Showing posts with label Brozny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brozny. Show all posts

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Andrew Benson Reappears With Interesting Friends

It seems that in addition to the Goudreau, who recently came to our attention after a lengthy absence, another character whom we had once been keeping close tabs on but whom we lost track of has reappeared on our radar:

Andrew Benson has been somewhat of a political chameleon over the years. He started out as a self-proclaimed Trotskyist....

.... followed by a lengthy stint as a bonehead:

The last time we heard from Benson, he had begun to style himself as a free market libertarian acolyte of Ayn Rand and Ron Paul, though his association with Richard Spencer's National Policy Institute certainly strongly suggested he retained his antisemitic and racist views:
“I am not a fan of political correctness,” said Andrew Benson, 28, who had traveled from Canada to attend. Wearing a black suit vest, red collared shirt and black cargo pants, he looked more like he’d come to his conclusions as part of a teenage rebellion. “I have always had an odd attraction to things that are taboo.”
No kidding?

It seems that Benson is still enamored with this particular brand of nationalism and like other members of the so-called "alt-right" (who are, at the core, neo-Nazis) is a supporter of Donald Trump:

Benson with Milo Yiannopoulos. Photo first posted on Benson's page July 2016.

We found Benson again quite by accident, but we immediately recognized him despite his Russified name as it now appears on Facebook:

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Calgary Movement From the Inside

We'll let the article speak for itself:

Brent Gundlock launches documentary project to understand extremist ideologies of white supremacists

Friday, November 04, 2011

Stuff Boneheads Like: Crappy Tattoos

Glenn Bahr improving his body

Before we get to the real purpose of this article, we’d like to point out that if there’s one thing that boneheads the world over love doing (aside from drugs, listening to bad music, committing crimes and having deviant sex with minors), it’s permanently defacing their bodies with hideous tattoos.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Robert Reitmeier and Tyler Sturrup Arrested on Murder Charges

We had heard rumors for a number of months now concerning the murder of Mark Mariani but didn't have anything concrete. Today, however, two of the founders of the Aryan Guard offshoot WEB, Robert Reitmeier and Tyler Sturrup, were arrested for his murder:

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Reitmeier Arrested During March

Despite claiming that the members of WEB would not be appearing at the march we knew that they wouldn't be able to keep away. Here is Robert Reitmeier being taken into custody at city hall at around 9:40 am, before the anti-racist rally was to begin at that location:

We might guess that Benson, Martin, Brozny and other WEB were perhaps lurking around somewhere nearby as well.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

W.E.B. Soon To Be No More?

Tell us Rob, how stupid do you have to be to violate no contact and bail orders, then post the pictures online?

Well, we know we aren't dealing with the great thinkers of society here.

Over the last couple of months, W.E.B. members have been in and out of jail on a pretty consistent basis. The most recent are Kevin Brozny and his new Nazi pin cushion K.H. (note the great legal advice offered by Bill Noble):

Jail isn't fun K.H? You don't say?

Well, whether they all end up behind bars or not, it looks like W.E.B. may not be around much longer. While Tyler Sturrup languishes in jail, his girlfriend has made plans (which she may have changed by now) to move out of the city. And so have both Reitmeier and Brozny:

Oh W.E.B. We hardly knew ye.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

More Aryan Guard and W.E.B. Online Bickering

First, we can confirm from multiple sources that W.E.B. member Kevin Brozny is now out of jail. As far as we know, Tyler Sturrup is still behind bars.

Well, it looks like the members of W.E.B. are still determined to organize a march in Calgary on the 21st of next month. In fact, they're sure it will be bigger than last year's event:

Oh, how sad. Reitmeier and Marleau used to be such good friends. It's gone from this:

to this:

Although Reitmeier is insistent the march will proceed, and we have to go with the assumption that at least a few boneheads will show up, we really do have to question the ability of a group that can't even spell "division" correctly to pull this off:

Okay, this was a bit petty (are you surprised?) but there's more to our skepticism than poor grammar. Honestly, do our readers think that anyone wants to attend a rally run by people who smear blood on the walls of their own homes?

So a word of friendly advice to any bonehead who may consider attending the rally if it takes place: make sure you have your Hepatitis A and B shots up to date.

So what is the remnant of the Aryan Guard saying about all this? Well, let's just say they are somewhat dubious as well. Someone using Kyle McKee's Stormfront account posted the following:

And what happens when you follow the link? We won't provide the hyperlink (we don't want them getting any hits off of us) but we will show the screen shots. Let the fun begin:

We do love the Aryan Guard logic in the last two pictures: "We'll try to kill you with a pipe bomb but if you tell the police who tried to kill you then you've violate, 'the code' and we won't play with you any more."

Some of our readers will remember the first picture of Reitmeier and the South-Asian woman as it resulted in a bit of a debate and discussion regarding Reitmeier and the rest of W.E.B. Even people who were once close to the membership of the Aryan Guard when it was first formed don't have a lot of good to say about the members of either group now. One, "boy white" (real name is Jan) was one of the founding members of the Aryan Guard before he disappeared, though he did feel the need to comment on the thread in with Reitmeier and the woman were being discussed. Another former Aryan Guard/W.E.B. associate (at least while the members of W.E.B. were still a part of the Aryan Guard) is the lovely Carla who posts as "knuckeldown." on Stormfront:

Even people who still associate with the members of W.E.B. have concerns, as evidenced by a female friend of Johnson, Reitmeier and the whole W.E.B. crew:

We'll provide the full text for our dear readers:

Just sayin'

Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 12:22am

I find it retarded that no groups in Calgary regarding the movement can get we're supposed to be fighting together to enlighten, and fight for our people.. Not fighting each other, fucking each other over, trying to kill the other.

You've got beef with each other, that's fucking tough, not everyone is going to like you. I think some of the people who like 'control' the scene here need to put their self pride aside and work together, it's just making us look like idiots. I mean like Older National Socialists are disguised by the neo-nazis' of today because they show no self respect. Or they go do stupid shit.

Its just frustrating, especially when you're trying to get in with the movement, and this shit keeps happening. Just because I am not as strong as you are physically, doesn't mean I don't have my wits about me.

There is no need for the Testosterone when you get angry, that you need to smash shit. You just look like you have no respect for the things you own. Which it becomes evident. People had the idea that the 'movement' here is strong, but it seems like it's a joke.

It seems all majority of the people in the "movement" just want to get drunk, beat up blacks and sieg heil as much as possible. You're not accomplishing anything, besides making the rest of society that you're trying to convince the movement is a good thing, you're just showing complete idiocy. There is no cause or reason to get such noticeable tattoo's, how are you going to get a career?

The women that want to get in the movement, just get scared away because you're overly violent. You shouldn't hit a woman in the first place. It's cowardly. It's one thing to joke about it, but another to actually do it. I know so many women who want to be in the movement, but you don't take them seriously. We're not just something you can fuck. We also have brains, we're pretty smart, and catch on fast. I personally would love to be an actual skinbyrd, but I know I don't have the physical strength, yet anyway, to earn my 'reds'.

Stop disrespecting your own kind. Then the idea will get across better. You shouldn't just go on a hateful rampage because someone doesn't agree with you. You're just looking as stupid as the ANTIFA you hate. The amount of drama in the scene is ridiculous. You all keep thinking someone is trying to fuck you over, stop being so god damn paranoid.

I ask the questions I ask because I want to understand better, and have the knowledge. Not because I'm a rat. I'm quite disappointed that, that has been said about me. I would never rat anyone out. Especially when you're not even doing anything really that's that big of a deal.

Stop trying to make yourself better then your 'brother'. Because in the end you just end up fucking the shit you've worked hard for up. Stop doing things so blindly. Quite trying to look like you're a somebody. Everyone seems to forget that we're just tiny little specks, on a miniscule planet, in the vastness that is the Universe. We have no purpose, unless we find something we're passionate about.

We're born, we spend our lives mindlessly filling the empty void until till it's time to go, then we die. We have no benefit on this planet, it's all just negative. And I really don't care if you get mad at me for having this opinion. But it is mine, and I am entitled to it. Just as you're entitled to yours. I really hope this strikes a chord in you when you read this, and you try to make the right choices to better the movement. Also please note; I am not trying to offend anyone with what i've said. It's just something i've noticed. And a few people who won't comment on this note, agreed too. Things need to change, because the movement is falling apart.

To, "earn one's reds" means to earn your red laces [EDIT: We knew it was laces, but had a brain fart and typed bracers originally]. That means that you've assaulted a person causing serious injury or death, "for the cause."

So, boneheads. These are the people planning the rally next month.

Have fun.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Update on W.E.B., the Status of March 21, And Something Curious

Well we still haven't been able to find out what they were picked up for, but here is what we do know about the W.E.B. members arrests:

Robert Reitmeier appears to be out of jail. Tyler Sturrup and Kevin Brozny are both still in jail.

We know. Not much. Anyone know more details, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Interestingly, it looks like another bonehead may also be out of jail, or he's given someone else access to his Facebook account. In discussing the "White Pride" march that had been planned for next month (though we had doubts whether they would be able to pull it off given the current troubles of both the Aryan Guard and W.E.B.), John Marleau, or someone on Marleau's Facebook account, posted the following brief message:

So that's it. Let's pour the champagne and celebrate.

Well, maybe not.

There's been something that hasn't been passing the smell test for us here. In the last few weeks we've noticed that there are two more individuals, an administrator and a "coordinator" who are now prominently placed on the Aryan Guard forum list of worker bees:

We know three of the five for certain. "Leto Atreides II" is Bill Noble who no longer considers himself to be an Aryan Guard member but still runs the forum. "Aphrodite" is Natalie and "Hans Krieger" is Rick Rushton. But it's the two other members whom we find the most interesting. The name "Schutz Staffel," who holds the title of "Aryan Guard Coordinator" (whatever that means) is interesting in that it is the name used by Dustyn Johnson:

This of course is of interest considering that Dustyn is a member of the Aryan Guard's bonehead rivals W.E.B. (below pictured on the right with Sturrup and Reitmeier):

And yes, that's real blood. Perhaps we'll post the rest of the pictures later where they smeared it all over the walls of the residence they were/are in.

Also interesting is the newest forum administrator, "Vladimir Tepes." This individual, upon further investigation, also seems to have some association with W..E.B. and is currently impersonating an individual known to anti-racists in Calgary as Joe who frequently comments on our articles.

As we wrote just a little while ago, something isn't passing the smell test here.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

McKee's Preliminary Inquiry To Be Held In May

Hearing date set for suspect in alleged neo-Nazi bombing

Last Updated: 28th January 2010, 5:29pm

The purported neo-Nazi suspected in the bombing last November of a northeast Calgary apartment will face a preliminary inquiry in May.

Kyle Robert McKee made a brief appearance Thursday in provincial court to set the two-day hearing.

Defence counsel Adriano Iovinelli told Judge Jim Ogle there will be two issues raised in the hearing, the identity of the bomber and whether his client can be linked to the explosive device.

“The issues are actual possession and identification of the individual,” he told a pre-preliminary inquiry meeting.

McKee, said to be an Ayran Guard founder, was arrested in Winnipeg Dec. 16, four weeks after a bombing attempt at a Pineridge apartment complex.

No one was injured in the Nov. 21 incident.

A man at the Pineridge Greene apartments at 5300 Rundlehorn Dr. N.E. said he picked up explosives planted on his balcony and hurled them into the parking lot below, where they exploded.

Police said the man likely escaped death by mere seconds.

McKee faces two charges of attempted murder, possessing, making or controlling explosives and possession of a weapon or imitation for a dangerous purpose.

A 17-year-old youth, also alleged to be a neo-Nazi, is charged in connection with the same incident.

McKee remains in custody pending the inquiry to determine if he will stand trial.

Iovinelli said outside court he likely won’t make a decision on whether to apply for bail for his client until after the May 27-28 hearing.

Without giving too much away, we've been led to understand that McKee might face an interesting witness or two.

In the meantime, one of the suspected targets of McKee, Tyler Sturrup, appears to be still in jail (read about it here and here). Indications are that Robert Reitmeier has been released, but we have no up to date information on the whereabouts of Kevin Brozny.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Update on W.E.B. Members Arrest

We received more information that might be related to as the yet unconfirmed report (aside from an incredibly reliable source) that at least three members of the Aryan Guard splinter group W.E.B. (Robert Reitmeier, Tyler Sturrup and Kevin Brozny) are currently in police custody. On Thursday (January 21), 7 to 8 neo-Nazis entered a bar called Republik. After 10 minutes of obnoxious behavior, including seig heiling and in general making the rest of the patrons feel uncomfortable, the management or doorman contacted the police gang unit who, when they arrived, escorted the boneheads from the bar. Based on the facial tattoos, our source can confirm that Reitmeier was numbered amongst this group, along with at least one other individual with an Aryan Guard tattoo.

We don't yet know if this incident was related to the arrest that is believed to have occurred the earlier this week of the three W.E.B. members.

UPDATE: We received information from a friend (and a snippy response from someone who is not a friend) that the incident occurred on Thursday of last week rather than the night before the arrests. The changes have been made to reflect the more accurate informaton.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

W.E.B. Members Arrested???

No details yet, and we're not entirely sure if the information is correct, but a source has let us know that three members of W.E.B. may currently be in jail having been arrested some time yesterday.

We'll do what we can to confirm or refute this news. In the meantime, check your aquarium to make sure that you have still have all your lobsters.

UPDATE: Thanks to Dustyn Johnson, we may have further confirmation:

And as our source had earlier stated, the W.E.B. members in question are Robert Reitmeier, Tyler Sturrup (who was one of the targets of McKee's alleged pipe bomb attack) and Kevin Brozny (freak in white tank top at last year's White Pride march). The first name blacked out is Reitmeier's brother; we presume he was too high to have known his brother was in jail. The second name blacked out it, again, the "Nazi Mom" of the Winnipeg child custody dispute. Wow, she sure does get around, doesn't she?

Still working on why they were arrested.

Left to right: Kevin Brozny, Dustyn Johnson, Tyler Sturrup, Robert Reitmeier