Showing posts with label Hammerskins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hammerskins. Show all posts

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Kevin Goudreau Planning Rally in Toronto And Might Be Pretending To Be A Hammerskin

When anti-government/anti-refugee extremist groups held rallies across the country on September 30, they were outnumbered in most locations by as many as 10 to 1 (only in Quebec were numbers more or less equal and perhaps Regina where no one even noticed the four people who were protesting). Perhaps the most humiliating event was that experienced by Kevin Goudreau in Peterborough, ON where 300 to 400 counter-protesters showed up while Goudreau hid. Only one fascist supporter attended and he was given what I've come to describe as an antifa kiss. Now while many of those supporting the anti-government/anti-refugee cause were justifiably disappointed, Goudreau has been trying to frame the day as a great victory. A recent video posted by the Goudreau continues on this theme:

ARC readers know Goudreau has a tendency to engage in self-aggrandizing rhetoric, so Goudreau claiming victory by not showing up is par for the course. Also something that ARC readers know, but haven't experienced in a few years now, is the Goudreau's menagerie of imaginary friends which includes the membership of the White Canadian Nationalist Party, many of his early girlfriends, and now it seems CNP boosters from other hate groups.

For example, Goudreau posted the following on Stormfront announcing a rally to take place on November 4 in Toronto:

What is interesting is the videos suggest that the Hammerskins are now supporters of Goudreau:

Those who are aware of the history of the racist movement in this country would be surprised that Goudreau would receive support from the Hammerskins because of a very long running grudge held by Goudreau against the Hammerskins as well as the Hammerskins generally viewing Goudreau as a mouthy little joke. That nature of their relationship is best explained by this photo which has been kicking around since 1989 or 1990 in which a Hammerskin finds Goudreau's face to be irresistibly punchable:

Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Goat-Blood Drinking Senate Candidate and the PEGIDA UK Leader Who Was Too Much Even For UKIP

Sometimes we learn about some particularly odd characters when receiving information from our readers:

Meet Augustus Sol Invictus, a Libertarian candidate for the senate seat being vacated by Marco Rubio.

Aside from changing his name to a Latin phrase which is loosely translated as "Majestic Invincible Sun" and, thus, indicating that he has an ego that Donald Trump might envy, Augie here is an interesting cat for other reasons:

Meet Augustus Invictus, the Florida Libertarian Who Loves Paganism, Civil War, and Goat Sacrifice

A few relevant points:

There are a few reasons why Wyllie finds Invictus such a distasteful character. "Mr. Invictus has repeatedly vowed that it is his destiny to start a second civil war in America," Wyllie wrote in a Facebook post announcing his resignation. He continued, "He has described himself as an American Fascist... He has expressed support for a eugenics program... Many of his supporters are known members of Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups."

While the Florida Libertarian Party didn't out-and-out eject Invictus from its ranks, it did issue a press release Monday condemning the Senate candidate's views. "The LPF has not endorsed Augustus Invictus and has not provided him with any support," the party's new chair said in the statement. But, the party added, "Under the law, we cannot prevent him from running as a Libertarian and he is not required to enter our certification process."

The impetus for all this was apparently a post on Invictus' Senate campaign website titled "A Declaration of the Failings of the US Government." In it, the candidate does display some pretty racist views, like accusing the federal government of abandoning "its eugenics programs & elitist mindset in favor of a decadent ideology that rejects the beauty of strength and demands the exponential growth of the weakest, the least intelligent, and the most diseased."

Still, weird name and racist views aside, Invictus might have gone unnoticed by the public at large if it weren't for Wyllie's assertion that, "Mr. Invictus was ejected from Ordo Templi Orientis for brutally and sadistically dismembering a goat in a ritualistic sacrifice." Naturally, this got people's attention, piquing the interest of the national news media....

Now we generally don't write a lot about the American nutters unless there is a direct link to Canada, so you all know where this is going:

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part VI (Greatest Email Exchange Ever!!!)

You know, there are times when we have to wonder what good karma we have amassed for fortune to fall into our laps.

Ladies and gentlemen, might we introduce you to the newest member of the Southern Ontario "Skinheads", Jeremy Crawford:

We should at this point provide a little background. Crawford actually contacted us in May thinking that either we were the SOS or that we could hook him up with the SOS:
my name is jeremy crawford when u here the name u say skinhead thats feared and well respected im friends with brodie walsh anyways i lead small skinhead groups in london and sarnia ive been through thick and thin being a skinhead but i always come out on top because were more intelligent than the others [emphasis ours] i want in im 32 and i want in i want a group to call my family that i can trust with my life im 220 pds and covered in white power tattooes covered. im the poster child for skinheads im purebred german blonde hair blue eyes etc please get back to me. WPWW
Jeremy Crawford 32 220 pds pure german and life long skinhead i want in i have ran little clicks and iam well respected i want in the southren ont skins get back to me at ************ or ************ get ahold of me please i would be an incredible asset to the group and i know brodie walsh
This in and of itself wasn't actually a surprise. It actually isn't all that uncommon for ARC to receive messages from boneheads who are either functionally illiterate or who neglect to actually read our stories (or the rather large Anti-Racist Canada banner) and who believe we are a racist group. So it was with Jeremy Crawford. As he also provided his email, we decided that we would get in touch with him to see if we could extend this little dialogue. However, we didn't hear back from Crawford so we published an article making fun of him for contacting an anti-racist organization to request membership in a racist organization.

We knew this would likely result in the SOS reaching out to Crawford, an assumption that soon proved correct:

Later, on June 28, Walsh posted a follow-up on his wall:

That, we figured, would be the nail in the coffin. No chance that Crawford would reply to our email.

Then, on July 4 (which ironically turned out to be Crawford's birthday) we received this:

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Neo-Nazi and Convicted Murderer Running For Toronto Council

The Toronto civic election, already a three ring circus, needs some clowns. And for that you can always rely on Don Andrews and his Androids:

Seated around Andrews' table with him at the weekly gathering were five people who had jobs. The rest of those present stood around the table; numbering about 10 people, Andrews called them his "Androids": unemployed persons who lived in Andrews' rooming houses. We were told that Andrews took the cheques they received, subtracted the rent and other expenses, and gave them the rest of their money, making a big production

Last time we heard the name Christopher Brosky was when Michelle Erstikaitis was name dropping him in an effort to bolster her neo-Nazi street cred:

I first came into the movement at fourteen years old, dating my first Skinhead, and then I continued dating skinheads for most of my life. The most recent high profile guy that I went out with is Chris Brosky, a Northern Hammerskin.(Yes, the same Chris from Texas who killed a black man)

However, as Erstikaitis alludes to and which we detail in "The History of Violence," Brosky was well known to us before for another far more serious reason:

Thursday, August 08, 2013

REAL Women of Canada Support Russian and Ugandan Anti-Homosexual Laws

Imagine if you will ladies and gentlemen a country where a law was recently passed making it illegal for Christians to proselytize. More than that, the law made it illegal for Christians to speak favourably about their views. Any outward expression of their religious views, such as wearing a crucifix, was also illegal and subject to heavy fines and a prison sentence if convicted (and be sure there would be a conviction). Hell, you could be arrested and upon conviction be sentenced to years in prison even if you were not a Christian simply for voicing your support for the right of Christians to practice their faith.

Such places, such as Saudi Arabia, do exist. These countries are rightly condemned by human rights organizations for the gross and systematic violations of human rights (not just of Christians, by the way, but other religions as well as the Shia branch of Islam if we're going to continue to use Saudi Arabia as an example). Conservative evangelicals, people we here rarely agree with on this blog, also rightfully condemn the treatment of Christian minorities in these countries. So you could imagine our shock and surprise when REAL Women of Canada, a Christian evangelical and anti-feminist group, chastised the Canadian government for taking a stand supporting human rights and basic human decency:
"According to the culture and the religion of, you know, Uganda it's not a human rights issue. You can't imply that every country has to take our human rights issues and plunk it down in another country. And particularly when you're spending all that taxpayers' money to implement a standard which is not that of that country," [Gwendolyn Landolt] said.
What surprises us most is the moral relativism of the above statement, a philosophical point-of-view anathema to conservative Christians. That she would leave Christians in Uganda twisting in the....

Wait. Uganda?

Uhm, perhaps we should read the next paragraph?
When asked about reports that Uganda has considered the death penalty as punishment for having homosexual relations, Landolt said, "It may be unwise by Western standards, but who are we to interfere in a sovereign country?"

So the story isn't about the persecution of Christians in the Arab world, something that Ms. Landolt and REAL Women would undoubtedly be concerned about. It's about the persecution of homosexuals in Russia and Uganda by by Christians (Orthodox in Russia and primarily evangelical in Uganda) for which REAL Women are A-OK with.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Video from the BC Humanist Association

We were sent a link to the following video on YouTube. It is a presentation from August 17, 2012 by Edwin Hodge concerning white supremacy in the digital age.

Overall, this was a very well done presentation. Any issues we have are relatively minor:

  • "88" does not refer to Hitler's birthday, but is the numerical symbol for "Heil Hitler."
  • The photo of the 2011 police raid is not of the Calgary-based Blood & Honour faction, but the Hammerskin-aligned faction in British Columbia.
  • The hategroup, "BC WHITE PRIDE" disappeared in large part because of the work of the Center for Research-Action on Race Relations.
Overall though, the presentation was pretty solid and reinforces our message that we do need to be concerned about white supremacists because of the violence much of the membership engages in.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Why White Supremacists Should Be A Concern To Everyone

Last month, two shooting incidents landed Toronto in the national news because of the links to gangs (including this in which two people, including a child, were murdered). These two incidents were preceded another gang related shooting which resulted in the death of one man.

In their coverage of these incidents, the msm have been rhetorically asking what can be done to solve the problem of gang violence. Municipal, provincial, and federal politicians have also been very publicly wrestling with the problem, including at least one who suggests that it might be an immigration problem.

But there are those who might also ask why should we spend all the promised resources on a problem that will not affect most Canadians?

Let's face it. Most of us will never be affected by gang crime, especially gang violence. Such violence is found in a fairly narrow demographic in Canada which is related to poverty, something we have already briefly discussed on this blog. If you, like the vast majority of Canadians are, in the middle class, the odds of being a victim of gang violence is very low (which isn't to say it never happens). There's also no danger whatsoever of the average street gang influencing the political process. We'll never have an active member of any street gang who will be able to impose his or her criminal ideas on the rest of the population.... the mafia and associated political corruption notwithstanding.

So why is our society afraid of gangs? There are a lot of legitimate reasons, including the very real violence that they engage that does affect some segments of society which results in severe injuries and deaths. and because they engage in anti-social behavior that corrupts young people and results in, for too many, a very bleak future; one of an early death or frequent incarceration.

Yes, we're oversimplifying a complex issue, but bear with us for a moment as we draw a parallel.

Earlier today, our fellow blogger Michael Murphy (BCL) appeared on Michael Coren's Sun T.V. program to discuss the dangers of white supremacist violence (this was in response to the events in Wisconsin in which 7 men were murdered by a member of a notoriously violent hate group). Before Mr. Murphy spoke, Coren stated that while Wisconsin was a horrible event, it is so rare that we shouldn't be at all concerned with white supremacist violence because, to paraphrase his argument, it never really happens. He ridiculed white supremecists as welfare losers who sit in their parent's basement plotting about taking over the world (we have to admit that when we heard this characterization, we immediately thought of Tomasz Winnicki), but they are not a credible threat. Rather, the real threat in our midst is Islam, though we can't quite remember if he made the distinction between the radical extremists or ordinary Muslims.

White supremacists should be left alone to post their ideas on hate sites but otherwise ignored since their ideas can't harm anyone. Their crimes don't affect most people and they are not a threat to national cohesion.

The problem is that white supremacists HAVE harmed people. A lot of people.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Wade Michael Page: Deranged Loner or Part of a Bigger Problem?

Our friends at OPP have been at work and have proven that Wade Michael Page wasn't only a neo-Nazi band member, but a full-on member of one of the United States' most infamous and violent hate groups:

When it was learned that Wade Michael Page was the shooter at a Sikh Temple in Wisconsin, just as quickly news came out that he was in a number of WP bands. But more information has come out that says the original belief that he was not part of any actual hate group is very, very wrong.

One People's Project

OAK CREEK, WI--The shooter in the shooting at a Sikh Temple in suburban Milwaukee that killed six people before police gunned him down has been identified as Wade Michael Page, a member of the Hammerskin Nation HSN, the oldest and most violent neo-Nazi bonehead organization in the United States.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Misinformation About the Circumstances Behind Jan Korinth's Death

While focusing on the marches in Edmonton and London, we have also been paying attention to the Jan Korinth case.

Today, CBC reported that they received an email claiming that Korinth's death was because he was targeted. The person who sent the email to CBC wrote the following:

"They ... planned to attack, no doubt because Jan was a member of Blood and Honour. It was a hate crime against our people. We will not stop until there is justice for our fallen comrade," the purported friend — who would identify himself only as Mike — said in an email to CBC News.

Right away this didn't make sense. The person who have been hit with bear spray was found in the residence while the trail of blood that led to Korinth originated at that residence to a location a number of houses away. One would then surmise that it was the person who was hit with the bear spray who was the resident of the home and that Korinth was the one who was not the resident. If the guy found at the house wasn't the legal resident, wouldn't the police have arrested him?

We immediately suspected that "Mike" was one of two things. He could be someone with no connection to Korinth at all but wanted to stir the pot. The second option is that the anonymous emailer is someone very much familiar with this sub-culture and wants to use Korinth to further some twisted goal of building racial tensions to the point where more violence might occur.

We suspect the latter.

Later this evening, another report was filed, this time by CTV which appears to confirm our position:

Friday, February 17, 2012

American Holocaust Denier Visiting Vancouver?

Mark Weber, the director of the infamous Holocaust-denying Institute for Historical Review, is said to be coming to Vancouver on Friday, February 17 to give a speech. We aren't yet certain if this is the case, however we were told that Weber would be speaking at the Grouse Inn (1633 Capilano Dr., North Vancouver) at 8:00 pm.

It would also appear that Weber, if he is going to Vancouver, will have a guest:

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Tony McAleer: We Gotta Have Something to Hope For

Back in the early 1990s, Tony McAleer was a neo-Nazi based out in British Columbia best known for Canadian Liberty Net (a virulently racist telephone telephone line), being held in contempt of court for continuing said hate line when the courts ordered him to shut it down, his courting of the and self-promotion in the media (including American talk shows) and his management of at last one racist rock band. He also, very early on, understood the potential influence of the Internet, then in it's relative infancy, in promoting racist views to a much wider audience.

By the mid 1990s, McAleer had fallen off most anti-racist's radars as he didn't appear active any longer. By the 2000s, he was in some ways a footnote in the history of the racist movement in that his primary mode of disseminating racist propaganda, telephone phone messages, had been so eclipsed by the Internet that the idea of having to call a phone number to hear pre-recorded racist diatribes seemed almost silly. We forget that these quaint little telephone lines really did have a significant impact for their times and that Sec. 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act was in many ways a reaction to this new use of the technology.

One of our members was re-watching "Hearts of Hate" a few months ago and was reminded of McAleer's role in the 90s. As McAleer has seemingly fallen off the face of the earth, that member decided to see if more information could be found about what McAleer was currently up to. Our member found his website and was surprised by the direction that McAleer's life seemed to have gone in.

Yesterday, in part as a response to the series of assaults allegedly carried out by members of Blood & Honour, McAleer was interviewed by the CBC about his time in the movement and how (and why) he eventually got out.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

CBC Radio Covers Nazi Leaks

"Cyber Hate"

UPDATE: The CBC covered the fallout of the Nazi hack revelations, contacting a number of those individuals who's names, email and home addresses, and phone numbers were released.

And surprisingly (or not) one of them is friends with a Free Dominion regular. Now, we certainly will not suggest that the good folks at Free Dominion support the views of those individuals who's identities were revealed. We just find it.... interesting. 

Neo-Nazi member calls hacking 'an invasion of privacy' 
Names leaked by computer hackers in EuropeCBC News Posted: Feb 2, 2012 6:01 PM PT 
Some Canadians whose associations with white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups were recently revealed, are defending their involvement with the organizations, while others deny having anything to do with the groups anymore. 
CBC News reported Wednesday that the names of 74 Canadians were found in files leaked by computer hackers in Europe who were intent on exposing hate movements. The identities were revealed on a website called, which is now offline. 
“It is an invasion of privacy,” said Joel Henry, of Langley, B.C., in a telephone interview with CBC News Thursday. 
“I have my beliefs and I still have my beliefs,” said Henry. “It’s just certain members of the group want to go out and beat the s--t out of people and I don’t condone that.” 
McLean Welsh, of Nanaimo, B.C., who is attending school in Quebec, sought to distance himself from one of the hacked organizations. 
“I could be on the list because I bought a couple T-shirts off that website a couple of years ago,” said Welsh, when reached via Skype. “For instance, the shirt I’m wearing right now.” 
Welsh said he has severed his ties with the group. 
“I joined the Stormfront once and it just didn’t appeal to me,” said Welsh. “Because as soon as you say you’re proud to be white, you’re automatically associated with a Nazi party.” 
Membership not illegal 
New Westminster police detective Terry Wilson, head of the B.C. hate crime team, said he and his colleagues aren't sure if the hacked information is useful for their purposes or not. 
Wilson also cautioned that the RCMP is not trying to police how people think, but will step in once individuals’ actions break the law. 
“Membership [in these groups] is not against the law,” he said. ”It’s when your motivations make you do criminal offences, that’s when it becomes a police issue and that’s when the B.C. hate crime team and other hate crime teams across the country get involved.” 
Police and government security organizations should be able to make use of the hacked information, according to Simon Fraser University professor Andre Gerolymatos, who has written extensively on espionage. 
“Any information is good information,” said Gerolymatos. “Something that comes like this is sort of a small bonanza. And at the very least it can verify information that [authorities] already have.”
With files from the CBC's Natalie Clancy

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

CBC Discusses Nazi Hack

We alluded to this in the previous post. This evening an investigative report by the CBC has helped to expose the views of the boneheads we cover here. The focus of the story was on the hacked emails and websites that were published not long ago.

We were sent some of these files independently by our friends in Europe and North America. And while we don't plan on publishing anything from those files right now, they certainly have resulted in a number of new lines of inquiry. Here are a few initial observations:
  • The racist movement in Canada is fractured as hell. There is even more infighting and paranoia than we had thought there was (and we already knew there was a lot). Members of even the same groups turn on each other at the drop of the hat. Yeah, we know that it doesn't seem like we're telling our readers anything new, but it really is far more prevalent than even we had expected.
  • For all their talk of family and the "14 words," the racist movement is rife with infidelity, domestic abuse and cheating the system (i.e. welfare fraud)
  • Violence and support for violence is endemic. In spite of (or perhaps because of) the factionalism that exists, these people are extremely dangerous.
  • On a specific note, we know that when Kyle McKee was on the run from the police that he was eventually picked up in Winnipeg. What we learned confirmed our suspicion that the person he was staying with was Bill Noble.
And Bill, you really aren't helping your case all that much when you do interview but please keep it up because it makes our job a lot easier

Update on Macdonald and BC Blood & Honour: Posts on Hammerskin Forum

Tonight on "The National" a story will air concerning the racist movement in Canada. Much of it will focus on the recent hack of far right websites and email addresses, including those of Canadian racists known very well to us and to our readers. However there might also be some focus on the assaults in Vancouver.

So it seems appropriate then to post some of the screenshots of Shawn Macdonald's posts on the Hammerskin's webforum.

We can't be sure exactly when Shawn had his account removed, though it is likely he did so around the time he was deleting his posts (and the entire Canadian section) from the Blood & Honour forum he helped moderate. Also, changing your name from, "Big Mac" to "Big Cheese" really isn't fooling anyone.

Some of these posts are quite interesting in that Macdonald heavily promoted combat sports as training for WNs who, as Shawn himself says were already, "familiar with street fighting." But we'll let our readers peruse the screen shots and let us know what they think:

Friday, January 27, 2012

Christie and Macdonald Confronted During Court Appearance

First, we got to say Shawn, you aren't fooling anyone with that beard.

We're not claiming that he's looks like Saddam Hussein. We're just noting that in this picture, Shawn bares a striking similarity to the late Iraqi dictator.

Oh, we guess we are saying that he looks like Hussein. Just a little. Right?

Second, you're starting to show your age. Ever consider Just For Men?

Our friends in Vancouver published an article today and posted a video to YouTube.

You tell us. Does the guy being interviewed (not Christie, of course) look like an either D.A. or E.A.?

Update: CBC covered the story as well:

Update on Macdonald Court Appearance

We were sent this a few moments ago:

Shawn MacDonald's court appearance delayed till 1:30 pm today (same courtroom 307 at 222 Main). He has plead not guilty to the hate crimes and they are setting trial dates (he elected for a judge and jury). His lawyer is infamous/notorious far-right libertarian Doug Christie who has a history of defending white supremacists and neo-Nazis (Keegstra, Zundel, Collins, Fromm etc).

In addition to this, the individual who originally posted this message also stated she received an email from someone trying to intimidate her into being silent.

From what we know about this woman, that ain't happening. For the benefit of our bonehead readers, does the term, "chew you up and spit youu out" mean anything to you?

Friday, January 06, 2012

Alleged Racial Assault Caught on Video; Macdonald Suspect

First, we're going to play Devil's advocate for a moment because some of our readers have noted the last sentence of the article:

MacDonald has not been convicted of any of the charges. He also has no proven association with the Blood and Honour organization.

Seems patently ridiculous when, well, we look at this:

But we think that we all need to consider that any allegation needs to be proven when the case goes to trial, even something as seemingly self-evident as Macdonald's group affiliation. So we're going to cut the CBC some slack here.

There are two videos in the following article. The first is a 24 second clip of the assault itself and a bit of the aftermath. The second part of the video provides the background of the story and includes more photos taken from the ARC blog:

Friday, December 23, 2011

Court Dates For Blood & Honour Members Postponed

These three men should be afforded a fair trial and should be considered innocent unless proven guilty. We apply this to people who's ideology we despise because we want to make damn sure that we or anyone else would be afforded those same considerations in a court of law. And to be sure there it isn't illegal in and of itself to belong to groups such as Blood & Honour, though it certainly says a great deal about the character of anyone who would want to become a member.

One thing that does strike us is how quick boneheads are to distance themselves from their beliefs when the going gets tough. We've already shown how Shawn (or someone knowingly or unknowingly working on his behalf) for example has systematically attempted to cover his tracks online.

In the end, the proud warriors of the Aryan race really aren't all that proud of what they stand for after all,

Whether they are guilty or not, their efforts to now disavow their associations and beliefs should speak volumes to those who might be thinking about getting out of the movement themselves.

It isn't too late. Do the right thing. Leave while you can still make a life for yourself.

In the meantime, the three men continue to have the moral support of their fellow travelers:

We wonder how the last person to comment will feel now that one of the men has denied links to an internationally-known hate group with a penchant for violence?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

All Is Quiet In "White Nationalist" Land: Part III

We've twice (here and here) alluded to something rather odd happening on the Blood & Honour forums (as opposed to the Blood and Honour International/Combat 18 forums). Given that three of their own have been accused of and arrested for a series of assaults in Vancouver, one might expect something about this would be discussed on their website.

And there was a thread created to discuss it. Briefly. So briefly we didn't get the screen shots before the thread "mysteriously" disappeared.

Well, it really isn't all that much of a mystery. Shawn Macdonald, one of the men accused in the series of assaults in Vancouver, is also a moderator on the forums. It appears that he, or someone acting for him, made the offending thread disappear. This is evidenced by the last time Shawn logged in to the forum: