Is it safe to sleep on my stomach during pregnancy?

Woman sleeping on her tummy
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There's no problem in lying on your stomach in early pregnancy. At this point, your uterus is still nestled behind your pubic bone, so your baby is totally protected. Tender breasts may be a sore point though, but placing a pillow beneath them might help.

Later in your pregnancy, your growing tummy will may make it difficult for you to sleep on it. You'll probably be too uncomfortable and will change your sleeping position before it can hurt your growing baby.

Experts generally recommend sleeping on your side (especially the left side) during pregnancy. This position is best for your baby, because it helps the flow of blood and nutrients to the placenta. It also helps your kidneys to get rid of waste products and fluids from your body. This in turn helps to reduce swelling, if any, on your ankles, feet, and hands.

After 16 weeks of pregnancy, sleeping on your back isn't such a good idea. That's because your baby is pressing on the vein that returns blood from your lower body to your heart. However, it's only if you lie on your back for a long time that the flow of blood to the placenta and your baby could be affected. You may feel faint or dizzy after you have been lying on your back for a while in later pregnancy.

Also, sleeping on your back pushes the weight of your growing uterus on the back. If you face problems such as shortness of breath or acidity, especially in the third trimester, propping yourself up with pillows may be helpful.

Tips to be sleep comfortably in different positions:
  • Try curling up or stretching out on your left side with a pillow between your legs.

  • Prop a pillow under your hip bone and another one below your chest. 'cradle' your stomach and baby between the pillows. It helps to take any pressure off your stomach and unborn baby.

  • You can place a pillow on your side and prop your leg up on it to relieve some of the pressure off your stomach.

  • Lying on your side for too long can put pressure on your hips. Place a piece of soft foam on top of your mattress and under the sheet for added comfort.

Of course, we all toss and turn during a night's sleep and you may take some time getting used these different positions. So if you wake up on your back or tummy, try not to worry. Just roll onto your side, and get as comfortable as you can before dropping off to sleep again.

Reviewed by Dr Ashwini Nabar, BabyCenter India's expert obstetrician and gynaecologist.

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Priya Solomon Bellani
Priya Solomon Bellani is BabyCenter India's Deputy Editor.

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