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Scott Jenson
Project Lead for Physical Web (UX director in previous life (Apple, Symbian, frog design, Google))
Scott Jenson 3 時間
from The Fountainhead. Fluting originally used to disguise seams, not needed w/modern materials but still copied blindly
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Scott Jenson 3 時間
OK, I'll bite, why is pointing out that research is a good thing "crap"
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Scott Jenson 5 時間
Agree, it's a nearly perfect metaphor, I'm surprised how many have never heard of it. Greek columns are a possible alt...
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Scott Jenson 5 時間
A 'last mile' issue. The road worker who installed this just didn't understand/care. Classic motivation for guidelines
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Scott Jenson 7月11日
and if you have any questions, please let me know. We very much want this to be an open web standard
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Scott Jenson 7月10日
Get used to it. It's the scenario-celeb of the IoT. You'll see it EVERYWHERE. Why I wrote that post....
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Scott Jenson 7月9日
I pursue businesses with online ordering and physical world return policies. Best of both worlds
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Scott Jensonさんがリツイート
The Dirt 7月8日
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Scott Jenson 7月8日
I've been experimenting, seeing if medium gives me more traffic. It certainly helps but I'm def keeping my blog
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Scott Jenson 7月8日
I tend to look a bit humorless when on Twitter. Maybe someday I'll be hip and cool like you guys...
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Scott Jenson 7月8日
Appears this article is a bit silly as it's comparing day 1 sales to today. Nearly same drop for iPhone6 so this is likely a bit sensational
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Scott Jenson 7月8日
Well actually, I got a netgear 7000 (which supports 802.11ac) and it's MUCH faster (apple upgrade not required)
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Scott Jenson 7月8日
looks like you've got an old airport extreme: just supports 802.11n. If you get the latest, 802.11ac, MUCH faster
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Scott Jenson 7月8日
fair enough, kickstarter surely gives smaller companies a form of market validation. But even KS products fail to impress
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Scott Jenson 7月8日
Like Nate Silver, I like to see multiple studies. This is just a first data point. I'm not ready to think anything just yet
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Scott Jenson 7月8日
Apple? KickStarter? Surely you jest...
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Scott Jenson 7月8日
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Scott Jensonさんがリツイート
Modn Media 7月7日
We wrote this for you guys and we hope you find it useful...
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Scott Jenson 7月6日
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Scott Jenson 7月6日
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