Sunday, April 25, 2010

nicole atkins 03/19/10 SXSW

I've been slowly working my way through the SXSW 2010 shows, mastering, cutting, tagging, uploading etc. Good news is Im done (at least with the shows that are worth posting... Unfortunately ended up with about ten shows that just didn't work out - very sad, especially Yatcht, The Watson Twins and the Living Sisters.)

One absolute jewel that emerged today was Nicole Atkins closing song at the Brooklyn Vegan day party at Club de Ville, a cover of Sparklehorse's It's A Wonderful Life, dedicated to the recently deceased Mark Linkous. Check it out.

Live MP3 MP3s:
It's A Wonderful Life

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Saturday, April 03, 2010

the one am radio 03/18/10 SXSW

Quick post this afternoon, as I run out the door.

The very first band we saw at SXSW this year was LA based, New England raised, The One AM Radio. Mixing indie pop singer songwriter sensibilities with strong electronica undercurrents, Hrishikesh Hirway, One AM Radio's mastermind ripped through an extremely brief, 5 song, 15 minute set.

Here's the Wiki description of the band -
The One AM Radio's sound is often characterized by Hrishikesh's lush, soothing vocals over dream-like instrumental arrangements. He does most of his own recording, playing several of the instruments and producing all the beats; the style borders electronica, folk, post-rock, chamber music, and ambient music.

Live MP3 MP3s:
Removed... Wait patiently til the next tour for live MP3s!

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

sondre lerche 03/19/10 SXSW

I was wondering what happened to the (what I expected to be) annual Hot Freaks! SXSW party that for the last several years has been put on by a host of excellent bloggers at Club De Ville and the Mohawk in Austin, but I never found out - all I know is that it didn't happen in 2010.

Which isn't to say there wasn't a host of good music at those venues this year. On Friday March 19th, Brooklyn Vegan descended on Club De Ville and hosted a great set of bands (and free beer! and free vodka! and free food! and free ear plugs! (critically important at the loud shows)).

I was especially excited about The Antlers and Sondre Lerche. Long time readers will know I'm a big fan of Sondre Lerche, having seen and taped him numerous times, beginning with this show in support of his first record, Faces Down, back in 2003.

As usual he didn't disappoint, playing a great little show - finishing up with a rousing solo (with audience as accompaniment) rendition of his classic, Modern Nature. Check out a few of the tracks below.

Live MP3 MP3s:
Good Luck
Airport Taxi Reception
Modern Nature

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Friday, March 26, 2010

amber rubarth 03/18/10 SXSW

So, Amber Rubarth. I basically would have driven to Austin just to see her play for 30 minutes. I've had her record, Good Mystery, on repeat for weeks now. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, it's just a beautiful, honest, record. A lovely voice, over songs that get stuck in your head... I find myself puttering around singing lines and melodies that just won't go away.

We walked from Dan Black over to the MySpace/SongCast Day Party to see Amber, which was basically as much of a musically 180 as you can have. Electornica, beats, loud guitars from Dan, to Amber's simply strummed acoustic guitar with a single cello (stand up bass?) accompaniment. A quick set, Amber played a Tom Waits cover before kicking into a couple of tracks from her first record, New Green Lines, before finishing the set with three songs from her most recent album, Good Mystery.

The best news for me was that she played my request (and seemed quite surprised by it), Answer, the "I'm-Going-To-Break-Up-With-You-Before-You-Break-Up-With-Me" anthem (I like the melodies, and it's kind of funny!).

Enjoy the set, and be sure to pick up Good Mystery ($8!).

Live MP3 MP3s:
Chrysanthemum Song
Song To Thank The Stars
Edge Of My Seat

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

dan black 03/18/10 SXSW

Good news! I did get a chance to make it down to Austin last week for a couple of days of SXSW 2010. It was the shortest, kindest, gentlest SXSW trip yet - we minimized show jumping, and spent longer stretches of time at specific venues catching bands we wanted to see.

A great trip, and like most years it was made up of bands we knew we wanted to see, and then other random bands that sprang up out of nowhere and really impressed us... and to be fair, there was some crap as well, but Im not sure how you can have 1600 bands without a fair amount of awfulness!

There were really two bands, or to be specific, artists, that we wanted to see - Dan Black and Amber Rubarth... and sure enough, even though I saw a couple of dozen bands, it was these two shows that really made the voyage worth while.

We wrote about Dan Black a few weeks ago (here), and he was actually one of the very first bands we saw, at the Spaceland/Echo showcase at the Beauty Bar annex. It was an early afternoon show at 1:35pm, and the venue was near empty - I think there was about 20 or so folks there. I could tell Dan was a bit freaked out by the lack of people, but as far as we were concerned it was Austin that was missing out and we had the benefit of semi-private Dan Black show (plus I'm fairly sure he had a PACKED house later that day at the VEVO/Fontana Distribution party).

And it ROCKED. He was seriously entertaining live, playing with a bassist, a guitarist, and what looked to be a 128 square board that played various samples when each square was pushed. He basically recreated his record, or variations on his record, by punching buttons, tapping buttons, driving up and down the pitch, then rocking out over it. Bottom line, a brilliant show made up of tracks from both his new record, Un, and his mixtape, Weird Science - be sure to check him out if he comes anywhere near you, and if you haven't yet - buy his new record ((UN)) on Amazon for FIVE DOLLARS. It will be the best $5 you spend all month.

Live MP3 MP3s:
Pump My Pumps
U + Me =
Pass That Head Noize

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

mandy rowden 03/21/09

Quick note for the evening.

This was an extremely random but welcome recording. We were walking between venues at SXSW in 2009, and my wife wanted to pop into Design Within Reach, an extremely nice (and pricey) furniture store.

Being that it was SXSW, there was a singer-songwriter playing an acoustic guitar in the store, and while my wife wandered around to look at furniture, I recorded local Austin artist Mandy Rowden performing her track, Sweet, that came out quite well!

Check out Mandy at her website and hope you enjoy the song.

Live MP3 MP3s:


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Monday, January 11, 2010

o+s 03/21/09

Quick post on the 2009 SXSW set from O+S, the Birmingham, Albama based band from Orenda Fink (of Azure Ray, Little Red Rocket, Art In Manila) and Cedric LeMoyne (bassist from the still amazing, wish-they-would-get-back-together Remy Zero.)

I'd had previous, extremely pleasant, encounters with both Orenda (check out this Azure Ray recording from 2004) and Cedric at previous live shows (in fact if it wasn't for Cedric, one of my favorite live recordings of all time wouldn't exist... listen here), and was pumped to hear they had formed a new band, O+S (O plus S) whose record was going to come out the week after their SXSW performance - buy it here.

To be honest, I would have much preferred to hear them at another venue at SXSW, as the club they played at was extremely dark and didn't have the best set up - but they still managed to play a great set, and I wouldn't have missed it (in fact we had to catch a little bicycle cab to make it the 10 blocks from Cedar Street Courtyard to make the show).

Here's my favorite track from the show.

Side note - the picture above is one of my favorite photos that I took at SXSW in 2009.

O+S O plus S Live MP3 MP3s:
Lonely Ghosts

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

great northern 03/19/09

Another SXSW 2009 set from Austin Texas, this time from Los Angeles based rockers, Great Northern, featuring vocalist/guitarist Solon Bixler (formerly of 30 Seconds to Mars) and vocalist/keyboardist Rachel Stolte.

I'd had the pleasure of seeing Great Northern play at Good Records in 2007 (set here) and was a big fan of their first record, Trading Twilight for Daylight, especially the track "Low Is A Height" which I still think is one of the most beautiful tracks of the last five years.

Their SXSW set exclusively featured tracks from (at that point in time) their forthcoming record, Remind Me Where The Light Is... After all SXSW is primarily intended to be showcases for press, distributors, etc.


Great Northern Live MP3 MP3s:

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Saturday, January 09, 2010

flosstradamus 03/21/09

Here's the companion show to the N.A.S.A set from this year's SXSW set. Another sweet afternoon DJ set from the Filter showcase at Cedar Street Courtyard.

Flosstradamus (as you can see from the pic) are two DJs from Chicago - J2K (Josh Young) and Autobot (Curt Cameruci). It was a fun set - about 10 minutes in a spontaneous circle formed in the crowd and a couple of guys started break dancing, fairly impressively I might add. Not something you see often in Austin at SXSW... at least not at the shows I attend!

Flosstradamus Live MP3 MP3s:
Flosstradamus SXSW 2009 Cedar Street Courtyard Set

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

wildbirds and peacedrums 03/20/09

Occasionally you find bands that simply blow you away with their uniqueness. Occasionally you find bands that blow you away with their uniqueness, and who are amazing to boot.

Wildbirds and Peacedrums fall into the latter category, and we managed to catch two partial shows at SXSW this year before we saw a full one and loved every minute of all three.

The band is a duo from Sweden - Mariam Wallentin and Andreas Werliin. Andreas plays (or rather, beats the living crap) out of the drums and Mariam primarily sings and also plays an assortment of instruments including the steel drum.

Now I listened to the studio tracks at MySpace, and they are pretty damn good - but in no way do they capture the sheer intensity of their live shows. Mariam channels the finest female singers of all time, including two of my favorite - Bjork and Nina Simone. She stomps, dances, wails, Jim Morrison's the mic and basically transcends into the performance. Andreas clearly loves every second as well. Setting aside Dave Grohl, I've rarely seen someone hit their drums harder. They are a truly magnificent pair.

I managed to get an audience recording of a couple of their songs - and again, though good, they aren't soundboard. If anyone out there has some soundboard recordings, let me know - I'd love one.

In the interim, check out these recordings and their MySpace. I especially love My Heart as it's pretty representative of the live experience and features Mariam plowing into the steel drum and vocally channeling some Post-era Bjork (Hyper Ballad comes to mind). If they come by your town, GO SEE THEM.

Live MP3 MP3s:
My Heart
Doubt Hope

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wavves 03/20/09

Here was the most unexpected set we witnessed at SXSW, a solo and serene set from Nathan Williams aka noise-pop guru, Wavves. Expecting a serious amount of rock we were extremely surprised when Nathan got up on stage and starting playing his guitar with a clean chorus effect.

I'd never heard it before, but hearing the tracks in this setting (especially So Bored) really made me think of similarities to the earlier Nirvana songs from Bleach and Nevermind.


Live MP3 MP3s:
To The Dregs
So Bored
...Tried to Stop Me

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Monday, March 23, 2009

miles benjamin anthony robinson 03/20/09

I first heard about Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson about a year ago - right before his self-titled debut record came out. I think I had to check out the link because its just not that often that a guy with four first names comes along.

I was immediately impressed, there was a certain weight that came along with the songs - lyrically strong, Miles carved out a space as a storyteller and his gravelly voice only complemented his Dylan-esque style. I've been hoping he would tour, and was pleased to see a SXSW showcase show up on the radar.

The showcase was at the outdoor gardens of the French Legation Museum, one of my favorite SXSW venues, the Museum is just a great, relaxed getaway from the crowds of 6th Street.

Miles opened the set with a false start as he decided that he wanted to relive a childhood birthday party and go swing at a Pinata. To pass the time, his band mates treated the crowd to a fairly amusing rendition of Beyonce's Single Ladies. A lot of new songs made the set along with Buriedfed, one of the strongest tracks from his debut record, as well as a cover of Otis Redding's classic - Sitting On The Dock Of the Bay.

Here's a few highlights from the set. Enjoy!

Live MP3 MP3s:
Single Ladies (Beyonce)
There Will Be Mud
Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay (Otis Redding)

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

theresa andersson 03/20/09

SXSW on Friday.

Got to see a bit of Bishop Allen, Theresa Andersson, The New Wine, These Are Powers, Wavves, Wildbirds and Peacedrums, Marnie Stern, The Tallest Man on Earth and Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson.

Best show of the day was Theresa Andersson. Another example of right place, right time, on complete accident. She was playing the Swedish Showcase at Habana Calle 6, and we'd run over to checkout Wildbirds and Peacedrums. She was playing next and I vaguely remembered listening to some MP3s last year when her last record, Hummingbird, Go! was released.

We decided to stick around, and it was a good thing we did. She played solo with a host of looping pedals and it was a good of a pairing as you will ever get. She had around a dozen instruments on stage, including drums, guitars, records, violins, and dulcimers. She'd play a part, loop it, and play something else over it. Slowly but surely she would build a crescendo of instrumentation and then sing a multiple of vocal parts of her instruments. Just beautiful - and it didn't hurt that her voice was gorgeous.

Be sure to check out this set.

Live MP3 MP3s:
Oh Mary (Don't You Weep)
Na Na Na
Birds Fly Away

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Friday, March 20, 2009

other lives 03/19/09

Got to run out to more SXSW shows, but here's one more recording for you from yesterday.

Other Lives from Stillwater, Oklahoma. Dark and moody, the piano and cello with more traditional guitars, bass and drums evokes a cinematic experience - like every song is scored for a film. A gorgeous set. Enjoy.

Live MP3 MP3s:
Don't Let Them
End Of The Year
The Partisan (Leonard Cohen)
Speed Tape
Paper Cities

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

hockey 03/19/09

It's always interesting to see each day at SXSW turns out.

You print out pages and pages of information showing what bands are playing where, you underline and make notes on potential schedules, you try and figure out what the optimal parking spot is so you can make it to the various venues and you use Google maps to figure out if its even possible to make it from Venue A to Venue B in X minutes to see that next band.

And then you show up and realize, meh - maybe i'll just do something totally different.

So we arrived in Austin today planning on seeing Whispertown 2000 as one of our first bands. As luck would have it we got into town early and since they we were just a few blocks from Cedar Street Courtyard (one of the best venues in Austin) we wandered over to check out the Filter showcase.

We caught the last few minutes of Zee Avi and figured we'd hang around to check out Hockey (who we'd never heard before.) We were glad we did. They put on the most rocking showcase of the day. Hailing from Portland, Oregon - these guys reminded me a lot of Jet. That sort of British rock n roll sensibilities, with hammering riffs and almost dancy beats.

Good stuff and a great way to start SXSW - show up at a random showcase and enjoy!

Live MP3 MP3s:
Too Fake
Learn To Lose
I Want To Be
Song Away
Put The Game Down

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whispertown 2000 03/19/09

Fantastic. Exhausting. Day.

Our first day of SXSW 2009 is over - and it was (as expected) fantastic.

Managed to catch Whispertown 2000 and some of Wildbirds & Peacedrums at the End of the Road Festival showcase, saw Hockey, Other Lives, Great Northern, Annuals and some of Zee Avi at the Filter Magazine showcase at Cedar Street and wrapped up the day shows with Cotton Jones at Twangfest. Good times.

Hockey probably took the prize for most rocking showcase (and we didn't even know who they were before we showed up at the showcase!) but definitely the best moment of our day was getting an exclusive recording of the Whispertown gang performing a stripped down version of "Time Will Welcome Anything" on the street at the corner of 3rd and Lavaca.

Lead singer Morgan Nagler sat on a bench, played an unplugged electic guitar and sang while Vanessa, Tod and Casey sang back up and banged out rhythms. It was an amazing performance and reminded me that there's nothing quite like Austin and SXSW. Pedesterians, bicycles and city buses rushing by while a band closes their eyes and plays their heart out on the sidewalk.


Live MP3 MP3s:
Time Will Welcome Anything

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Monday, March 16, 2009

the dodos 03/14/08

SXSW Week! Before I go figure out which bands I'm going to see this week, I thought I'd post another show from last year - the Dodos playing a short yet rocking set at Mohawk's outdoor stage at the Hot Freaks! party.

Check out Hot Freaks! line up for 2009 here - I'm personally looking forward to Bishop Allen...

Live MP3 MP3s:
No More Patient
It's That Time Again
Red And Purple

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

she & him 03/14/08

So South by Southwest is coming up next week and its usually about this point each year that I realize I still have various recordings from the previous year that I never got up! And this last year I was particularly slow - I think I've got over a dozen shows that I need to post. It'll all happen eventually!

Still, I'm pretty excited about next week - as always there's a hundred great bands and the challenge is trying to figure out how to be in at least 3 places at the same time.

But - that's next week! As a mentioned a few months ago I got to catch and record numerous mini-shows at the SXSW Free Yr Radio Broadcast Corner including She & Him playing one of their first ever gigs (their sixth...) and Dave Monks of Tokyo Police Club playing a spur of the moment (and unexplained) acoustic gig.

Now I liked She & Him at the time, I'd heard bits of the record and enjoyed what I heard. I'd seen M Ward several times before and always liked his music, and it doesn't hurt that Zooey Deschanel is beautiful to boot - but it wasn't til about 6 months later that I saw the movie Elf, and specifically heard Zooey sing Baby, It's Cold Outside that I woke up and realized what an amazing voice she had.

I ended up downloading the Elf soundtrack later that night to get the studio version of the Christmas classic, and wandered back to this show and the She & Him record for more listens and to rediscover something I'd already heard, all over again.

The good people at the Current were also hanging out broadcasting the whole thing. So if you want more you can listen to the whole show over their site here - and check out a couple of my favorite tracks from the show below.

Live MP3 MP3s:
Black Hole
Change Is Hard

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Monday, October 06, 2008

dave monks 03/15/08

Got a chance to see several cool little shows at the SXSW Free Yr Radio Broadcast Corner this year, including She & Him and Dave Monks of Tokyo Police Club playing a spur of the moment (and unexplained) acoustic gig.

Seeing Dave acoustic was a clear contrast to the almost dancey vibe of the full band Tokyo Police Club experience. Though the songs stood strong as acoustic tunes, it was interesting to note how much of texture the band brings to the songs, and at times I found myself singing along with the missing guitar parts.

All in all though that's what I love about SXSW, you never know what you're going to get, but it's going to be special. Check out my favorite track from the session, Tessellate, below.

The good people at the Current were also hanging out broadcasting the whole thing. So if you want more you can listen to the whole show over their site here.

If you'd like some more acoustic Tokyo Police Club check out their recent AOL Spinners session here.

Now as much as I enjoyed the acoustic session, I'm looking forward to seeing the full band opening for Weezer later this month, in support of their new record, Elephant Shell. Check out tracks at their MySpace.

Live MP3 MP3s:

Tour Dates:
Tue-Oct-07, Salt Lake City, UT, E Center
Thu-Oct-09, Portland OR, Memorial Coliseum
Fri-Oct-10, Vancouver, BC, GM Place
Sat-Oct-11, Seattle, WA, Key Arena
Mon-Oct-13, San Jose, CA, Events Center
Tue-Oct-14, Los Angeles, CA, The Forum
Fri-Oct-17, San Diego, CA, Cox Arena
Sat-Oct-18, Phoenix, AZ, Arizona State Fair
Mon-Oct-20, Austin, TX, Frank Erwin Center
Tue-Oct-21, Dallas, TX, Nokia Theater
Thu-Oct-23, Houston, TX, Reliant Arena
Sat-Oct-25, Atlanta, GA, Gwinnett Arena

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

white hinterland 03/15/08

Welcome to your weekend (or weekday of your choice if you read this later!). Its been a great week around here, we got to see The Faint & Shy Child on Tuesday (more on that tomorrow) and Cary Piece & Patrick Ryan Clark last night (at a Border's opening no less), and we've got Bitter:Sweet coming up tomorrow.

And for those of you in the Dallas, DFW or North Texas area, don't forget that its KRLD Restaurant Week. A chance for you to take out your loved ones for a lovely 3 or 4 course dinner at some of the best restaurants in the city - and 20% of what you pay goes to charity.

But, enough of the present - here's a lovely little show from Casey Dienel, aka White Hinterland at the Hot Freaks! set at The Mohawk during the SXSW festival from earlier this year.

White Hinterland brought the most creatively-titled and diversely themed songs to this years Hot Freaks show. White Hinterlands fairly difficult to categorrize, but Casey's vocals invoke Regina Spektor and sit atop a bed of electronic piano, bass and drums to create preeminently jazz-flavored ditties. Good stuff - be sure to check out her latest record, Phylactery Factory to hear studio perfect versions of most of these tracks, on if you're in continental Europe, you can see her on tour this October.

Photo Credit: Gorilla vs Bear

Live MP3 MP3s:
Lindberghs + Metal Birds
The Destruction of the Art Deco House
Dreaming of the Plum Trees
Intro to...
Hung on a Thin Thread
Napoleon At Waterloo

Tour Dates:
10/02/08 Dudingen, Switzerland Bad Bonn
10/04/08 Geislingen, Germany Rätschenmühle
10/05/08 Zurich, Switzerland El Lokal
10/06/08 Frankfurt, Germany Mousonturm - Studio
10/07/08 Wien, Austria Szene
10/08/08 Munich, Germany Rote Sonne
10/12/08Berlin, Germany Cafe Zapata
10/13/08 Hamburg, Germnay Knust
10/14/08 Amsterdam, Netherlands Paradiso
10/26/08 Brussels, Belgium Ancienne Belgique

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Saturday, August 09, 2008

lou reed & moby 03/13/08

I'm not sure I actually need to write anything about this one, considering the spectacular amount of coverage it received. I've never been a huge Lou Reed fan, but it was crazy cool to see a dozen bands cover his songs, in their own styles, ranging from stripped down acoustic sets, to jam-band stylings, to noise rock.

Nothing beat the finale - seeing the man himself get up on stage, with Moby, to show everyone how it's done, and to play one of his best known tracks. Good times in Austin.

Live MP3 MP3s:
Femme Fatale
Intro to...
Walk On The Wild Side

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Thursday, August 07, 2008

johnathan rice 03/13/08

Okay, before I write about Johnathan Rice a quick announcement.

I'm adding word verification for comments on the blog. I remember the good old days before spammers figured out how to create fake Blogger accounts. Now, every day I get at least 5 comments that are nothing more than advertisements for online gaming crap. I've spent several hours now just deleting this dreg and yet every day there's more. The frustration has mounted and I've given up. The spammers seem to be especially drawn to the Magnet show from SXSW 2005, I have no idea why though Im sure it relates to some sort of highly searched term that they are targeting.

ARGH. Can you tell im frustrated? If anyone knows how to get rid of these leaches, please let me know and I'll turn comments back on. In the interim, feel free to drop me notes via email. Are we going to introduce some sort of capital punishment for spammers?

Now that I've gotten that off my shoulders onto something that actually brings joy into my life. Music.

So.. back to SXSW. I still have a bunch of shows from the 2008 SXSW festival that I need to get up. I've been working my way through them, mastering, cutting up, MP3ing, tagging - and through that I'm getting to revisit each one of these shows, and its reminding me how good they were!

Johnathan Rice played a couple of shows at SXSW, he opened up for REM at their show at Stubbs BBQ, then opened the Nylon Guess Lounge party the next day. It was an extremely cool psuedo-venue, with Nylon Guess setting up on the top floor of a downtown apartment complex.

Technically it was above the parking garage, where the resident pool was located. Fantastic views of the downtown Austin sky line, free drinks, free Guess jeans and sunglasses, all sorts of VIPs wandering through and lounging coaches everywhere. If you can't tell we had a great time, and wandered away with hundreds of dollars of free goodies courtesy of the sponsors.

Oh, and Johnathan Rice was awesome. I'd been been a big fan since I got his first EP, Extended Player 24-26 which basic served as a sampler for his first full length, Trouble Is Real. I'd waited patiently to see him live - and got to finally see him open for Ben Gibbard last May. Of course, the SXSW was much more intimate, in fact it was the first time I'd ever seen an artist while lounging on a couch, pool-side. (I love SXSW.)

Johnathan's set consisted of tracks from his second record, Further North - a much more Americana record which is a complete departure from his earlier more acoustic "old soul" singer songwriter styles. Of course, who enjoys bands who put out the same record over and over again? Though initially surprising, Further North grew on me after several listens, and I thoroughly enjoyed the rocking live versions. I just wish the show had been longer!

Photo Credit: Ryan Russell

Live MP3 MP3s:

Change In The Weather
Further North
The Ballad Of King Coyote
We're All Stuck Out In The Desert

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

clare & the reasons 03/13/08

Clare & the Reasons was the very first show we witnessed at SXSW this year, and it was also one of the best. Up there in the top 3 with Lykke Li and the Akron Family. It was definitely the most sublimely beautiful show we saw.

We wrote about Clare Muldaur a few months ago - and her record "The Movie". With a few months gone, we can safely say that "The Movie" was our favorite record of 2007. It's still played constantly around here.

The live show was as equally impressive. Clare probably has one of the most perfect female voices on the planet, reminiscent of some '20s flapper singer, and her musicians are top notch. The band featured, violin, viola, cello, keyboards, bass, guitar and the occasional toy instrument.

My one disappointment was that they didn't play my favorite track (Nothing, Nowhere) BUT they did play 2 new songs that weren't on "The Movie" as well as a brand new cover of Tears For Fears "Everyone Wants to Rule The World", which... well... ruled.

All in all the best start to a SXSW ever. Enjoy.

Live MP3 MP3s:
Removed per Label Request

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Friday, March 21, 2008

holy f*ck 03/13/08

Lullabyes is pretty much a PG-13 blog. Family friendly, if you will. Occasionally, a band will force into "hard" PG-13 territory by using profanity in their name. Guess it just comes with the territory.

For HF I almost think it's a shame, as it pretty much guarantees a lack of commercial radio play, and these guys are amazingly catchy. Even as pure instrumentals, the songs possess so much dynamic, unique character that you easily witness and throughly enjoy their live 30 minute set.

These guys played all over Austin during SXSW, with a stop at the Brooklyn Vegan day party (fantastic line up) that was going down at Emo's Annex. Their live sets are a fairly interesting experience - 4 guys rocking out on a series of keyboards, effects, cool toys and even the occasional piece of silverware. The kicker? No loops, no laptops - all played out in real time.

If you need a starting point, go with the single - Lovely Allen.

Live MP3 MP3s:
The Pulse
Bontempi Latin
Royal Gregory
Tone Bank Jungle
Super Inuit
Lovely Allen

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Monday, March 17, 2008

lykke li 03/15/08

Quick post! I won't get to post again til Wednesday, and wanted to get at least one more SXSW show out there!

This was one of our favorite shows this year - definitely in the top 3. It didn't hurt that we'd had Lykke Li's record, Youth Novels, on repeat for the last week. Hearing the record, then seeing her live, you just know that this artist is going to make it big. Last year it was Amy Winehouse at SXSW. This year, we're betting that Lykke blows up in Europe and the States.

If you haven't heard any of her studio tracks be sure to head over to her MySpace and check them out. You can also buy her record here.

Amazing set - Lykke's performance and voice was just spot on, and the live interpretations of the studio tracks were inspired, especially the odd "toy" instruments, and ultra-simple drum set up.

I'm personally hoping more Lykke set's show up from SXSW. Enjoy!

Live MP3 MP3s:
Dance Dance Dance
Let It Fall
Hanging High
Little Bit
Window Blues
I'm Good, I'm Gone

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Sunday, March 16, 2008

walter meego 03/14/08

200th Post! Wooot!

Okay, setting the minor milestone aside, it's time to get back to SXSW.

As mentioned yesterday, we got to see a lot of shows over the course of SXSW. Here's a quick recap!

March 13th -

Clare & the Reasons
Johnathan Rice
Emmy the Great
Lucas Haas
Holy F**k
Dr Dog
Joseph Arthur
Mark Kozelek
My Morning Jacket
Yo La Tengo
My Morning Jacket
Thurston Moore
Lou Reed & Moby

March 14th -
Nicole Atkins & the Sea
The Dodos
The Duke Spirit
She & Him
Le Loup
Akron Family
El Guincho
Herman Dune
Walter Meego

March 15th -
Jealous Girlfriends
Bodies of Water
Dave Monks (Tokyo Police Club)
Kevin Barnes
White Rabbits
David Bazan
White Hinterland
Lykke Li

There were lots more 10 minute stops around town - but these were the full set or near full set acts that we saw over the last few days. The feet and lower back officially hurt, and there are definite signs of farmer tans.

Great, great times. We mostly stuck to day parties this time around and took in more of Austin in the evenings.

One killer showcase was put on by Everloving records at the Design Within Reach furniture store. We were fairly surprised the store allowed the showcase (and were especially surprised at the free beer that was being handed out) as the furniture pieces were all "designer", "unique" and very, very expensive.

Still, hanging out on a $4k coach and watching some great music is never a bad thing.

We had never heard of Walter Meego before they played, but we were nothing short of impressed by this Chicago band's European flavored, Daft Punk-esque and dancy tunes, that were overlaid with pop-meets-indie vocals. They were also fairly impressive musicians, nicely using an array of keyboards and even switching back and forth to electric guitars.


Live MP3 MP3s:
Through a Keyhole
Got Me Going
Everything Is Meant To Be

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

kevin barnes (of montreal) 03/15/08

Austin during SXSW 2008. Fantastic.

We got to see a couple of dozen bands at some great parties over the last few days, including memorable stops at the Nylon Guess shows at their 5th Floor pool party, Hot Freaks at Club de Ville/the Mohawk and Everloving at the ultra-swank furniture store, Design Within Reach.

One of the beautiful aspects of SXSW is that you never actually know what you're going to get from the bands. Today a guest 30-minute DJ set from "List Christee" aka Kevin Barnes, lead singer from Of Montreal turned into a surprise live performance at the Hot Freaks show at Club de Ville.

Intended to be an acoustic set, Kevin ended up borrowing an electronic guitar from the band White Rabbits, who were next up on the bill, after technical issues forced him to set aside his acoustic.

An eclectic set, Barnes played a new one-minute track (which in lieu of an official title, we've labeled "Why Am I"), a couple of cool MIA and Grateful Dead covers and an Of Montreal staple. He also played a song he attributed to Bob Dylan. After a couple of listens and some time with Google, it seems that the track may have been a spontaneous creation, with Barnes making up the lyrics on the spot. Any corrections would be appreciated!


Live MP3 MP3s:
Why Am I
Jimmy (MIA)
Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse
Shakedown Street (Grateful Dead)
Matchbox Cars

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Saturday, September 01, 2007

de novo dahl 03/16/07

Happy Labor Day weekend! Shut down the PC and go out and play.

Quick post before I do just that - De Novo Dahl just released a new EP - Shout! (buy it here), and announced a new fall tour.

Here's the dates - and their extremely fun show from Hot Freaks! during SXSW.

Speaking of Hot Freaks! - they just announced another 2 day event (read about it all over the web, including here and here) that coincides with another large festival in Austin in the middle of September. Can't wait to see it!

Tour Dates:
De Novo Dahl Tour Dates
Sep 1 Grimey’s New & Preloved Music Nashville, Tennessee
Sep 1 Mercy Lounge Nashville, Tennessee
Sep 2 Download Festival - Charter One Chicago, Illinois
Sep 14 Red Rocks Ampitheatre Morrison, Colorado
Sep 18 Commodore Ballroom Vancouver, British Columbia
Sep 20 Sugar Victoria, British Columbia
Sep 24 Wonder Ballroom Portland, Oregon
Sep 26 Soma San Diego, California
Oct 1 Gothic Theatre Englewood, Colorado
Oct 3 Fine Line Music Cafe Minneapolis, Minnesota
Oct 4 Vic Theatre Chicago, Illinois
Oct 5 St. Andrew’s Hall Detroit, Michigan
Oct 7 Club Soda Montreal, Quebec
Oct 8 Kool Haus Toronto, Ontario
Oct 10 Higher Ground Burlington, Vermont
Oct 11 Paradise Rock Club Boston, Massachusetts
Oct 14 The Theatre of Living Arts Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Oct 15 Rams Head Live! Baltimore, Maryland
Oct 17 CenterStage Atlanta, Georgia
Oct 18 The Social Orlando, Florida
Oct 19 Culture Room Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Oct 20 State Theatre St. Petersburg, Florida
Oct 22 Meridian Houston, Texas
Oct 23 Emo’s Austin, Texas
Oct 24 Granada Theatre Dallas, Texas

Live MP3 MP3s:
Sky Is Falling
Sexy Come Lately
Subject Of The Kill
Dance Like David
Wishful Thinking
Make Some Sense
Be Your Man

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

asobi seksu 03/17/07

Asobi Seksu's newest record, Citrus dropped last week in the UK - "an evocative mix of dreamy shoegaze and zesty Japanese electro pop."

I think that says it all. I couldn't understand a word lead singer, Yuki Chikudate sang during their set at Hot Freaks! during SXSW this year, but there was no denying the powerful instrumentation that accompanied her cutesy vocal melodies.

Check out more Asobi Seksu photos from the Hot Freaks! party at Staciaann's Flickr account.

Live MP3 MP3s:
New Years
Pink Cloud Tracing Paper
Nefi & Girly
Walk On The Moon
I'm Happy But You Don't Like Me

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

sxsw live 2007

I just got back from a lovely little vacation and arrived home to a stack of new goodies to watch and listen.

First and foremost is the official SXSW 2007 DVD - the first ever DVD release of the Austin based festival.

So SXSW is spread out over dozens of clubs - so I was curious on which performances had been released. Rather than mess with the logistics of getting capturing good performances at the various venues around Austin, SXSW and Blaze TV custom-built two clubs where performances were captured in multi-camera HD with 5.1 surround sound. The Lone Star Lounge had a traditional Texas feel, while The Bat Bar was designed as more of a modern music club. Both clubs were built from the ground up inside the Austin Convention Center.

During the Festival, Shout TV broadcast the performances on DIRECTV - a three day 24 hour live concert event. Nice. The "best" performances were selected for the DVD, along with exclusive artist interviews and backstage footage.

SXSW Live 2007 Performances
Live From The Bat Bar
THE BRAVERY “Honest Mistake”
PETER BJORN & JOHN “Young Folks”
OZOMATLI “City Of Angels”
AQUALUNG “Pressure Suit”
RICKIE LEE JONES “Nobody Knows My Name”
POLYPHONIC SPREE “When The Fool Becomes A King"

Live From The Lone Star Lounge
ANNUALS “Complete Or Completing”
RAZORLIGHT “In The Morning”
MANDO DIAO “Long Before Rock n Roll”
LEE “SCRATCH” PERRY “Kiss The Champion”
STARS OF TRACK AND FIELD “Movies of Antartica”
KRAAK & SMAAK “Money In The Bag”
JOE PURDY “White Picket Fence”

Streaming Video Links:
The Bravery “Honest Mistake”
Peter Bjorn & John “Young Folks”
Ozomatli “City of Angels”
Polyphonic Spree “When The Fool Becomes A King”

A must have for SXSW fans. Buy it here.

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Low Stars 03/16/07

Jude keeps a little blog going over at his official site - and it stays interesting by always being slightly off the wall.

Yesterday he announced he'd left his side project, The Low Stars - the CSN&Y; inspired "supergroup" consisting of Dave Gibbs of the 90's band Gigolo Aunts, Jeff Russo from Tonic. Chris Seefried of various things, and Jude of... Jude.

I got to see them in Austin at SXSW, quite randomly. I didn't even know they were playing till a few hours before the show. It ended up being a fairly frustrating evening. The venue was having serious issue's with their PA's and they couldn't get the monitors to work. All in all, an hour got wasted trying to fix the audio system. Eventually the guys played 3 songs and called it quits.

The good news - one of the three songs was a cover of Rage Against the Machine's Bulls on Parade. Hilarious yet still good.

Live MP3 MP3s:
Bulls On Parade (Rage Against The Machine)
Just Around the Corner
Calling All Friends

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Monday, June 25, 2007

sea wolf 03/16/07

Fantastic photo from Dansays' Flickr account - here.

Very quick post tonight - here's a lovely little set from Sea Wolf. I actually wasn't in the room while this was being recorded. I'd left one of my little taping devices plugged into the board at the Mohawk during Hot Freaks! while I wandered around Austin taping other bands (Bonde do Role, etc).

Imagine my suprise a week later when I listed to the sets I'd missed at the Mohawk - Sea Wolf, De Novo Dahl and Briertone - and realized that all three were amazing.


Live MP3s:
World We Live In
You're A Wolf
I Made A Resolution
Ses Monuments
Black Dirt

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

art in manila 03/17/07

Since I just posted Maria Taylor's set, I thought I would follow up with a "companion" recording of Orenda Fink's new band Art in Manila. Little snapshots of what the Azure Ray girls are creating these days.

Whereas Maria has taken the path of Pop, Orenda seems to have gone to a more etheral place. Soulful and with a significantly darker edge - Art In Manila's songs really remind of The Doors. Maybe its just me.

Be sure to keep an eye out for Art In Manila's first record, coming out next month.

(Found this shot of Orenda and co at SXSW on Clark Patrick's site on Flickr - check out more of his photography here)

(mp3s removed at the request of Art In Manila/Saddle Creek)

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