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HIV, AIDS, and Sexually Transmitted Infections

Technical Publications and Resources

Mobilising a Response to HIV, Gender, Youth and Gender-Based Violence in South Africa: A Toolkit for Trainers and Programme Implementers 
During its implementation in South Africa, the Sexual HIV Prevention Project (SHIPP), a U.S. Agency for International Development–funded project on which EngenderHealth worked as a partner, determined that program staff working at the municipal and district levels and staff of community organizations needed additional training on HIV, gender, and youth. EngenderHealth oversaw the development of this toolkit to support “in-house” training on gender, HIV, youth, and community mobilization; the toolkit modules cover a range of topics and can be selected based on organizational needs and specific knowledge gaps among staff and volunteers. An advantage of the modular arrangement is that rather than having to set aside large blocks of time for training workshops, exercises and modules can be conducted on a stand-alone basis through sessions as short as two to three hours, or, if time permits, over a day or several days, or intermittently over a number of weeks or months. The toolkit also provides a detailed outline of the key principles and techniques of participatory learning.
(2015) English.
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Integrating Family Planning and Antiretroviral Therapy: A Client-Oriented Service Model
Service integration is an approach in which health care providers use opportunities to engage a client in addressing broader health and social needs beyond those prompting the initial health care encounter. Integrated programming can take many forms, both within the health sector and between sectors (such as integration between health and environment programs). Integration of family planning services with antiretroviral therapy (ART) services offers an opportunity to support the basic human right of people living with HIV to achieve their reproductive intentions. The integration approach presented in this guide encourages supervisors, planners, service providers, and community-based personnel to consider opportunities for operationalizing the integration of family planning into the provision of ART in a way that responds to and respects clients’ needs and desires. While this guide focuses on the integration of family planning with ART, the approach and principles are applicable for integrating core and additional services, whatever they may be. This program guide has a potentially wide range of audiences and applications. Donors, implementing organizations, technical advisors and supervisors, trainers, counselors, and community health personnel may all find this guide helpful in thinking through the steps needed to make service integration a programming reality.
(2014) English.
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The CHAMPION Project Briefs
Over the life of the CHAMPION Project in Tanzania, EngenderHealth reached over 345,000 individuals with HIV and reproductive health interventions, and over 260,000 individuals with gender-based violence prevention interventions. CHAMPION’s programming principles, strategic approach, and utilization of best practices provided the foundation for effective programs that contributed to the achievement of the project’s goal. These achievements have been highlighted in 16 project briefs, available as PDFs below.

  1. Channeling Men’s Positive Involvement in the National HIV/AIDS Response in Tanzania: An Overview of the CHAMPION Project (1.1 MB)
  2. Engaging Men As Partners® in Health: Promoting Equitable Gender Norms through Male Engagement in Tanzania (1.4 MB)
  3. CoupleConnect: A Gender-Transformative Approach to HIV Prevention for Tanzanian Couples (1.8 MB)
  4. Empowering Communities to Lead: Strengthening Community Capacity to Challenge Gender Norms, Reduce HIV Risk, and Improve Reproductive Health in Tanzania (2.9 MB)
  5. Community Matters: Fostering Community-Level Champions in Addressing HIV and Gender-Based Violence in Tanzania (2.2 MB)
  6. Vunja Ukimya, Zungumza na Mwenzio: A Mass Media Campaign to Motivate Couples to Communicate Effectively for HIV-Free Households (1.6 MB)
  7. Healthy Men, Healthy Families: Promoting Positive Health-Seeking Behavior among Men through Male-Friendly Health Services (1.4 MB)
  8. CHAMPION@Work for Tanzania: A Comprehensive, Gender-Transformative Approach to Preventing HIV through the World of Work (1.6 MB)
  9. CHAMPION@Work for the Millennium Challenge Account —Tanzania: Expanding Workplace HIV Interventions to Mobile Workers (2.9 MB)
  10. Tanzania Works: Advocacy Recommendations for Stronger Gender-Responsive Workplace HIV and AIDS Policies (2.7 MB)
  11. Prevention through Partnership: The Tripartite Plus Forum for HIV and AIDS and the World of Work in Tanzania (2.8 MB)
  12. MenEngage Tanzania: Building a Community of Practice for Engaging Men in Health and Gender Equity (2.7 MB)
  13. Advancing Tanzania’s National HIV and AIDS Agenda: Advocacy Approaches to Mainstreaming Gender in HIV-Related Laws and Policies (2.4 MB)
  14. Championing Gender Equality: The CHAMPION Project’s Gender-Based Violence Prevention Interventions (2.7 MB)
  15. Kuwa Mfano wa Kuigwa (Be a Role Model): A Gender-Transformative Campaign to Reduce Social Acceptance of Intimate Partner Violence (1.3 MB)
  16. Breaking Barriers, Creating Pathways: Understanding Help-Seeking among Survivors of Gender-Based Violence in Tanzania (1.5 MB)

Clinical trials using the Shang Ring device for male circumcision in Africa: a review
Male circumcision (MC) reduces the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Since 2008, a series of studies using the Shang Ring for adult MC have been carried out in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia, according to guidelines established by World Health Organization (WHO) for clinical evaluation of new devices for adult MC. These include a proof of concept study, a study of delayed removal of the Shang Ring, two studies comparing Shang Ring circumcision to conventional surgical approaches, and a large field trial to evaluate safety of Shang Ring circumcision during routine service delivery. Results from these studies demonstrate that the Shang Ring has an excellent safety profile and that Shang Ring circumcision is relatively easy to teach and learn, making Shang Ring MC an appealing technique for use in sub-Saharan Africa where doctors are in short supply and non-physician providers such as nurses and clinical officers are playing a major role in providing MC.
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Exploring the Human Resources for Health Landscape for Adult Male Circumcision Rollout in Four Districts in Nyanza Province, Kenya
(2011) Download as a PDF (3.6MB)

Assessing Two Strategies for Expanding Coverage of Adult Male Circumcision in Nyanza Province, Kenya: 1) Task Shifting to Nonphysician Clinicians, and 2) Outreach Services
(2011) Download as a PDF (4.7MB)

Assessing the Costs of Multiple Program Approaches and Service Delivery Modes for Adult Male Circumcision in Nyanza Province, Kenya
(2011) Download as a PDF (3.3MB)

Sexual and Reproductive Health of Women and Girls Living with HIV: Guidance for Program Managers, Health Workers, and Activists
While women and girls living with HIV should be able to exercise the same rights as everyone else—including to choose freely if and when to become pregnant—this is often not the case. Even in Brazil, which has one of the most progressive HIV programs in the world, yet where the face of HIV is increasingly female, women have faced a host of challenges. Developed with support from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Sexual and Reproductive Health of Women and Girls Living with HIV: Guidance for Program Managers, Health Workers, and Activists draws on lessons learned in Brazil to offer guidance and recommendations for creating programs that protect and promote the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls living with HIV and AIDS. Based on experiences in Brazil, the report presents guidance in four key programmatic areas:

  • Creating a political and social environment that respects, protects, and promotes the sexual and reproductive rights of women and girls living with HIV and AIDS
  • Strengthening health systems to improve the availability of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health for such individuals
  • Ensuring their meaningful participation in monitoring public policies and rights initiatives
  • Strengthening support for their personal development, expressions of sexuality, and reproductive choices

Download this publication in English (PDF, 3.3mb) and Portuguese (PDF, 5.5mb).

Sexual and Reproductive Health for HIV-Positive Women and Adolescent Girls: A Manual for Trainers and Programme Managers
This manual, developed in collaboration with the International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW), provides information and a structure for a four-day training and a two-day planning workshop that will enable program managers and health workers to provide comprehensive, nonjudgmental, and high-quality SRH care and support to HIV-positive women and adolescent girls. The manual is designed for a local context with limited resources. The manual also urges male involvement, promotes a holistic approach to integrated SRH counseling, and emphasizes program planning that links SRH and HIV services.
(2006) English, SM-47. Order this publication. Also available for download in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian.

COPE® for Male Circumcision Services: A Toolbook to Accompany the COPE® Handbook
To ensure success in the provision of adult male circumcision (MC) services, health care workers must be extremely sensitive to clients’ rights and needs for informed decision making, confidentiality, privacy, and nonjudgmental counseling. Furthermore, they must have the proper training, support, and supplies to provide services safely, in ways that make their clients feel comfortable. They must also be able to make appropriate referrals for prevention, treatment, care, and support, as necessary. This toolbook, a supplement to the COPE® Handbook, provides updated versions of the self-assessment guides, the client interview guide, and other materials for address the relevant range of topics for providing an integrated package of quality MC services, including HIV counseling and testing, promotion of safe sexual practices, condom demonstration and promotion, and screening for and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. The COPE tools for MC offer a structured approach for assessing the unique considerations inherent in the delivery of MC services, regardless of whether services are provided through a health facility or through mobile outreach teams.
(2011) English.
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COPE® for HIV Care and Treatment Services: A Toolbook to Accompany the COPE® Handbook
This toolbook, a supplement to the COPE® Handbook, provides updated versions of the self-assessment guides, the client interview guide, and other materials for identifying and solving on-site problems that compromise the quality of services designed for HIV care and treatment. The tools address such issues as information, education, informed consent, confidentiality, disclosure of HIV status, clinical management of HIV, antiretroviral treatment, palliative care, counseling on drug adherence, positive prevention, monitoring drug toxicity and viral load, HIV-TB coinfection, referrals to home and community-based care, integration of SRH and HIV services, and community action to reduce stigma and discrimination and increase support for HIV prevention and care services.
(2008) English.
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COPE® for HIV Counseling and Testing Services: A Toolbook to Accompany the COPE® Handbook
This toolbook, a supplement to the COPE® Handbook, provides updated versions of the self-assessment guides, the client interview guide, and other materials for identifying and solving on-site problems that compromise the quality of services designed for HIV counseling and testing. The tools address such issues as information, education, informed consent, disclosure of HIV status, counseling on HIV prevention and care, condom promotion, HIV counseling and testing approaches, laboratory diagnostics, referrals to care and treatment services both at the health facility and in the community, integration of SRH and HIV services, and community action to reduce stigma and discrimination and increase support for HIV prevention and care services.
(2008) English.
Download this publication (PDF, 616kb)

Family Planning–Integrated HIV Services: A Framework for Integrating Family Planning and Antiretroviral Therapy Services
This document is intended to stimulate critical thinking about programmatic gaps related to the reproductive health needs of women and couples living with HIV and to help community- and facility-based providers of HIV care and treatment and their supervisors tailor services to reflect the family planning needs of the users and communities they serve. It looks systematically at service delivery considerations for achieving integration.
(2007) English. SM-A-52
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Family Planning-Integrated Antiretroviral Therapy: A Curriculum
As HIV prevention, care, and treatment services increase people’s access to antiretroviral therapy (ART), many more persons living with HIV (PLHIV) are living longer, higher quality lives. As a result, the unmet need for family planning (FP) and reproductive health (RH) services among people living with HIV is growing, yet until recently, these needs have largely been overlooked. Health personnel often lack the knowledge and skills needed to help men and women to make free and informed decisions regarding their reproductive and contraceptive options, and they may be less equipped to support women receiving ART. This curriculum presents a systems approach to integrating FP services with HIV care and treatment services. It examines levels of integration of FP into HIV services, and prepares facility-based and community outreach service-delivery cadres to offer integrated FP-HIV services.
(2008) Download as a PDF (2.9MB)

HIV Prevention in Maternal Health Services
This two-volume set (programming guide and training guide) is designed to address the challenge of enabling HIV-negative women who become pregnant to remain infection-free. The programming guide will help policymakers, program managers, and trainers address programming gaps in the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in maternal health services and increase maternal health providers' capacity to provide pregnant and postpartum women with HIV and STI prevention services and referrals. Packaged with the programming guide is a key messages card, a stand-alone laminated card showing 10 key prevention messages for counselors to impart to pregnant and postpartum women. The training guide provides a series of activities designed to build the capacity of program managers and staff to offer integrated HIV and STI services for pregnant and postpartum clients within their particular service-delivery setting. Produced jointly by UNFPA and EngenderHealth.
(2004) Programming guide: English, SM-32P, French, SM-32PF / Training guide: English, SM-32T, French, SM-32TFOrder this publication. Also available in PDF: English only.

Paving the Path: Preparing for Microbicide Introduction
This report details the results of a qualitative study that explored a wide range of positive and negative issues likely to influence the introduction of microbicide use to prevent HIV transmission in South Africa. By presenting the contextual and product-related concerns surrounding microbicides, the report paves the way for policy makers, program managers, and health care workers who may be planning to introduce microbicides to the public. Produced jointly by EngenderHealth, the University of Cape Town–Women's Health Research Unit, the Population Council, and the International Partnership for Microbicides.
(2004) Available in PDF format only: English.

Reducing Stigma and Discrimination Related to HIV and AIDS: Training for Health Care Workers
A comprehensive curriculum designed to address the serious issues of stigma and discrimination related to HIV and AIDS in health care settings. Focuses on the impact of HIV and AIDS on provider behaviors, ensuring clients' rights in receiving health care services, and improving standard precautions and postexposure care. Provides guidance in developing action plans to help the participants put what they have learned into practice at their service settings.
(2004) Trainer's manual: English, SM-31T, French, SM-31TF/ Participant's handbook: English, SM-31P, French, SM-31PFOrder this publication. Also available as a PDF download.

Integration of HIV and STI Prevention, Sexuality, and Dual Protection in Family Planning Counseling: A Training Manual
Geared for health care staff, this two-volume set (manual and handouts) features participatory exercises on sexuality and gender; HIV and STI transmission, prevention, and dual protection; integrated counseling skills; and other trainers' resources. Working draft.
(2002) English SM-28Available only in PDF.


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