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R. Niwa
I write and review WebKit patches. (rniwa)
R. Niwa retweeted
utatane 10 Oct
Seeing the performance monitoring, bmalloc provides great performance benefit, awesome!
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R. Niwa retweeted
Web Platform Daily 10 Oct
WebKit first to implement Level 4 extension of CSS :nth-child()
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R. Niwa 25 Sep
You know you've overexercised yourself when you start throwing up afterwards.
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R. Niwa retweeted
Kathy Sun 03 Sep
"But won't you eventually run out of bugs?" - my concerned nonprogrammer friend after hearing about backlogs
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R. Niwa retweeted
Benjamin De Cock 26 Aug
Safari 8 is /insanely/ fast. Some DOM performance tests show that Chrome 36 is actually closer to Safari 7 on iOS than Safari 8 on OS X.
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R. Niwa 17 Aug
What if I told you one week ago today isn't one week ago next month?
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R. Niwa 14 Aug
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R. Niwa retweeted
Jeff Atwood 06 Aug
in 2007, the SunSpider Javascript benchmark took 5.4 seconds. Today it takes 153 milliseconds. 35x faster in 7 years.
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R. Niwa 02 Aug
Every time I try to use a framework, I find myself working around things the framework does automatically :(
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R. Niwa retweeted
Benjamin Poulain 16 Jul
Great stuff: made a slide deck explaining how the CSS JIT compiles and optimizes selectors:
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R. Niwa 12 Jul
the hardest part is finding someone who is intelligent & attractive but not in tech in the valley. It's like spotting a gem in beach.
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R. Niwa 12 Jul
That looks _very_ open. Has anyone suggested to adopt the style in W3C to foster more openness and innovation?
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R. Niwa 11 Jul
Looking more carefully, this is a bug in WebKit.
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R. Niwa 11 Jul the time observer.observe runs.
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R. Niwa 11 Jul
Your code is racy. Depending on how much content had been parsed, body may or may not have already been in the document
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R. Niwa 08 Jul
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R. Niwa retweeted
Yehuda Katz 08 Jul
Life of a Firefox user:
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R. Niwa retweeted
David Herman 08 Jul
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R. Niwa 06 Jul
Heading to SF... where can I get fast-enough free WiFi to code in SF?
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R. Niwa 06 Jul
looks great in all major browsers and only looks good in Firefox.
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