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Kevin Marks
Reading your thoughts. if you write them first.
Kevin Marksさんがリツイート
nilay patel 29 分
Every dirtbag on Reddit is going to take Pao leaving as validating their dirtbaggery, and it will paralyze a company that needs to change.
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイート
Steve Gillmor 2 時間
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Kevin Marks 3 時間
so really "hell is othering people" ? It's the slumming? “your certainty that the world is your Disneyland”
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイート
Melinda Byerley 4 時間
I came across this fantastic analysis of the interpretation of the original meaning in French, by Sartre himself.
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイート
Glenn Lovell 4 時間
Omar Sharif (1932-2015): Playboy, raconteur … fallen idol?
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイート
Sarah Hopkins 4 時間
I really hate the "click here to read more" link on a page that is already rendered I know what you marketing a-holes are doing.
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Kevin Marks 6 時間
also, I assume is very unhelpful as their "elements" are your molecules?
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Kevin Marks 6 時間
is the difference between a molecule and an organism dynamism? A sense of things changing, life cycle?
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Kevin Marks 6 時間
what's their endgame here? Presumably if they get a date it will be obvious that they are someone else?
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイート
Alastair Humphreys 7月9日
Love this map of London: no streets shown, just all the green spaces.
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイート
Neil Milliken 7月6日
You think you're being helpful using "click here" links, but this is how a blind person reads your copy
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Kevin Marks 13 時間
Web design is dead - for 'dead' read 'solved'
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Kevin Marks 13 時間
A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks if you're not using this instead of floats you should be
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイート
Jonathan Frandzone 19 時間
sext: showering? without the pizza man? ;)
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイート
Letters of Note 13 時間
Oh, sorry, letterheads were used in the Days of Paper. Kinda like profile pics but non-clickable.
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイート
Imperator Spiderosa 7月9日
I don't care who you are, this definition still applies:
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイート
Lexi Alexander 7月9日
I feel like I need to teach a self-defense class for women but about psychological warfare on the Internet.
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイート
Sarah Mei 15 時間
That's the way software development is going. Bad communicators are schedule risks, and more people are starting to see that.
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイート
Sarah Mei 16 時間
I've been thinking about the well-meaning manager who told "you've got more to offer than writing code all day!"
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Kevin Marks 16 時間
Instead of counting patents and strong IP laws, try measuring open source contributions and information published
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