Showing posts with label Shaidle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shaidle. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ezra Is Getting Good At Begging For Forgiveness

So Connie Fournier wrote a book about how much she, her husband, and many of the denizens of Free Dominion feel betrayed by Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party. While we haven't bothered to read it, a friend did let us know we were mentioned in it, though not by name because we have cooties:

The biggest offenders in this attempted character assassination were anonymous bloggers with ties to violent anti-racist groups. Their obsession with writing about us and posting personal information about Free Dominion members spooked us to the point where we moved our household to a different location and kept our new address a secret.

The book is getting rave reviews though. But in the rather incestuous world of the fringe conservative echo chamber, the people giving the five star reviews appear to be mostly members of Free Dominion, fringe conservative bloggers, or both.

Like Jay Currie who seems to have a writing gig with Ezra Levant's "The Rebel."

In Currie's most recent (and evidently only thus far) of four articles (all of which have been removed at some time), it appears that he discusses  Ms. Fournier's book. And he makes some pointed, and potentially defamatory, comments about one Richard Warman.

Or at least we're guessing this is the case, since Levant pulled the article from the website:

Just so our readers can get a clear view of the reason for the article being removed:

Checking Mr. Warman's website confirmed our suspicions:

Rebel News Network/Ezra Levant – I have received an apology and retraction from Rebel News Network for defamatory material on their website. The question is if this constitutes some kind of world record for the shortest time ever for a media outlet (or youtube channel if you prefer) to go from inception to receiving a libel notice resulting in apology and retraction?

A further look at Mr. Warman's website included this little nugget too:

Richard Warman v Connie Fournier and Mark Fournier – December 2nd, 2015 is the date that has been set by the Ontario Court of Appeal for the meritless appeal by the Fourniers in my successful libel action against them. Of interest is the fact that they’re not appealing the $31,000 in damages awarded against them by the jury of their peers they demanded. The Fourniers are only appealing the permanent injunction to stop defaming me and the $62,000+ in costs against them personally.

The Fourniers, wisely, seemed not to have repeated the defamatory statements that are suggested in the extirpated Currie article, which is probably for the best considering they are already in pretty deep on the above successful libel action and a second upcoming concerning the Anne Cools smear. Interestingly Levant and other fringe conservative bloggers have apologized for that too.

Yeah. Don't @#$% with Richard Warman.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Don't @#$% With Richard Warman: Part VII (UPDATED)

At least we think we're on to Part VII. Really, after a few years one does lose track.

In any case, a few years back a number of bloggers and others accused Richard Warman of posting incredibly racist comments about Caribbean-Canadian senator Anne Cools. It seems the accusation may have originated as a result of Warman's Se. 13 case against Marc Lemire. It was suggested that Warman had posted the statements on Lemire's Freedom-Site based on what was then alleged to have been an ip address Lemire and Klatt had linked to Warman. Warman denied this and there was absolutely no evidence to support the claim, but conservative Internet personalities like Kathy Shaidle and her husband Arnie, Kate McMillan of "Small Dead Animals", the good folks at Free Dominion, Ezra Levant, and a few others ran with the claim.

Mr. Warman insisted that they remove the defamatory claims from their respective websites. They doubled down. He sued.

At first they were all pretty confident that they would be able to prove that Warman had written the incredibly vile comments in question. They were especially smug when Levant was able to convince the courts to have Warman's hard drive subjected to a forensic examination:

Long story short, the forensic examination found absolutely nothing that would link Warman to the racist comments made about Ms. Cools. The other "evidence" also turned out to be a heaping load of nothing as "Bouquets of Gray" pointed out:

  1. the IP address used by the author of the Cools post (which had later been used by Warman) was a load-balancing proxy usable by any of Rogers' close to a million customers;
  2. the browser and setup used by author of the Cools Post was different from Warman's in several key ways (here and here);
  3. the 'expert' opinion presented by Bernard Klatt arguing that Warman was the author of the Cools post was deeply substandard in several ways (here)

Ya, that's got to sting.

The first shoe to drop was Arnie of "BlazingCatFur" back in January 2013. Today, Kate "Small Dead Animals" McMillan and Kathy "Five Feet of Fury"Shaidle joined Arnie in apologizing to Warman for the unfounded and defamatory allegations made against him:

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April Legal Notes

This really isn't in any way intended to be a comprehensive article. We just thought we would share some information on the legal front.

First, the deadline for Marc Lemire to seek leave to appeal to the Supreme Court (re: the Federal Court of Appeal's decision) was on April 1. However, word is that he hasn't filed anything and that it appears that he has given up. We suppose he may have forgotten as he has been busy live blogging the most recent Free Dominion defamation suit. On that case we also see that Paulie is shilling but he received a response from one of his Facebook friends who we have discussed in previous posts which isn't exactly a ringing endorsement:

On the same day, Toronto nutter Eric Brazau was convicted for wilfully promoting hatred and for harassing a Muslim family. He was sentenced to 9 months, however as he spent 9 months in pre-trial custody he was ultimately sentenced to time served. In order to protect Brazau's right to free expression the judge refused to ban him from distributing flyers, so we might not be too surprised if we find that him in the news again for similar reasons. We perhaps shouldn't be surprised either that when Brazau was arrested, Ron Banerjee was his wingman.

We also received notice concerning another appeal that is going ahead. Terry Tremaine's appeal is to be heard on May 28 in Regina at the Court House on Victoria Avenue. We actually haven't heard much from Tremaine in a while, and we can't say that we are all that disappointed by this fact.

Finally, two quick updates on Arthur Topham from the horse's mouth.... so to speak:

Topham followed his post on April 8 with the one below posted yesterday:

So we guess we'll find out in 5 days or so?

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

CBC Discusses Nazi Hack

We alluded to this in the previous post. This evening an investigative report by the CBC has helped to expose the views of the boneheads we cover here. The focus of the story was on the hacked emails and websites that were published not long ago.

We were sent some of these files independently by our friends in Europe and North America. And while we don't plan on publishing anything from those files right now, they certainly have resulted in a number of new lines of inquiry. Here are a few initial observations:
  • The racist movement in Canada is fractured as hell. There is even more infighting and paranoia than we had thought there was (and we already knew there was a lot). Members of even the same groups turn on each other at the drop of the hat. Yeah, we know that it doesn't seem like we're telling our readers anything new, but it really is far more prevalent than even we had expected.
  • For all their talk of family and the "14 words," the racist movement is rife with infidelity, domestic abuse and cheating the system (i.e. welfare fraud)
  • Violence and support for violence is endemic. In spite of (or perhaps because of) the factionalism that exists, these people are extremely dangerous.
  • On a specific note, we know that when Kyle McKee was on the run from the police that he was eventually picked up in Winnipeg. What we learned confirmed our suspicion that the person he was staying with was Bill Noble.
And Bill, you really aren't helping your case all that much when you do interview but please keep it up because it makes our job a lot easier

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Okay, We'll Bite

Alright. You're fishing for a response, here ya go.

Don't worry. All will make sense soon enough.

More of the msn, including "The National Post",  have now commented on the most recent Terry Tremaine decision. And so have our friends and benefactors at Free Dominion.

The reason for this decision, in the minds of the members and promoted by the proprietors of Free Dominion, is starting to become a tired, old refrain:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Strange Bedfellows: Canadian Hindu Advocacy's Relationship with Social Conservative Christians, the JDL and the EDL

When were were reading other blogs, and writing our own article, concerning the JDL/EDL meet and greet that occurred last week, we came across another group touted by the Jewish Defence League (JDL) as also supporting the efforts of the English Defence League (EDL). The group, Canadian Hindu Advocacy (CHA), appears to be very small though it's chairman and spokesperson has claimed it is the only organization in Canada lobbying for Hindu concerns. In a CBC interview a few years ago, Ron Banerjee (who then lead the equally small and now apparently defunct Hindu Conference of Canada) affirmed his commitment to a tolerant and multicultural Canada:

Incorporating Hinduism into my adult life as a Canadian has been painless and natural. Hindus consider it to be a sin to impose our faith on others, so tolerance and acceptance of others in a multicultural society came naturally. Hinduism, with its numerous female deities, also promotes gender equality.

We would agree with this sentiment, and we can point to numerous examples of Hindu tolerance throughout history, however we are left wondering if Banerjee believes his own rhetoric based upon his own and other's statements concerning Muslims, Sikhs and Christians.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Calgary Sun" Supports Scherger Being Fired

We posted a link to an article regarding the firing of Rene Scherger, a City of Calgary worker who was responsible for a number of rabid anti-Semitic websites, last week. We also mentioned that he had originally been outed by three conservative blogs.

Yesterday, the "Calgary Sun" which leans just a wee bit towards the conservative side of the political spectrum chimed in supporting the firing of Mr. Scherger:

City right to fire bigot

Last Updated: March 17, 2010 10:18pm

He’s right, there is a conspiracy — a conspiracy to keep venomous bigots from being paid on the public dime.

And so a Parks Department foreman finds himself looking for work after being fired by the City of Calgary for planting seeds of a different sort in his spare time — namely the seeds of hate.

The 56-year-old foreman is accused by the city of running an anti-Jewish website and affiliating himself with other anti-Semitic sites, all while clearly identifying himself as a city employee.

A letter, purported to be the official letter of termination given to the foreman last month, reads “You were the owner and creator of an anti-Semitic website in the public domain.”

It goes on to say, “The content (including linked content) on these websites was abhorrent and contrary to the values the City promotes.”

City sources confirm the man was fired following an investigation by the city’s legal department into websites directly linked to the employee, which railed against Judaism and Zionism.

Officially, being a personnel matter, the city can only say an investigation of some sort took place and the matter was dealt with.

“An issue was brought to our attention that we took very seriously,” said Anne Charlton, director of parks.

“It was a matter of an employee-employer relationship and we have dealt with the issue.”

The termination letter offers more clues as to the city’s case against the foreman, which was put together under the guidance of the city’s top solicitor, Paul Tolley.

Tolley was placed on the case in January, after an anti-racist blog exposed the employee and his handiwork, describing him as the “Canadian Jew Hating Freak of the Day.”

It took a matter of weeks to decide the foreman must be fired.

The termination letter explains to the former employee, whom the Sun has chosen not to name, exactly why a pink slip was included with his final paycheque.

“Your conduct was harmful to interests of the City and incompatible with your duties as a City employee and public servant,” it reads.

“Amongst other things, the City has an obligation to provide a workplace and services to the public free of discrimination. It can not knowingly employ someone who has repeatedly published anti-Semitic material.”

The sites in question, once open to the public, are now restricted or shut down — suffice to say, they were filled with bile for all things Jewish, and their disappearance is a victory for all but a narrow-minded few.

Still, the Internet is rife with the kind of racist vitriol that would make a sewer feel dirty — the discovery of another stash of hatred is no big surprise.

Where the city foreman really messed up is to boast about his job in the public service, while promoting intolerance based on race and religion.

Obviously, it wasn’t a very bright thing to do. It’s a decision that cost the parks worker a career spanning more than three decades, and while he’s become something of a folk-hero among white power groups littering the Internet, that won’t pay his rent.

The former foreman wouldn’t speak to the Sun Wednesday, but has in the past denied ownership of at least one of the blogs written under his name.

He did have noted Caucasian-purist Paul Fromm call in his stead — an interesting choice, given Fromm’s association with the white power movement.

Fromm, the head of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, calls the firing by a blow to free speech.

“I think it’s atrocious — he expressed his views on his own time,” said Fromm.

“If he doesn’t have the right to his non-violent political views and at the same time have a job, I think a lot of people are in peril.”

If that means firing people who promote hatred while collecting a public paycheque, it’s the kind of peril the City of Calgary should promote.

We never took a position on whether we believed Scherger should have been fired, but we're not about to cry crocodile tears that he has been removed from his job.

UPDATE: It's the "Calgary Sun" and not the "Calgary Herald." Stupid and careless mistake.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Rene Scherger Fired

A few months ago we sent out unexpected kuddos to bloggers with whom we often find ourselves in stark disagreement with. Those bloggers managed to "out" a City of Calgary worker who was posting pretty nasty anti-Semitic rants on his blog and on other websites.

Well, Paulie just dropped in to Stormfront to let people know there was yet another martyr for the cause:

Now, we aren't the "anti-racists" Paulie is referring to in this particular case. As we mentioned before, we were beaten to the punch by Jay Currie (who, as it turns out, seems to actually be a pretty decent photographer), Blazing Cat Fur (or Mr. Kathy Shaidle), and Sassy Wire. And what does Paulie think of these three radicals?

Ironic, no?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Unexpected Kudos to Blazing Cat Fur, Sassy Wire and Friend of the Blog Jay Currie

We know! We're as surprised as anyone, but we have to give genuine credit where credit is justifiably and deservedly due.

We here at the ARC Collective make a point of exposing racists to public scrutiny. And we like to think that we're pretty damn good at it. We figure out who the racists are are and, if it is warranted based on their behavior (i.e. racist marches, flyering university campus' with hate propaganda, running racist and antisemitic websites and blogs, committing acts of violence, etc), we let the public know who they are, what they believe, and why people should care. Certainly even racists have the right to be racists (unless they're in violation of the criminal code or, and it will hopefully be determined one way or the other soon, in contravention of sec. 13 of the Human Rights Act) but as we believe the public has a right to be informed, we exercise our free speech rights as well.

Sometimes, we get scooped. Usually it's by Dr. Dawg or M.J. Murphy, but in this case, and we're almost embarassed to admit it, we were scooped by not one, not two, but three conservative blogs.

Earlier this month, Sassy Wire ran a story concerning a Rene Scherger, a Calgary city foreman with Parks and Recreation. Scherger once operated a virulently antisemitic blog containing links to other equally hateful websites. And Sassy Wire managed to track Scherger down, identify him, and publish why people should care. The article resulted in a number of comments, including some by a woman who seems to be a bit off her kilter who defended Scherger and made some pretty outlandish accusations which Sassy Wire addresses.

Now, Sassy Wire managed to do something that we here at the Collective have only rarely managed to do. Sassy Wire caught the attention of the mainstream media who proceeded to publish a story based on the original blog post:

City investigates anti-Semitic blog
Last Updated: 12th January 2010, 9:44am

The blogs are filled with venom and scorn for the Jewish religion. That much is obvious.
What isn’t so cut-and-dry is whether the alleged owner of the websites, a City of Calgary employee, can be punished for poisonous posts targeting Judaism and Zionism.

A full investigation of the employee, a 56-year-old foreman with Parks and Recreation, was launched Monday after the existence of at least two anti-Jewish blogs, both linked to the man, was revealed to city officials.

Described by one online watchdog as “one of the most twisted blogs you’ll ever see,” the sites both contain stories and articles targeting members of the Jewish religion, as well as anti-Jewish artwork.

The city is taking the matter very seriously, especially as one of the blogs and a Facebook site under the same name lists the City of Calgary and the Parks department as the man’s employer, for more than 30 years.

City officials confirm there is a foreman with Parks of the same name, and as a result, the city’s top lawyer has launched an investigation.

“We just became aware of the issue, so we are doing our investigation to determine an appropriate response — we need to determine a few facts, and then we can respond to this,” said City Solicitor Paul Tolley.

That the websites in question aren’t directly connected to the City of Calgary doesn’t necessarily protect the employee, whom the Sun has chosen not to name for now.

The city’s code of conduct for staff can include behaviour and actions outside of work hours, said Tolley.

“Sometimes the actions of an employee outside of the workplace can impact on their employment with the city and that’s something we’ll have to investigate,” said Tolley.

Given that the blogs in question contain vitriol towards Jews, Tolley acknowledges that a key question maybe the alleged owner’s role as a foreman, supervising people of all races and religions.

“That would be part of it, overall, but I can’t really say much about it, because I don’t want to compromise the investigation,” said Tolley.

The sites, updated as recently as August, came to the attention of the city and this newspaper after being highlighted on a separate, anti-racism blogsite, under the heading “Canadian Jew Hating Freak of the Day”.

The keeper of that blog included a warning to Calgarians: “FYI to all – If you live in Calgary you should know that you’re paying this guy’s salary. He works for the city in the parks and rec. dept. as a foreman.”

The websites connected to the anti-Jew blogs are a maze of links, containing conspiracy theories and essays aimed mainly at the Jewish religion, which is condemned as racist, power-hungry and corrupt.

It doesn’t appear the alleged owner of the blogs actually writes the material, though anti-Jewish words apparently penned by the same man can be found on plenty of online comment forums, under the same unique user handle.

As well, his Facebook page connects to one of the anti-Jewish blogs, where he is listed as owner.
Still, when contacted through an email address listed on one of the anti-Jewish blogs, the man denied running the website.

“What investigation? I went to the site and it is not my blogsite,” he wrote back.

The man did acknowledge a connection to the anti-Jewish site, but failed to explain why he was named as owner, complete with his age, occupation and profile picture.

“I am a follower as I am of many blogs, forums, websites and social sites,” he wrote.

And so the city, deserving of praise for launching an immediate investigation, will be forced to untangle the online mess.

The local Jewish community is taking a wait-and-see stance over the alleged connection to the City of Calgary, though leaders with the community wasted no time condemning the blogs.

“The places where the links take you are appalling and unfortunately, like many other inventions which benefit mankind, the web can be used for negative purposes,” said Calgary Jewish Community spokesman Adam Singer.

“There are parts of the web which have become a cesspool.”

While we do think that calling Sassy Wire an, "anti-racist website" might be a bit of a stretch (an anti-racist would be well aware of what has been happening in Calgary for some time), we admit that the person running it did do some solid investigative work.

Later, Blazing Cat Fur (BCF) of, "married to Kathy Shaidle" fame picked up the Sassy Wire blog posts which resulted in the following two comments:

Josephine: This is beyond disgusting

BCF: I agree, glad we can publicize him;)

BCF later adds while comenting on another blog post on the same subject:

I'm inclined to agree Rabbit, I doubt they would or should have any jurisdiction. If he has committed a criminal act that may be another matter. I think the public scorn should be sufficient punishment.

Finally, BCL's regulars kindly posted a number of links connected to Scherger.

To add insult to our humiliation over being scooped, friend of the blog Jay Currie (point of fact is, we actually don't thik that he likes us ver much) continued to discuss the story, adding a barb at ARC's expense. When he discussed the importance of making Scherger's name public, Jay Currie provided the following explanation:

Point and shun seems about right to me. Being a moron, even an anti-semitic moron, should not be, in itself, a firing offence. However, this guy is apparently a foreman and, as such exercises control over others. Some of whom may be Jews. Then his views might well be relevant to job performance.

Not all were in agreement though. Louise of "The Stubble Jumping Redneck" offered this dissenting view:

I’m afraid I have to disagree. He should be fired. The City of Calgary also has a reputation to protect. Keeping him on implies they have no problem with this kind of screwball thinking and it makes them complicit. I’m sure they have some sort of code of conduct governing their employees and after all, it’s the Calgary taxpayer that is paying his wages.

Now, point of fact is that we at the ARC Collective were aware of who Rene Scherger was and is (oh, he's another friend of Paul Fromm by the way). We were in the process of gathering information about him, but we had put him on the back burner as we were busy with other matters at the time. We were unaware of the blogs he operated or the other sites he was involved with and had we known we would have bumped him up on the list of things to do. However, we dropped the ball on this particular story.

Thankfully, and even though we will disagree on almost every other issue, at least on this topic Sasy Wire, BCF and Jay Currie picked up that ball and ran with it. We know that none of them will care that we want to give them credit, but in the spirit of not being partisan we feel that we have to recognize their efforts in this case.

Well done. You deserve the credit that you've earned through your work on this issue.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Warman v. Lemire: We Told You It Likely Wasn't Over

Do we sound smug when we say we told you so?

Now let's all listen to the in unison crying and gnashing of teeth from the speechies:

Judicial Review Application in the Warman v. Lemire case

Judicial Review Application
Warman v. Lemire

On Thursday, October 1, 2009, the Canadian Human Rights Commission applied for Judicial Review of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal's decision in the Warman v. Lemire case before the Federal Court.

The Commission applied for Judicial Review so that technical but important legal issues raised by the decision can be clarified. These issues go beyond this particular case and could have an impact on other administrative tribunals. As a result, the uncertainty created by the decision is not in the public interest and merits a binding decision by a higher court.

The application is based on two grounds. It is the Commission’s view that:

The Tribunal erred in law when it found that the manner by which the applicant exercises its statutory mandate could render section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act unconstitutional; and

The Tribunal’s findings of unconstitutionality also resulted from the adoption of subsections 54(1)(c) and (1.1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act, subsequent to the Supreme Court of Canada’ s decision in Canada (Human Rights Commission) v. Taylor, [1990] 3 S.C.R. 892. The Tribunal erred in law when it refused to apply section 13 of the Act because a refusal to apply subsections 54(1)(c) and (1.1) would have provided a sufficient remedy in respect of this ground.

The Commission endorses the Tribunal's narrow interpretation of section 13, which is consistent with the Supreme Court and Tribunal's jurisprudence as well as with the Commission's 2009 Special Report to Parliament. The Commission accepts the Tribunal's finding that the penalty clause is unconstitutional. In fact, the Commission itself has recommended that this provision be repealed in its Special Report to Parliament.

The Commission is a servant of Parliament and considers that Parliament's statutes must be applied unless they are found to be unconstitutional. In this case, it is the Commission’s view that the Tribunal went too far in refusing to apply section 13 in its entirety when the constitutional concern could be remedied by refusing to apply the penalty clause in 54(1)(c).

Given that the original decision was a bad decision based on a poor understanding and application of the law, we couldn't imagine that the decision wouldn't be appealed. On way or another, at least we'll be closer to some clarification.

Update: New links, now with kng-fu grip!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

September 2009 Bits and Bites Part II: The "Fairness Fairy" Saga.... Continues?

We published an article concerning the revelation (snicker) that the "Fairness Fairy" was claiming to be a CHRC mole.... er.... whistleblower (snort). Jay Currie, Mr. Kathy Shaidle and the lost souless voids of FreeDom promptly published the information. Today, Stormfront moderator OdinPatrick followed suit:

We surmised that the, "Fairness Fairy" may, in fact, be Marc Lemire himself given that he used the pseudonym "Veritas-Canada" on Wikipedia and "FairnessFairy2" was a known sockpuppet of his that he also used to edit his own Wiki entry.

Well, the Fairness Fairy promised more revelations to prove that he was, in fact, a CHRC mole (damn, we mean whistleblower) that would be published on Saturday:

Nothing was forthcoming on Saturday (surprise, surprise) and today, when one goes to what was once the "Fairness Fairy" blog which had been active since 2006:

You get the feeling that the people who were all giddy about the thought that the "Fairness Fairy" being legit might be a bit deflated now? You get their hopes up, then no promised money shot.

And they wonder why most people consider them to be rubes.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fairness Fairy: Secret Agent Man (or Woman..... But Likely Man)

And who might this, "Fairness Fairy" be? We'll get to that soon, but please, read on.

We've been aware of the online presence of the "Fairness Fairy" and his (or her) blog for some time. The blog has claimed to be providing information on the Marc Lemire hearings but aside from sexually degrading women and antisemitic rhetoric, it really hasn't offered really anything new. However, recently there was a big reveal. The "Fairness Fairy" is, according to the author, a CHRC mole.

Oh, we mean whistleblower. Our bad.

Our avid reader Jay Currie promptly posted the article on his blog and then scampered to Free Dominion to spread the good news:

Not long after, Mr. Kathy Shaidle chimed in on the subject on his blog:
Uppierdate: Rumours afoot of a possible Op-Ed by the "Whistleblower" in a major paper  
Upperdate: This just gets curiouser and curiouser, here's the promised post by our self-described "Whistleblower".
Now, while many of the FreeDom denizens are rejoicing at the prospect of someone with inside the operations willing and eager to bring the whole thing down, not all is happy in Whoville. Some who have decided to turn on the logic portion of their brains are justifiably suspicious by this new claim by "Fairness Fairy." Others are downright disgusted:

So where does "Narrow Back's" ire come from? We'll allow him to explain in his own words and using direct quotes from the "Fairness Fairy" blog:

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tomasz hearts Shaidle and Lindsay

Looks like Tomasz Winnicki has taken it upon himself to become Kathy Shaidle's press agent. He is again promoting Ms. Shaidle, this time her upcoming recent speaking engagement in London, Ontario (home of Winnicki who proudly boasts of himself as the city's biggest hater) on both VNN and here on Stormfront:

To which "TrueDiversity1488" responds:

Interesting question, isn't it? While the answer is no it's not, we're not sure if this is the kind of crowd we would want to attract at a speech. But hey, if anyone can get a shot of Ms. Shaidle and Mr. Winnicki shaking hands, we will love you forever if you could send it our way.

But Winnicki isn't finished with his volunteerism. Earlier in the week he also promoted a series of upcoming seminars by David Lindsay (or David-Kevin: Lindsay if you prefer):

Hello everyone.

The Tour is HERE!!!
Please see the attached flyers for information and upcoming dates on the most important taxation issue in our Freedom Movement;


Our first stop is in Vancouver on Sat. April 4, 2009, followed by Kelowna on April 18, and Penticton, April 19.

Other dates will be announced shortly!!!
Virtually every statute, especially the Income Tax Act requires that only "persons" are bound by the Act. But just what is a "person" when a man/woman is not included in any definition of this most important term, in any Act, and historically never has?

This tour is the most definitive, educational tour to dispel all circulating myths on this issue, especially in relation to that of a 'Natural Person'.
All gov’t power applies only to “persons” and if you are not a “person” – you are truly free!

This day long seminar will provide documented proof:
L “person” is a term of law, not popular grammar! L of the legal formula to be “person”! L how being a “person” is time-sensitive! L that a man and a "person" are not synonymous;
L judicial admissions that the font on legal documents is used to denote the difference between a man and a "person";
L how this all relates to the promises of Her Majesty the Queen to protect our property and maintain the principles of the Christian religion; L how this all relates to income tax (indeed, all taxes) being voluntary; L how one becomes a "person" and how you can cease and desist being a "person"; L how this all relates to your fundamental and constitutional right to ownership and enjoyment of property; and much, much more! All information being thoroughly documented and supported. Years of legal research and study are finally being released to everyone for all to share.
This is being presented from a perspective of law, not speculation nor assumption.

This will be without doubt the most important seminar you will ever attend!

Email to pre-register now!
Arrangements for media and radio interviews can be emailed to:
We will respond within one business day or as soon as possible.
omnis persona est homo, sed non vicissim
Every person is man, but not every man is a person Black’s Dictionary of Law, 4th p. 1239
We are available to speak in your area. Pre-registration and arrangements can be made by sending us an email to:

Remember to bring your notepad! And tell all your Friends!
in freedom I remain,
David-Kevin: Lindsay
proudly presents
David-Kevin: Lindsay

Legal Personality and the ITA
The most comprehensive and documented analysis of personhood in Canadian freedom history! Being a “person” is voluntary!

Sam Strawman
Is income tax mandatory or voluntary?

Which came first, the “person” or the birth certificate?

Is being a “person” mandatory?

What is the legal definition of a “person”, including a “natural person”?

What is the ‘formula’ to be a “person”?

How does being a “person” relate to the Coronation Oath and Constitutional promises of HMTQ to protect our property?

Do fonts (ALL CAPS, I, B, other?) differentiate between a man and a “person”? The judiciary says YES!

How you can avoid being a ‘natural person’!
Toronto DATE: Sat. April 25, 2009LOCATION: The Lighthouse 1008 Bathurst St., N. of Bloor
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (approx.) inc. Q and A
COST: $99/day
DATE: Sun. April 26, 2009LOCATION: Civitan Club, 508 Riverside Dr.
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (approx.) including Q and A
COST: $99/day
Montreal DATE: Sat. May 9, 2009LOCATION: Notre Dame College 3799 Queen Mary Rd.
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (approx.) including Q and A
COST: $99/day

Ottawa (Gloucester) DATE: Sun. May 3, 2009LOCATION: Wally’s Club, 232 Innes Rd.
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (approx.) including Q and A
COST: $99/day

Pre-register now!

Don’t forget to bring a friend!

The C.L.E.A.R. Literature Table will be available as well!!

The Common Law Education and Rights Initiative Suite 432 113-437 Martin St., Penticton British Columbia V2A 5L1 fax: 250 492-0549
“The State cannot lawfully deny the rights of the people”

And who is Mr. Lindsay? Well, here is how his supporters view him and his views on "personhood" and the legality of taxes. And here is how his actual arguments pan out when in court:

Kelowna resident fined and jailed for not filing tax returns

Kelowna, British Columbia, November 26, 2008... Kelowna resident, David Kevin Lindsay, also known as David-Kevin: Lindsay, was sentenced in Kelowna Provincial Court on November 24, 2008, to 150 days in jail and fined $5,000, payable by April 30, 2012. Lindsay was convicted June 26, 2008, of failing to comply with a requirement to file his 1997 to 2001 personal income tax return. Lindsay was also ordered by the court to file these returns by June 30, 2009.

When people are convicted of failing to file tax returns, in addition to any fines imposed by the courts, they must still file the returns and pay the full amount of taxes owing, plus interest owed, as well as any civil penalties that may be assessed by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Individuals who have not filed returns for previous years, or who have not reported all of their income, can still voluntarily correct their tax affairs. They will not be penalized or prosecuted if they make a full disclosure before the Agency starts any action or investigation against them. These individuals may only have to pay the taxes owing, plus interest. More information on the Voluntary Disclosures Program can be found on the CRA's website at

The information in this news release was obtained from the court records.

Further information on convictions can also be found in the Media room on the CRA website at

This document is also available for download in PDF format.

Don't you loose a little bit of credibility when you claim that you can not be jailed for failing to pay your taxes, then you're jailed for not paying taxes? At least one of the (slightly more) astute Stormfront members has noted this:

Of course common sense hasn't stopped the true believers, such as Bill Noble, from adding their support:

Truer words have seldom been written, however Noble isn't admitting to his diminished humanity. Rather, the whole concept of "personhood" is tied to Lindsay's rationale concerning the authority of the state over "soverign" citizens. Noble himself has a lot riding on this argument as it is also part of his justification for not abiding by the terms of his release.

When OdinPatrick suggests that Noble might not be being entirely rationale, Noble responds:

So let's get this straight. The proof that Lindsay is correct and that Canadians can not be imprisoned for paying taxes is that Lindsay was imprisoned for not paying taxes in order to shut him up and prevent him from telling everyone the truth?

Bill, if someone from Nigeria sends you an email asking for help getting millions of dollars into an offshore account and says he's willing to pay you a percentage, we suggest you go for it.

This scam is simply part of a larger North American movement of fringe tax protesters. The cases where these arguments have been attempted in the United States provide quite an insight as to their level of success....... nil to none. Or you can read about one of Lindsay's earlier efforts and note the same outcome.

lbert Einstein's definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Chickens Coming Home For Shaidle

BigCityLib has posted another article detailing the growing controversy regarding Kathy Shaidle's controversial statements about minorities and the controversy about the whitewashing of her Wikipedia entry. This follows Shaidle's controversial redacting of her own controversial blog articles including statements such as some of the following:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 12 Bits and Bites Part III: Kathy Shaidle Update

We were one of a number of progressive blogs to complain about Kathy Shaidle's participation on a TVO program considering the miriad of documented racist statements she has made on her blog (more on that in a moment). Soon after we and other blogs covered this story someone decided that they needed to amend Ms. Shaidle's Wikipedia page to remove the section that detailed these comments. One of the justifications given for the removal was that a claim that Ms. Shaidle is "controversial" must first be stated in the mainstream press. On that note we need to thank Randy Richmond for his article in the London Free Press:

Controversial right-wing blogger invited to speak at London event
Some members of the city's Jewish community have brought in speakers critical of anti-hate laws
Wed, March 11, 2009


She has called Muslims "pathetic, whiny losers" who practise "a sick, sick religion."

She has accused Asians of spreading disease in Toronto, disparaged natives and blacks, and suggested the poor "are no more real than Bigfoot."

Now, controversial right-wing blogger Kathy Shaidle may be coming to London to speak about human rights.

The invitation to Shaidle by some members of the city's Jewish community has alarmed anti-racism activists and provided fresh ammunition to the country's heavyweight politicos over freedom of speech.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Something Interesting on Kathy Shaidle's Wikipedia Entry

It looks as if someone is doing their darndest to clean up and sanitize all the racist comments attributed to Shaidle that are printed on her Wikipedia article. Here is what was originally published before the revisions were made. And here is what it looks like now.

A Wiki user going by the handle, "Tomwindowpaine" is responsible for the removal of the section entitled, "controversy" on February 3 first claiming that it, "included unauthorized reprinting of copyrighted material." Subsequent reasons for the removal have included, "spelling mistakes, lack of citations and absence of refutation" (though the original information removed did include citations and links to Shaidle's blog).

Colour us a bit suspicious. After all, Marc Lemire edited his own Wiki article. Might Ms. Shaidle be doing the same?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Kathy Shaidle on TVO

Now were not exactly a big player in the Canadian blogosphere and have yet to engage in any significant war of words with the right-wing Canadian blogs that exist, but we are familiar with Kathy Shaidle and what passes as political discourse on her blog. We'll let our readers determine whether or not she's racist based on her own writing: