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Kevin Marks
Reading your thoughts. if you write them first.
Kevin Marks 2時間
I credit 's outreach to the dad community
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Hannah Stewart 3時間
Hands up if you're a company (or project team), based in the UK?
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイートしました
Katie Mack 5時間
As far as is concerned, if tweets are deleted, they never happened. (Report form doesn't accept screenshots)
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Kevin Marks 5時間
Writing about clickbait is the new writing about blogging. It gets every writer to join in.
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Kevin Marks 5時間
Good essay on databases and their woes q interesting that Partitioning is now assumed. Standalone data no more?
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Kevin Marks 6時間
right, but they have migrated more into Google Play Services + shimmed newer APIs on old OS versions
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイートしました
Benedict Evans 6時間
I've never quite understood why you need a big screen to enjoy great content properly.
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Kevin Marks 6時間
“… mass media in general are being replaced by a foamy carbonated sea of micro-targeted filter bubbles.” -
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Kevin Marks 6時間
how does foursquare compare? I've found it useful in London, but I'm a tourist there these days
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイートしました
BBC Radio 4 6時間
Stories of sleeplessness, dreams and revelations in Jarvis Cocker's Wireless Nights podcast:
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイートしました
Josh Elman 8時間
. it would be incredible if government could start operating at the speed of the Internet
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Kevin Marks 8時間
well, all iron is from meteorites, it just depends how long ago they hit earth
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイートしました
Crystal Beasley 8時間
Qcut jeans in 400 sizes is 70% funded. Let's make this happen, ladies. Pre order
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Kevin Marks 8時間
well, Twitter analytics will tell you how many people actually saw the Tweet - no api for that
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Kevin Marks 9時間
when they did update it using Friend Connect, Facebook shut it down with spurious ToS objections, so they reverted
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Kevin Marks 9時間
who says Americans don't want high speed networks in their pockets?
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Kevin Marks 9時間
is that what you'd call a fucksonomy?
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Kevin Marks 9時間
» : As the years pass, the more often I find myself saying, "Correlation does not imply causation."«
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Kevin Marks 9時間
openid means you can use indieauth and so your site
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Kevin Marksさんがリツイートしました
Noelle Ste7enson 18時間
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