We count it a privilege to support and encourage couples who are 'tying the knot' and view every wedding as a unique opportunity to celebrate love and commitment. The ceremony itself reminds us that it’s something that shouldn't be entered into lightly, but in a world of microwave meals and speed-dating, an institution that stands for lifelong commitment has got to be something worth celebrating!

Couples with a connection with St. Thomas’ church, i.e. attending worship or living in the parish, are very welcome to get married in the church. In certain circumstances we are happy to marry those who still have a surviving spouse from a previous marriage.

If you would like more info please contact the
church office.
To help us improve our facilities and provide space for wedding breakfasts on site we are planning to extend our premises. Please look at the video below to see how we are planning to provide even better space for your special event.
New Extension Plans

A Wedding with a Difference!
On Saturday 8th August 2008, Mark Broom and Luba Stepanova joined hands in holy matrimony at St Thomas’ Church, Fair Oak; the way they did it was certainly not traditional.
It was a surprise to all.  The family and closest friends of Mark and Luba prepared to enter the church building in style.  It was then, the music blazed, ‘Chris Brown – Forever’.  The ushers began dancing down the aisle, whilst others followed with a variety of simple yet effective choreographed routines.  The groom rolled in until the bride stole the show.  A great start to such a great wedding!   
“Having our wedding at St Toms was such a celebration!  The joy of having our family and friends join us in celebrating our love for one another was an unforgettable happy memory.  Even more so was the fact that the vicar and his wife participated in our dancing wedding entrance.  I’m sure a memory they will never forget also!”
Mark and Luba have just celebrated their two year anniversary, enjoying life together and with a little one on the way!    
With over 5,000 hits, you can view ‘Mark and Luba’s dance’ on YouTube.  Just visit: or search ‘mark and luba dance’