Last updated: August 12, 2010

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iPhone users have more lovers, says dating site

iPhone 4

iPhone users don't just spend their time playing with apps, according to dating website OkCupid. Picture: AFP
Source: AFP

IT'S a selling point even the marketing team at Apple couldn't have dreamed up: iPhone users get more play.

A study of online daters has revealed iPhone owners are likely to have had sex with more people than those using other smartphones.

It found that the average 30-year-old iPhone owner had slept with about 11 people, compared to 8 for BlackBerry owners and 6 for Android phones.

Women owning an iPhone were slightly more likely to have slept with more people than their male counterparts, with about 12 partners compared to 10.

The findings came from an analysis of almost 10,000 people signed up to dating website OkCupid, posted on its blog.

But before you rush out to get an iPhone in the hope of attracting a new lover, some users say it's not actually that simple.

iPhone owner Kirsten Lewis, 25, from Redfern in inner Sydney, said she saw no correlation between owning the device and her sex life.

Describing her sex life as on average "good", Ms Lewis said that it had in fact dropped off a little since she bought an iPhone.

"I purchased the iPhone while I was sexually active. Not at the exact time of purchase, obviously," she told

"But since it has stopped."

Ms Lewis also said what sort of phone a person owned made no difference to whether she found them attractive or not.

"I do not find people attractive based on their gadgets," she said.

However BlackBerry owner Kelly Fragomeni, 25, from Narellan in southwest Sydney, said she agreed with the findings.

"That probably sounds about right," said Ms Fragomeni, via email from her handset.

"I had an iPhone and I was out there mingling with boys. Then I got my BlackBerry and started going out with someone and sticking to him.

"So yeah I did get a lot more sex with the iPhone."

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  • Tim of Sydney Posted at 3:35 PM August 11, 2010

    My nan just bought an iPhone.........

  • Android4TW Posted at 3:33 PM August 11, 2010

    They should call it the STiPhone. Got a rubber (case)?

  • Sean Posted at 3:31 PM August 11, 2010

    so if i get 100 iphones ill have 99 times more sex than someone with 1 iphone

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