Last updated: August 11, 2010

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Mark Papermaster leaves Apple after 'antennagate' problem

iPhone 4

Steve Jobs speaks at a media conference on the Apple iPhone 4 receptionproblems. Picture: AFP Source: AFP

  • iPhone antenna problem forced fix
  • Executive in charge leaves Apple
  • Apple won't say if he was fired
  • iPhone news: everything you need

THE Apple executive whose responsibilities include iPhone hardware is leaving the company in the wake of antenna problems with the newest version of the smartphone.

Apple was forced to offer a free fix after consumers complained and numerous media outlets reported a problem with dropped calls.

Mark Papermaster, Apple's senior vice president of iPhone and iPod hardware engineering, is leaving the company, Apple has said.

Apple would not comment beyond a brief statement or say whether Mr Papermaster was fired or is leaving voluntarily.

Mr Papermaster's departure comes weeks after Apple announced it will give free protective cases to buyers of its latest iPhone model to alleviate the so-called "death grip" problem: holding the phone with a bare hand can muffle the wireless signal.

The antenna problems were a rare glitch in Apple's rollout for a new product.

Diehard fans of Apple's products have dubbed the stumble "antennagate".

Bob Mansfield, Apple's senior vice president of Macintosh hardware engineering, will assume Mr Papermaster's responsibilities, Apple said.

Mr Mansfield oversees groups that creates components for the iPhone and iPod touch, including the A4 chip, Retina display and touch screens.

Mr Papermaster, who came to Apple in 2008 from IBM, could not be reached for comment.

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  • Brad Posted at 8:43 PM August 08, 2010

    Two types of people leaving comments here: those jealous people that believe all the crap they read about antenna issues and couldn't get one on launch day due to their popularity, and the rest of is who own one and know it's antenna is fine and enjoy using it.

  • VS of Sydney, NSW. Posted at 8:17 PM August 08, 2010

    Form following function is a f**kup waiting to happen. It happened.

  • David of Melbourne Posted at 8:12 PM August 08, 2010

    I can create the same sort of issue with my Blackberry, but my HTC Desire has no such issues. One would think that the dictator Apple would have tested for this sort of issue though. Just remember you will do it the Apple way, or the Apple way.

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