Wednesday, March 22, 2006

the brunettes 03/17/06

I've been loving me bands with alternating guy and girl singers lately.

Page France
The Most Serene Republic

and of course - The Brunettes, quite possibly the quirkiest of all current boy/girl bands.

I picked up their last full length "Mars Loves Venus" a month ago and soon was bopping my head along to fun beats and oddly delightful lyrics like -

I could be as faithful as a seahorse
And if you were a marine biologist
You'd know how tender that line was

I got to see the band at the Merge/Sub Pop Showcase at Pok E Joes during SXSW - they were the first band of the day, and there was probably.. 15 people there. Small intimate shows are my favorite - especially when the band has let me plug into the soundboard, and point a video camera at them.


(Note - Track 3, Polyester... dies mid stream. The power went out at the show and they didn't restart the song. It Is As It Was. Also, check out "Mary Kate and Ashley". That has to be the most random song I've ever heard, the band put on Mary Kate & Ashley masks - Full House era, while playing it.)

Polyester Meets Acetate
Holding Hands, Feeding Ducks
Talk To Jesus
Mars Loves Venus
Cotton Candy
Your Heart Dies
Mary Kate and Ashley


Blogger Lorne said...

For some boy/girl 80's style electro pop you should try Dublin band The Chalets.
I've seen them in the UK a few times and caught a couple of their SXSW shows.
Pictures from Chalets (and Tilly) SXSW shows at...

The Magic Numbers do the boy/girl thing well also in a more laid back style.

5:16 AM, March 23, 2006  
Blogger Tim said...

Thanks for the mp3s! I was there at the party and loved them!

9:44 AM, March 23, 2006  
Blogger Laura said...

since you were asking me about girl and boy vocal bands, i just remembered one; the Light Footwork. not great, but just remembered them!

hope you are enjoying page france! im really loving the blog lately! have a great week!

10:51 PM, March 25, 2006  
Blogger Fco S. said...

it's such a pity what happened on polyester... just when it was reaching it's highest point : /

anyway.. thank you so much for doing this kind of posts and sharing all those shows!
you're so lucky
you must know there are many (maybe not "too many") persons like me who maybe will never see the bands we like (i've couldn't even buy "mars loves venus" : (.. it's out of catalogue now) because of distance (i live in chile.. don't ask how i came to meet them)
so, thank you again
: )

12:15 AM, May 31, 2007  

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