Last updated: August 11, 2010

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Flight attendant Steven Slater becomes an instant online hit

steven slater

Steven Slater hurled obscenities over the plane's public address system. Picture: Supplied

  • Flight attendant becomes internet hit
  • Abused passenger, exited on emergency slide
  • Thousands express their support for him
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A FLIGHT attendant who called a passenger a "f*cking assh**e" over his plane's public address system before grabbing two beers and exiting on an emergency slide has become an online hit.

Steven Slater, 39, has received overwhelming support from the online community, with one Facebook page already gaining over 42,000 fans just a day after the incident occurred.

Many of Mr Slater’s fans claim to be familiar with the stresses of customer service-orientated careers, particularly in air travel.

Related story New York: Flight attendant abuses man then jumps

“Steven you are awesome! I work as a flight attendant as well and you are my hero,” Dayna Morley of Toronto, Canada said.

Another said: "Kudos to you, I am a former flight attendant and only wish I had the nerve to do what you did."

Some supporters even argue that the passenger involved in the dispute should be arrested, believing that Mr Slater was mistreated.

Mr Slater’s meltdown was triggered by an argument with a passenger, who sources said told him "to f*** off" after he was told not to remove baggage from the overhead compartment.

The passenger then insisted on opening the compartment, hitting Slater in the head with the door as it dropped down.

After the plane pulled up to the JetBlue terminal, and as people began moving towards the exit, sources said Slater got on the public-address system and launched into a tirade, screaming: "To the f***ing assh**e that told me to f*** off, it’s been a good 28 years!" according to law enforcement sources.

Slater then grabbed two beers from the galley and, in a move straight out of an action movie, popped the lever for the airliner’s inflatable chute and slid down it onto the tarmac outside the terminal door.

Mr Slater has been charged with second and fourth degree criminal mischief, third degree criminal trespass and first and second degree criminal endangerment.

He has pleaded not guilty to the charges and is being held on $US2500 ($2740) bail.

"I think he can’t believe the amount of attention he's getting," Mr Slater's lawyer Howard Turman said.

Mr Slater - who on his Facebook page lists his home as Thousand Oaks, California - writes "fashion, interior decorating, spirituality and recovery (are) among his interests." The only book he references is Alcoholics Anonymous, Twelve and Twelve.

Friends in Queens said he lives with his cancer-stricken mum. His father died of Lou Gehrig's Disease two years ago, they said.

Mr Slater has been removed from duty pending the investigation.

Related story New York: Flight attendant abuses man then jumps

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  • fame of Sydney Posted at 10:26 AM Today

    Good on you Mr Slater. As a receptionist I know what its like to be abused on a daily basis. Some people don't understand that there are safety rules and company procedures that have to be complied with. Mr Slater walk away with your head held high, you have done what only a few of us wish we could do.

  • Bill of Melbourne Posted at 10:26 AM Today

    Good man. He just decided he wasn't going to take any more c**p.

  • Andy Posted at 10:25 AM Today

    What's the big deal with getting up while the plane is travelling about 30km/h on the tarmac. You have just been going about 900km/h at 30,000 feet and you are allowed to walk around. Seriously what is the risk of not having your seat belt right up to the gate. This guy needs to chill

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