is there anything i can do for this?

12:58 PM, April 05, 2006  
Blogger lullabyes said...

fixed! sorry. thanks.

10:15 PM, April 05, 2006  
Blogger emmm said...

oh and thanks lullabyes for posting the line up from walters

10:33 PM, July 01, 2006  

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