Showing posts with label attempted murder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label attempted murder. Show all posts

Sunday, August 18, 2019

"Winnipeg Free Press" Journalist Uncovers Identity of Winnipeg Recruiter For Violent Hate Group

It has been hard to keep up with all the information coming out about the far-right in Canada and internationally, especially those related to the more underground and violent movements that have come into existence during the past few years. The tragedy in El Paso and the arrest of a man in Las Vegas who appears to have been planning a similar attack has made the danger posed by the far right much more clear.

The Las Vegas suspect, whose plans look to have been known of and perhaps assisted by the international members of the Atomwaffen-affiliated Feuerkrieg Division, also had a connection to a Barrie, ON man who was profiled on the blog. And earlier this month ARC and other groups became aware of another violent, and perhaps more dangerous, group in Canada:

The screen shot comes from the now deleted Gab profile for The Base, a secretive hate group that has been recruiting members in the United States, engaging in survivalist and combat training, and preparing to attack targets with the goal of helping to create conditions for a societal collapse from which their members and like minded individuals will emerge to create their vision of a whites only society. Those considered undesirable -- racial minorities, Jews, Muslims, LGBTQ -- as well as white who don't subscribe to the racist ideology and are thus deemed traitors, would be eliminated.

As journalists Mack Lamoureux and Ben Makuch noted in a Vice story published Friday morning The Base is also now active in Canada:

Those of us who keep an eye on hate groups were already aware that groups like The Base could be active in Canada and we had seen some indications of some level of paramilitary activity. It wasn't until the posters started showing up that it was confirmed however:

These posters started showing up in Winnipeg and Saskatchewan earlier this month. Myself and groups such as Yellow Vests Canada Exposed, FF1, and the Canadian Anti-Hate Network (among many others) have been trying to figure out who might be responsible. On Friday Ryan Thorpe of "The Winnipeg Free Press" published a story detailing how he was able to gain access to the group and learn the identity of the Winnipeg recruiter:

Online, he goes by the names Dave Arctorum and "coincidence detector" (a reference to a Google Chrome extension used by anti-Semites to identify Jewish-sounding names in news articles). 
He said his real first name was Patrick and that he was 26 years old. He said he grew up in the countryside and at some point lived in Winnipeg, but now resides in Beausejour. He later said his father owned land near Lundar.....Recently, he’s begun putting up flyers that attempt to intimidate and threaten local anti-fascist activists. 
He claimed to have joined the military out of high school, training as a combat engineer, but indicated he plans to leave the military soon because he feels he can no longer "serve the ZOG."....During his years in the military, he said he tried to turn other soldiers onto neo-Nazism and felt he had made progress with two individuals. 
Patrick also revealed that in addition to his social-media accounts, which promote his political views, he set up multiple other accounts to spread misinformation among local anti-fascist activists. 
At one point in the conversation, which lasted roughly an hour-and-a-half, he said in a well-ordered society such activists would be dragged out of their homes and "strung up." He also discussed plans to find the addresses and phone numbers of these people and post them publicly....."At this point it is the system that is fomenting armed (white nationalist) revolution, not us. We tried the peaceful route. The system closed it off at every turn. Now the system shall reap what it has sown. I’ll leave it at that," he wrote. 
"At this point it is the system that is fomenting armed (white nationalist) revolution, not us. We tried the peaceful route. The system closed it off at every turn. Now the system shall reap what it has sown. I’ll leave it at that," he wrote.
While we don't know Patrick's Patrik's last name, ARC and others did learn at least a few of Patrik's online identities including this one:

Monday, August 12, 2019

Peace Bond Issued Against Kevin Goudreau Who Probably Complicated His Life Even Further Without Actually Realizing It

Why are the pretty ones so dumb?

Well okay, perhaps "pretty" isn't an apropos descriptor for Kevin or Lily?

Back in June Blood and Honour/Combat 18 was declared to be outlawed terrorist organizations and thus banned in Canada. Not long after, the folks on Stormfront, including Goudreau, began to post furiously about the injustice of it all:

One of my favorite parts of the thread is "Cydonia" whining about how the designation is racist against white people:


I mean there were literally jihadist terrorist groups mentioned as also being banned in the same document.

And there is already an extensive list in Canada of terrorists affiliated with all sorts of extremist views.

But you keep crying persecution there Cydonia!

Also of interest is a person who once was featured quite heavily on the blog at one point when he was associated with the Aryan Guard and Blood and Honor but who had fallen a bit off my radar:

Bill Noble would like to suggest that the folks with Blood & Honour were persecuted, innocent, little lambs, however he seemed to know a great deal about the propensity for violence in the hate group as evidenced by the secrete chat with an administrator for the Blood and Honour International Forum:

Noble is referring to the attempted murder of Tyler Sturrup via pipe bomb that Kyle McKee and an underage accomplice were implicated in. Though attempted murder charges against McKee were eventually dropped (he was convicted of possession of bomb making materials) it seems clear that Noble was much more aware of McKee's involvement than he had let on.

Incidentally when I originally posted the screen shot about, it resulted in a rather robust discussion:

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Blood & Honour/Combat 18 Listed as Outlawed Terrorist Organizations

I created the blog in November 2007 in large part to monitor the Aryan Guard, a Calgary-based hate group founded by Kyle McKee that I saw as having an incredible potential for violence. Eventually the Aryan Guard "patched over" to become Canada's first official (though there had been individuals affiliated long before) branch of the Combat aligned Blood & Honour.

As both the Aryan Guard and Blood & Honour, this hate group was implicated in numerous assaults, arson, a pipe bomb, weapons charges, uttering threats, and attempted murder. Two former members who created the rival WEB were later charged and convicted of murder. Another Blood & Honour group aligned with Volksfront was also implicated in a number of assaults.

My primary goal had been to warn people about this group. Though I've certainly expanded the scope of the blog significantly since its original creation, I've tried as best I could to keep tabs on the members and supporters of Blood & Honour as they became much more discreet online but no less dangerous in the real world.

As such, I view news as a significant event in the effort to combat hate:

I was interviewed by Vice News earlier today when the news of the designation of Blood & Honour and Combat 18 as outlawed terrorist organizations. I was asked about the activity of the group in recent years and noted that while not engaged in the overt activities of the past, it was still very much active as this 2016 screen shot indicates:

Rather than engaging in marched in Calgary or, as in the case of the last march Edmonton, the Calgary Blood & Honour instead engaged in surreptitious flyering and nearly monthly get togethers sometimes featuring guests who had been in the news:

I kept track of these events and while they were reasonably good at maintaining security, their failures were duly recorded:

More recently, Blood & Honour has been promoting a camp out that is to take place in both Alberta and New Brunswick:

McKee himself no longer lived in Calgary. He and his partner have moved to New Brunswick where McKee now runs a tattoo business.

Based on interactions on the business' Facebook cite, he seems to be one of the go-to tattooists for members and friends of the Northern Guard in the province:

I also mentioned in the interview that as happy as I was that Blood & Honour and Combat 18 have been designated at terrorist groups, I also hope to see further scrutiny on groups such as the III% militia, Northern Guard, Proud Boys, Soldiers of Odin (or any of the other Nouns), and the Yellow Vesters which often serve as "gateway drugs" so-to-speak for entry into even more extreme groups.

On this readers need not take my word for it:

Long time readers won't be at all surprised to know that long-time figure in the hate movement Paul Fromm is a bridge between the extremist Yellow Vests and the even more extreme Blood & Honour:

Sunday, March 17, 2019

"I Disagree With Violence But....": The Justification and Celebration of the Christchurch Mosque Murders By Paul Fromm and Robert Jones

It didn't take long for the likes of Paulie to try and justify the murder of 50 adults and children worshiping at two Christchurch mosques. In a post on his blog, Fromm posted the entirety of the murderer's "manifesto" along with his own forward justifying the attack while couching that justification if claims to oppose violence:

The most relevant section of the forward his here:

Of course long time readers of ARC and those who know the long history of Fromm's support for violent hate groups who do the dirty work that he tacitly promotes know just how hollow Fromm's claim to "disagree with... violence." He has supported groups such as the Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour, Volksfront, the KKK, and a multitude of groups who have engaged in violence and he has rationalized every single instance:

In fact he has his own links to Christchurch, New Zealand where another violent hate group had been founded:

Here Fromm is shaking hands with Kyle Chapman while on a speaking tour of New Zealand in December 2010. Chapman was leader and founder of the neo-Nazi hate group Right Wing Resistance that formed targeting Maori and other Polynesian peoples, other New Zealand peoples of colour, Jews, and Muslims:
Right Wing Resistance also had a number of chapters around the world. Many were quite small including a Canadian chapter whose sole active member was profiled on the blog in late 2015:

Fromm isn't the only prominent disseminator of hate propaganda who has helped to poison the well and creating the conditions that contribute to events such as the Christchurch tragedy. Like others regarded as leaders or (to use a more resent term) influencers in the white nationalist movement internationally, Fromm toes right up to the line where he doesn't overtly advocate for violence, but justifies it when it occurs as the inevitable consequences of an ethnically diverse society and that the remedy is to make society not ethnically diverse.... however that task would be accomplished is left up to the imagination. These dog whistles are heard by those who ARE potentially inclined to commit such reprehensible acts, but those who have helped to foster this noxious environment have their plausible deniability. 

A figure on the far right whom I have written about due to his active involvement in protests and groups that are increasingly more extreme, Robert Jones, represents the kind of person people like Paulie are dog whistling too:

We usually find the sort of radicalization Robert Jones is undergoing in teens, however like the children who find their way into hate groups, Jones is someone who seems desperate to belong to something. He has been a member of the Soldiers of Odin, the Proud Boys, and the JDL as an affiliate. He has eventually been booted from all three of the groups mentioned and now he's on his forth, the hate group known as the Northern Guard. He has also embraced overt fascism and worships Donald Trump as a sort of living god (note that he has more than one Facebook account two of which I will be sourcing in the article without bothering to make the distinction):

When the Christchurch murders took place, Jones was immediately drawn to the manifesto which he has spent a great deal of time sharing online:

Jones seems aware that posting links to the manifesto, as well as the video of the murders, violate Facebook's terms of service regarding dissemination of hate propaganda and violence, but he seems determined to share these with a wide audience:

Jones' reaction to the murders has been equally crass:

Duarate seems to be under the impression that Fraser Anning, the Australian senator
who blamed the Muslim community for the the murder of their members for
the audacity of living in New Zealand, is a leftist because he likely didn't
read the article.... because he seems to be an idiot.

The term "retribution attack" used by Jones is telling as he very quickly begins to justify the murders and dehumanize non-white peoples: