At least four houses in Minneapolis raided, other houses in Michigan, NC, Chicago targeted

Latest Update with videos - 9/25 a.m.

See TCIMC afternoon update -- At least four known houses were raided this morning including another location at Stevens Square. There were also at least two subpoenas served on activists. Keep on alert! Know your rights! Don't talk to the FBI!

Community Meeting tonight! 5:30 pm Walker Church - Video [24m via]

On Friday morning, three houses in the Minneapolis area are believed to have been raided by SWAT Teams. While we have few details right now, the F.B.I. appears to be targeting people associated with the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Besides the raids in Minneapolis, houses in Michigan, North Carolina and Chicago were also targeted.

Raids occurred at 1823 Riverside, above the Hard Times Cafe, and the 2900 block of Park Ave. One other raid is reported, as well.  Outside Hard Times Cafe, three unmarked black SUVs (one with an Illinois license plate) sat in the parking area as of 10am, when a lawyer observed 8 FBI agents sitting in the residence examining materials.  Otherwise the scene was calm. [Video: FBI at Hard Times -]

Agents had broken in the door there at 7am Friday morning, breaking an aquarium in the process.

The Federal search warrants appear to be focusing on seizing electronic devices, international travel, and alleging "co-conspirators." They do not authorize arrests.

The search warrant for 1823 Riverside, the residence of activist Mick Kelly, sought information "regarding ability to pay for his own travel" to Palestine and Columbia from 2000 to today.  The warrant hyped potential documents indicating any contacts/facilitation with FARC, PFLP, and Hezbollah - what it called "FTOs" or  "foreign terrorist organizations".  It mentioned seeking information on the alleged  "facilitation of other individuals in the US to travel to Colombia, Palestine and any other foreign location in support of foreign terrorist organizations including but not limited to FARC, PFLP and Hezbollah".

The wording of the warrant appears to indicate the government seeks to create divisions among social justice and international solidarity activists by hyping alleged connections to what they call "foreign terrorist organizations."

The warrant also sought information on "Kelly's travel to and from and presence in MN, and other foreign countries [sic] to which Kelly has travelled as part of his work in FRSO [Freedom Road Socialist Organization", as well as materials related to his finances and the finances of FRSO, and all computer and electronic devices.

The federal warrant was signed by Federal Minnesota District Magistrate Judge Susan Nelson at 3:30pm yesterday, September 23.

[Afternoon TCIMC update] More information as this story breaks.  If you have info, please publish it to TCIMC as a comment or a new story.



FROM: Twin Cities Peace Campaign - Focus on Iraq MESSAGE: Dear Peacemakers, I have just been informed by Sarah Martin that the FBI are in the process of raiding the homes of Meredith Aby, Jess Sundin, and Mick Kelly. They are apparently accusing them of connections with a terrorist organization. The National Lawyer Guild attorneys are suggesting that we go to their homes immediately. Jess lives at 2911 Park Avenue South in Minneapolis. Meredith lives on 14th Avenue just off Lake Street. I believe it is on 14th; it is the street off 31st and Powderhorn Park that does not run through to Lake Street. Mick lives above the Hard Times Cafe on Riverside near Cedar. This is extremely shocking. We must stand together. I am going to one of their homes right now. My phone number is 612-275-2720. Peace in the struggle, Marie Braun

Hey all,

This Star Tribune story is interesting -- spins it very much as "leaders of the TC antiwar movement arrested".  Also includes some details from interview with Mick Kelley:

Two subpoenas have also been served, details as they come in.

The amount of misinformation I see coming from this pseudo-news source is just disappointing.  The Star Tribune does nothing of the sort.  The headline reads "FBI raids homes of several Twin Cities war protesters" and the article clearly states they were not arrested.

As it would turn out, your comment is the spin, not the Star Tribune article.

This is f-ked up, but it is by no means shocking.  What is amazing is that the State has taken this long to begin it's full out next phase of COINTELPRO, unless you happen to be an Arab-American, a Somali-American, a Southican, or Native American in which case it's nothing new  The new 'Patriot' laws paved the way, and many of us have been waiting for this moment, when they will begin to systematically incarcerate those who fall under the agitator index code of the National Security State. 

What this means is that if you have ever supported, attended, inadvertently given money at the door of a dance, event, or reading that may have gone to further the efforts of organizations that are effectively challenging US imperialist interests around the globe, then you have been officially put on notice that you may very well be seen as having 'materially supported terrorism.'   If they come for me in the morning, they will come for you by afternoon.

Strategically, this is also a pre-emptive attack on those planning to try to disrupt the DNC in the Twin Cities. 

As the empire fades it will become more, not less, draconian and violent.  Prepare yourselves.  Have each other's backs and always remember those who will be disappeared in the days to come.  Also remember that this is nothing new and has been the nature of the Nation State since it's inception.  If you try to get in the way of those trying to maximize their profits as the planet dies, you will be singled out as 'collateral damage.'  Unless of course you decide to build an underground movement based on a different model than what we have all been taught in leftist pre-school.

Much respect to those who have dedicated their lives to their beliefs and the stuggles of those all across the globe.  They need our support, but we need something fundamentally different, a new model, if we are to have any hope of effectively fighting these f-ker$.

this was priceless, thanks.

at first I was like, "WTF NO", but then I realized... are these all FRSO people?  If so, I wouldn't be surprised if it's true.

Does it matter so much what organization it is?  The fact is that the state is trying to repress dissent, and we need to stand in solidarity with these people.  We need to build a culture where we stand against state repression.  Because as mentioned above, today it is these activists, tomorrow it could be all of us.  We need all the solidarity we can get.

Based on the history of Marxist-Leninist and Maoist parties left over from SDS, it is entirely possible that FRSO is materially supporting groups that use violence against civilians.  I see no reason to have solidarity with authoritarian Marxists who do so; they're not on 'our side'.  Of course, it's much more likely that these raids are horseshit (for the reasons Nigel Parry says in the other article here), in which case this can serve as yet another example of the tyranny of the de-facto police state; but let's not have a kneejerk defense of Marxist authoritarians over USA authoritarianism... we can easily despise them both.

Wait a minute...

Based on the history of Marxist-Leninist and Maoist parties left over from SDS, it is entirely possible that FRSO is materially supporting groups that use violence against civilians.  I see no reason to have solidarity with authoritarian Marxists who do so; they're not on 'our side'. 

"It is entirely possible" does a lot of work in this sentence.  You don't even have a real accusation because that's not public yet, and you don't have any information from FRSO, and you don't have any personal information from the folks involved. At this point, almost anything is "entirely possible" and that's precisely what the Feds are relying on--throwing enough mud at this case so that some of it will stick.    And it will legitimate attacks on the rest of us-- Joe Mainstreampolitics doesn't know the difference between FRSO and the Invisible Committee, and Jane Federal Appellate Judge doesn't want to know the difference.

If we--activists, anarchists, antiwar people, whatever--want to have an anti-statist movement, we bring that about ourselves, through organizing.  We don't cheerlead the feds coming in to clean up anyone we disagree with.   Solidarity with all victims of state repression!

And on another note, these folks getting raided are real people--union members, people with little kids, people with health concerns.   They're friends of a lot of folks in the community.   They stood up to the cops and spoke out against the peace police during RNC.  They've given time and money generously to a lot of local radical stuff.   They're not just some kind of stick-figure-straw-person authoritarians.

I've had a lot of really foundational ideological differences with the folks from FRSO over the years.  I'm still not willing to see their houses raided and sit back. 

As an anarchist I have no particular love for Maoists or any other "authoritarian Marxist" organization.  But when push comes to shove, I'll stand with the FSRO and not the criminal thugs in the FBI.

Furthermore, I've known some of the people targeted in these raids for years and the idea they're supporting any terrorist organization is presposterous.  Unfortunately, "materially supporting" is an incredibly elastic definition as far as the State is concerned, so almost any act of dissent can be declared as "material support" of terrorism.  This is the same smear tactic they've used against the RNC8.

Speaking of which:  The State's case against the RNC8 -- or should I say the RNC "4" -- is rapidly crumbling, and I doubt whether the remaining activists will ever go to trial.  It is Timmy's Take that these raids are, at least in part, a crude tactic to drum up support for the State's flagging case against local "terrorists."

I have had the pleasure of knowing these people. Not only do they seem to me to lack the desire to materially support foreign terrorist organizatiions, but they lack the means to provide what I would consider material support. I suspect most people would consider significant sums of money, weapons, refuge and the like to be material support. We're talking about a guy who gets his income from cooking part-time at a college pub, a school teacher, some sort of office worker at the U of M and a part-time auto mechanic (maybe apprentice would be a more apt description). These are not exactly people of great means, let alone people with the means to provide what most would consider material support. I don't think any of them would know where to go to buy a gun. I've been to the homes of two of them, and they don't have a lot of room for out of town guests (ruling out the refuge thing). They mostly help organize little protests where most of the time 20 people showing up is a good turnout. They hold press conferences mostly attended by independent (as opposed to corporate) media types. One serves as an editor for a newspaper with not what most would consider a large readership. They're good people with good hearts and more tenacity than I'll ever have. They're not providing anybody with material support, though. And they're definitely not a threat to anybody. Once again, though, paranoia needs to be created. Let's convince people there are dangerous people in their midst. Let's do everything possible to keep the public's attention focused on anyone but those who are actually harming them.

I have plenty of criticisms for FRSO, but in no way does that mean that I think the State should be in a position to tell us what our politics should be. I can and always will argue against political support for groups like the FARC, but at the end of the day FRSO has the right to take whatever position they want, just like me or any of my organizations.

This is not happening in a vacuum. FRSO is a part of the Left and various social movements, and as such we should defend them, just as they opposed the prosecution of the RNC8 anarchists.

We must stand together against ALL targets of state repression - regardless of whether we agree with a particular political platform.  Those of us fighting for social justice are on the same side of the barricades, and the state's strategy here as always is to divide and conquer.  Whatever the initials of the organization - RNCWC, FRSO, or something else - we are united against US imperialism and domination, and we must struggle together.

For just one example, the AWC and FRSO have been strong allies towards the RNC 8.  Now it's the turn of folks working in support of those activists to return the favor.  An injury to one is an injury to all.

A press conference will be held at 2911 Park Avenue at 4 p.m. today, 9/24, per Jess Sundin.

when you mix your activism with drugs and cheap alchohol and choose the path of the devils advocate you will reep what you sow.

focus on trade policy and treason and you will be free. focus on hurting white people or any local u.s. citizen and you will be in a penitentiary for the rest of your natural born life... focus people . dont derail your nobility for the agenda of a few educations of implosive hate...sustainable trade policy is the now of activism.. stop  laying blame to accomodate those you are afraid of .. the arabs cause more damage than the industrialist of u.s. but certain activist think its safer to complain about u.s.


Indeed: don't do drugs.

It's frightening and disheartening that constitutionally guaranteed rights such as free speech and assembly result in raids, seizure of property and arrests.  These are among some of the same rights that we claim are lacking in other societies, but they seem to be being stolen from us here.  Aren't we a government that is "of, for and by the people" yet the voices of the people are being silenced.  I'm confused or have I been misinformed all these years; I don't recall us voluntarily giving up our rights to others.  When ordinary, law abiding, tax paying citizens cannot freely exercise their rights or for that matter determine for self how they spend their time or their money, we are heading in an awful direction.  I always thought that dissent was both patriotic and a sign that we still have free will and the ability to process information and make decisions; I guess not.

'The warant also sought information on "Kelly's travel to and from and presence in MN, and other foreign countries [sic]...' A judge approved a warrant written by someone who thinks Minnesota is a foreign country? That judge should be impeached.

The so-called reported should be fired, not the judge.

'The warant also sought information on "Kelly's travel to and from and presence in MN, and other foreign countries [sic]...' A judge approved a warrant written by someone who thinks Minnesota is a foreign country? That judge should be impeached.

Why the hell would members of the RNCWC let themselves be photographed by the STRIB and posted on the papers website? These people have now connected themselves to a "Terrorist investigation" The prosecutors will use this in their trial. RNC 8-4-whatever, you have made it extremely difficult if not impossible for your attorneys to defend you.

Now there's somebody who knows nothing about the rules of evidence. Shouldn't you be posting on the Strib's website?

I know alot about evidence and its admissability.I also know that the RNCWC met with some of the people being investigated for terrorism. True or not, admissable, and not good for the home team.

Rule 404(b):

Evidence of another crime, wrong, or act is not admissible to prove the character of a person in order to show action in conformity therewith. It may, however, be admissible for other purposes, such as proof of motive, opportunity, intent, preparation, plan, knowledge, identity, or absence of mistake or accident. In a criminal prosecution, such evidence shall not be admitted unless (1) the prosecutor gives notice of its intent to admit the evidence consistent with the rules of criminal procedure; (2) the prosecutor clearly indicates what the evidence will be offered to prove; (3) the other crime, wrong, or act and the participation in it by a relevant person are proven by clear and convincing evidence; (4) the evidence is relevant to the prosecutor’s case; and (5) the probative value of the evidence is not outweighed by its potential for unfair prejudice to the defendant.

Since what is being investigated here has nothing to do with anything surrounding the 2008 RNC, there is no relevance. Somebody just thinking about going to law school could make an overwhelmingly convincing argument that the potential for unfair prejudice would outweigh the probative value. Let's also not forget that nothing being investigated here has been proven by clear and convincing evidence, so there is no proven association with "terrorists." If you're going to spout off, please know something first.

The RNC 8 were meeting with these people in 2008. This investigation was probably going on for some time. I think the court will find it VERY relevant. A good jury pool for the defense just shrunk considerably. Goodnite Irene.

congratulations. You win the argument. i hope you feel better about your self for proving that you know more than someone else about something.

or they proved they can expel hot air longer than the other person can cite the law and offer a logical analysis. i suppose some people think we should just take them at word their word because they say they know, regardless of how ridiculous the statement.

I think the 8 are more than capable of deciding how to mount their own defense -- which necessarily involves the defense of ALL targets of state repression.  And are you forgetting that theirs was initially a "terrorism" investigation under the MN Patriot Act, too?

All "terrorism" means when used by the government these days is "resistance."

Photographed, shmotographed. The RNC 8 defendants are in solidarity with the raidees. They were victims of crazy Joint Terrorism Task Force SWAT team raids two years ago, on the weekend before the Republicans had their little function. If you don't recall, the "terrorism"-related charges were dropped 7 months later. 

You're next!

If there is one thing you can say about the RNC 8, they are brave and principled people.  From day one, they have always said that any movement for their defense must also be about strengthening the movement as a whole.  I don't speak for them but from what I've seen, they would never shy away from publicly supporting others under attack even if doing so would help their case.  They fully embrace a political as well as legal defense.  That's why I am proud to not only work for their defense, but to call them friends.

I am personally sickened by some of the comments on here suggesting some activists should be thrown to the wolves because of their political stands.  One of the very best things about the activist community here is that we don't engage in the sectarian bullshit that happens in other cities and that has activists wasting time fighing each other instead of fighing against repression.  The St. Paul Principles, the wonderful document crafted before the RNC, set forth guidelines for people to work together across our political differences.  There are few other places in the country where such an agreement could have been made.  The basic tenets of those principles have continued long after the RNC and were in evidence Friday night at the emergency meeting at Walker church.  So, for those few people on here who don't understand solidarity with those under attack, do us a favor and move to Chicago or one of those other cities where people can't get it together.  You contribute nothing of value to the movement here.



This morning the FBI raided homes and offices of anti war activists I work with and who have stood side by side with me in my work in the immigrants rights movement and the Chicano/Mexicano movement for equality. These FBI raids are the same repressive tactics used against the Chicano movement of the late 60's by the FBI, and local police to try to destroy our movement. I denounce these FBI raids and stand in solidarity with my fellow activist!

If they do this to us, they will do it to you in the future. Please raise you voice to denounce this FBI attack against fellow activist, I ask your organization to send a letter of solidarity and put out a statement to your local media and members denouncing this  political attack. 

thats some scary shit! this government is falling apart and now they are going to come for anyone they consider a "dissenter". watch your backs folks.

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FROM: Twin Cities Peace Campaign - Focus on Iraq MESSAGE: Dear Peacemakers, I have just been informed by Sarah Martin that the FBI are in the process of raiding the homes of Meredith Aby, Jess Sundin, and Mick Kelly. They are apparently accusing them of connections with a terrorist organization. The National Lawyer Guild attorneys are suggesting that we go to their homes immediately. Jess lives at 2911 Park Avenue South in Minneapolis. M


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If there is one thing you can say about the RNC 8, they are brave and principled people. From day one, they have always said that any movement for their defense must also be about strengthening the movement as a wholeBH0-006 dumps/642-185 dumps/646-985 dumps/HP0-J40 dumps/1z0-451 dumps/HP0-S25 dumps/350-030 dumps/000-106 dumps/642-617 dumps/646-656 dumps I don't speak for them but from what I've seen, they would never shy away from publicly supporting others under attack even if doing so would help their case. They fully embrace a political as well as legal defense. That's why I am proud to not only work for their defense, but to call them friends.

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