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At the end of June/beginning of July St. Thomas’ Church, Fair Oak is celebrating its 150th Anniversary. As part of this anniversary year we are aspiring to perform 150 Acts of Mercy to celebrate 150 years of Grace. You can watch the 'onefifty' list grow here!

Total so far: 99/150

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Neighbourhood Prayer Network
Let's get our acts of mercy started by signing up to pray for our neighbours and our street! Our initial commitment is to prayer walk our street once a month, further opportunities to pray for our neighbours coming up through the year...

Number of streets covered in prayer: 23 so far
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Got a ladder that you are willing to lend? Got a skill that you are willing to share? Streetbank is a way of loving our community by being willing to share our possessions and help our neighbours!

Number of people willing to lend to / help others: 20 so far
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Our 150th anniversary booklet
A booklet outlining the launch of St. Thomas' church in Fair Oak. Reserve your copy now. Stocks limited!

1 new booklet
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Vote Danny Stupple
Danny Stupple standing as an independent candidate in the Eastleigh by-election!

1 new candidate
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Special service with the members of South Morley Acres.

1 new service
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Street Pastor Graduation

Number of new St Pastors in Fair Oak and Horton Heath this year: 1 so far
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New event for Dads and their children up to age 5.

Number of Saturdads events: 3 so far
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New Hope Project
Practical project partnering with ARK to support local families.

Number of referrals: 2 so far
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Living Room Kids
One of the children at The Living Room has raised money for a toilet in Burundi by going without running water for a whole weekend as part of the Toilet Twinning project. Many more fund-raisers are in the pipeline - goats, wells, school resources and more...

Number of aid projects: 1 so far
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Live Below the Line
Live Below the Line is challenging individuals and communities to see how much change you can make out of £1. By living off just £1 per day for food for 5 days, you will be bringing to life the direct experiences of the 1.4 billion people currently living in extreme poverty and helping to make real change. - See more here

Number of participants this year: 8
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The Marriage Course
A strong, loving and lifelong relationship doesn’t happen by chance. It takes effort and dedication to keep the fun and romance alive. We can all learn how to make even the happiest marriage better...

A seven session course set in a fantastic atmosphere. You will be served with a candlelit meal at a romantic table for two while listening to practical talks that are informative and fun,

Number of couples: 9
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Bible Study Fellowship
From its initial printing on the Gutenberg press in the 15th Century, the Bible has been the most widely published book in history. Why is it that we have this one book on our shelves or coffee tables? Almost every person you ask would agree the Bible is an important book. How often do we actually read the Bible? Do we understand what it means when we read it? How does the Bible apply to our lives?

We now have a BSF International course running in Fair Oak!

Number of courses: 1
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Home Church Food
Re:source, Re:side and Oasis have been blessing others through food parcels and coffee mornings. Sharing food is a great way to remind people of our friendship, love and support. Perhaps your home church wants to get on board...?

Number of home churches: 3
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SOM Team
A gift to St. Thomas' and Fair Oak! 11 School of ministry Students from Toronto coming to spend 3 weeks with us in July!

Number of people: 13
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Hopeweavers at Home
A mini retreat once a month on a Saturday morning creating space and stillness before God. All welcome

Events so far: 2
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Birthday Cake
A special 150 birthday cake is being distributed to residents of Fair Oak Court who may not be able to get out and be part of our celebrations on the 7th July

Number of cakes: 1
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Foot Health Treatment
Three vouchers for a foot health treatment have been given to bless 3 people.

Number of vouchers: 3
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Fair Oak Carnival
Three floats entered this year's carnival, receiving the community award and a runner up prize! A great team effort as part of our onefifty celebrations!

Number of floats: 3
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Fountain Cafe Summer Tea Party
The Fountain Cafe put on a fantastic tea party for the teachers and staff at Wyvern College!

Number of tea party's: 1
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Onefifty Picnic in the Park
Over 250 people enjoyed a sweltering hot picnic in the park!

Number of picnics: 1