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Bill Buxton
Designer, author, researcher, lecturer. At MSR & prof at U of Toronto & TU/Eindhoven. Was at Xerox PARC, Alias|Wavefront & SGI. YouTube: wasbuxton.
Bill Buxton 2 de set
BTW, once I am finished with documentation, plan is to donate the collection to .
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Bill Buxton 2 de set
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Bill Buxton 1 de set
They forgot to mention the huge franchise opportunities - sigh!
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Bill Buxton 1 de set
Echt leuk werk. Bedankt voor het delen. / Nice slide deck on sketching UX
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Bill Buxton 1 de set
Kate - really good piece. Thanks.
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Bill Buxton 1 de set
Reminder tech decisions R implicitly ethical: Kranzberg said, Technology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neutral.
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Bill Buxton 30 de ago
Other things being equal, ones that run parallel to, & just below, the surface, are easier to harvest and have least impact.
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Bill Buxton 29 de ago
Jack Pine ☺
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Bill Buxton 29 de ago
In southern Ontario there are no black spruce. Here, jack pine is the traditional root. Splits well.
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Bill Buxton 29 de ago
Yes! Tom, my mentor, is one of the few who can make expedition worthy birchbark canoes.
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Bill Buxton 29 de ago
Watap & bark handy, so spent peaceful time by lake making crooked knife sheath before breakfast. Craft spans tech.
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Bill Buxton retweetou
Prosthetic Knowledge 27 de ago
RIP Bill Etra: Pioneering artist who helped develop Rutt/Etra Video Synthesizer passes away
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Bill Buxton 26 de ago
And poor pity the cop that told great grandmother to remove that enslaving demeaning covering, much less great grandfather ☺
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Bill Buxton 26 de ago
Had recent cause to be reminded about the phenomenal use of media in support of human rights of - worth examining & supporting.
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Bill Buxton 26 de ago
"Innovators" who complain about not getting their ideas into product, need to stop whining & study how all the terrible products did.
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Bill Buxton 26 de ago
I love that there is a car show that celebrates the charm of really bad design.,, even if not all bad :-)
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Bill Buxton 26 de ago
A thought: Modesty of French burkini ban supporters' M & F Grandparents demanded bathing machine & full-body cover!
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Bill Buxton 26 de ago
THE HISTORY AND UNCERTAIN FUTURE OF HANDWRITING - interesting review of book relevant to the future of digital ink:
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Bill Buxton 24 de ago
Miguel, U R absolutely correct w.r.t. making as a means of leaning history & why 1/2 exercises in Sketching book do that.
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Bill Buxton 24 de ago
That is similar & as important point. But remember your planning + knowing Knuth gets you further than planning alone.
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