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Lexi Alexander
Arab/German mutt. Film & TV creator when they let me. Please pirate: , , , .
Lexi Alexander retweeted
Alan Sizzler Kistler 22h
. review of ENTOURAGE: "plays like the masturbatory fantasy of a men’s-rights activist."
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Lexi Alexander 3h
(it's a funnier way of saying "bad luck")
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Lexi Alexander 3h
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Lexi Alexander 3h
I have to retweet this for the most colorful translation offered...
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Lexi Alexander 4h
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Lexi Alexander retweeted
Mynette Louie 4h
Asian American writers & writer/directors: apply to this by 6/22. Asian Am Feature Film Fellowship:
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Lexi Alexander 4h
Old white guy will direct biopic about another old white guy. 😴😴😴😴
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Lexi Alexander 4h
I was going to get upset...until I saw who is making this...and good grief, any Arab working in film is a good thing:
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Lexi Alexander 4h
We're so desperate in Hollywood, we're giving men awards for common decency.... That is not speaking out for women.
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Lexi Alexander 4h
by the way...I wasn't "surprisingly" impressed. Just impressed.
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Lexi Alexander 5h
Please listen to this very educational Australian (?!) radio show about women in Hollywood: where R U?
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Lexi Alexander 5h
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Lexi Alexander 5h
This is why I'm 3 weeks late on this script...because for an ADD person the birds on here & the birds out there are a constant distraction.
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Lexi Alexander 5h
. black-throated magpie jay:
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Lexi Alexander 6h
This only happens in Cali...just stopped by to say hi:
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Lexi Alexander retweeted
Latenitedraw 6h
poc characters are treated a lot like meals that have no flavoring or are overly seasoned.
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Lexi Alexander retweeted
Latenitedraw 6h
its always weird for me when people depict brown folk like me in art.
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Lexi Alexander retweeted
Latenitedraw 6h
its either nothing more than a setting for a whitewashed, flavorless person to wad through...
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Lexi Alexander retweeted
Latenitedraw 6h
or its a brown person but they're dealing with some dumb sterotypes. ie terrorist recruiters/arranged marriages/etc etc
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Lexi Alexander retweeted
Hogwarts Logic 10h
This girl's senior quote wins
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