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Conflict Mineral Service Provider

Assent {Compliance|Conformity|Complying|Submission|Concurrence} {offers a|provides a|supplies a|comes with a|gives a} turnkey {Conflict|Turmoil|Discord|Clash|Struggle} {Mineral|Nutrient|Vitamin} {Compliance|Conformity|Complying|Submission|Concurrence} {service|support|program|assistance|services} {including|such as|which includes|which include|as well as} {Conflict|Turmoil|Discord|Clash|Struggle} {Minerals|Mineral deposits|Nutrients|Vitamins|Vitamins and minerals} {Scope|Range|Opportunity|Setting|Extent} {Assessments|Checks|Tests|Exams|Lab tests}, {Conflict|Turmoil|Discord|Clash|Struggle} {


Conflict Minerals Consulting Services

Assent Compliance offers a turnkey Conflict Mineral Services including Conflict Minerals Scope Assessments, Conflict Minerals Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry, Conflict Minerals Reports,and Conflict Minerals Software for reviewable business records. Assent Compliance has been involved deeply with the Conflict Minerals including individual meetings with SEC Commissioners and Panel discussions. Assent Compliance’s experience and wide range of Conflict Minerals services allow us to customize a solution that is right for your business.


Conflict Minerals Software for Reviewable Business Records

Our Conflict Mineral Software provides companies with the functionality necessary for companies to conduct a Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry, maintain reviewable business records, create Conflict Mineral Reports and meet all the IT requirements necessary under the Conflict Minerals Provision.

By utilizing our software, your Suppliers can submit simple forms (following the GeSI-EICC Conflict Free Smelter form template if requested) online concerning the parts and materials they supply that may contain conflict minerals.


Can we determine the cause of the Capitol shooting?

After the lockdown on the area surrounding the Capitol building in Washington, D.C., was removed and the identity of the woman who was shot and killed Thursday was revealed to be Stamford, Conn., dental hygienist Miriam Carey, 34, it was also revealed that she suffered from post-partum depression. Carey ignored barricades in an attempt to ram through the White House gate, according to a report of the incident, and rammed her vehicle into a police cruiser. Her story, which included a fall resulting in a significant head injury that kept her out of work for two to three weeks, also included a

Allvoices Writers' Resources: Writing stronger ledes

How do you get readers to keep reading after that first sentence? You make them want to. And how do you make them want to? By making the first sentence – known as the lede in journalism parlance – as strong as you possibly can. Different kinds of stories require different kinds of ledes, but all good ledes have one thing in common: They compel readers to keep reading. And as a general rule, the structure of a lede should be in the active voice, not passive. A lede for a breaking news story, for example, will have an entirely different tone and structure than a lede for a feature story.

Western world shrugs as millions of refugees seek sanctuary in Europe

The disaster where at least 300 African migrants drowned when a boat capsized off the Italian coast Thursday is the latest tragedy involving refugees. It highlights the fact that tens of thousands of people are taking desperate measures and risks to escape conflict in their home countries. The latest example occurred as a boat left Libya carrying about 500 passengers from Eritrea and Somalia who were trying to reach the Italian island of Lampedusa – a favorite point of entry for those seeking asylum and safety in Europe. In July, Pope Francis visited the island and decried the “globalizatio

An insider's guide to the Outside Lands: San Francisco's Sunset District

San Francisco’s Sunset District lies on the southwestern edge of the city, bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west and separated from downtown by Twin Peaks and Mount Sutro to the east. After a virtually summer-long absence, the sun returns to this notoriously foggy neighborhood each year around the beginning of autumn, just in time for Hardly Strictly, the free bluegrass festival in Golden Gate Park that kicked off Friday afternoon.

Drug journalist assaulted US marshal, jury says

An advocacy reporter with Berkeley, Calif.'s Pacifica radio station KPFA assaulted a US marshal at a drug protest, a federal jury has decided. The attack occurred on April 2, 2012, as agents raided California's premier cannabis trade school, Oaksterdam University in downtown Oakland. Founded in November 2007, the for-profit non-accredited academy served the state's $1 billion medical marijuana industry, which blossomed after the 1996 legalization of medicinal marijuana.

Lampedusa boat tragedy: Wake-up call to protect people in distress

Following Tuesday’s Lampedusa boat tragedy, the international community and media outlets voiced concern over the rising global phenomenon of migrants and people fleeing conflict, persecution and poverty perishing at sea. The boat, which sailed from Libya with an estimated 500 Eritrean and Somali migrants, caught fire and sank near the island of Lampedusa.

Pressure on Republicans to end stalemate could end US shutdown

A new poll by CBS released Thursday centers the blame for the partial government shutdown on Republicans. Americans do not approve of GOP obstructionism responsible for the federal government shut down, according to a Huffington Post report. Fewer Americans are blaming President Barack Obama and the Democrats, according to the poll.

Assad: Turkey will pay heavily for backing rebels

Syrian President Bashar Assad said Turkey will "pay dearly" for supporting rebels fighting to overthrow his regime. "In the near future these terrorists will have an impact on Turkey. Turkey will pay very dearly for its contribution," Assad said in an interview with the Turkish Halk TV channel on Friday, according to Agence France-Presse. He stated, “It is not possible to use terrorism as a card and put it in your pocket.

Ireland votes on scrapping upper house of parliament

Cash-strapped Ireland voted in a referendum on Friday on whether to back Prime Minister Enda Kenny's controversial proposals to abolish the upper house of parliament. Opinion polls say voters will likely back the plans to scrap the Seanad, or Senate, which Kenny believes is elitist and ineffective, but turnout figures appeared low before polls closed at 2100 GMT. The count begins on Saturday and the results are expected over the weekend. In the Dublin North West constituency, just over 22 percent of the electorate had cast their vote by 1930 GMT, while in Dublin Central 24 percent cast thei

Hundreds of Sudanese protest, but numbers down after crackdown

Several hundred Sudanese protested in Khartoum on Friday to demand the resignation of President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, but crowds were much smaller than last week, when protests provoked a bloody security crackdown. Amnesty International said on Wednesday that 210 protesters were killed in clashes with security forces last week, quoting figures from a Sudanese doctors' union.

Chile group wants Pinochet 'dictatorship' in textbooks

A Chilean education advisory group recommended Friday that schools use "dictatorship" rather than "military regime" in textbooks to describe General Augusto Pinochet's rule marred by rights abuses. The decision by the National Education Council represents a shift over how Chile brands the 1973-1990 era that saw Pinochet brutally crack down on anything that smacked of leftist dissent, leaving more than 3,200 people dead and arresting some 38,000. "In this case, since time has passed, let's get straight to the point and use the word 'dictatorship,'" council president Ignacio Irarrazaval told R

Rwanda president slams US sanctions over child soldiers

Rwandan President Paul Kagame on Friday angrily condemned a US decision to impose sanctions against his country for allegedly backing rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo who recruit child soldiers. Kagame said the decision would only play into the hands of other rebels made up of remnants of Hutu extremists who carried out the 1994 Rwandan genocide. "It benefits those enemies of our country who seek to destroy what we are trying to build," Kagame said in a speech to parliament. The United Nations accuses Rwanda of backing the M23 rebels in neighbouring eastern DR Congo, a charge the

Bus plunges down hillside outside Mexico City, killing 14

At least 14 people died on Friday when a bus hurtled down a hillside on the outskirts of Mexico City, ejecting six victims through the windows and leaving 25 injured, police said. Before it careened off the highway, the bus was en route to the city of Toluca in the hills of the State of Mexico, which surrounds much of the capital. "There wasn't a collision with another vehicle, but instead the bus veered off the asphalt and plunged down the mountainside about 100 or 120 meters," Miguel Angel Contreras, the attorney general of the State of Mexico, told reporters. The cause of the accident re

UN urges Tuareg rebels to resume Mali peace talks

The UN's envoy to Mali, Bert Koenders, on Friday urged Tuareg and Arab rebels to return to peace talks with the Bamako government, amid a resurgence of violence in the north of the country. The rebels, who are fighting for autonomy in northern Mali, announced in late September that they were pulling out of talks with the government. The move dealt a blow to hopes of a durable peace in the troubled west African country, which only elected a new president in August after 18 months of political crisis sparked by a military coup in March last year. Violence returned to northern Mali the day aft

Brazil environment icon to decide on presidential bid

The political future of former former Brazilian presidential candidate Marina Silva was unclear Friday after she failed to gather enough signatures to register her new party for next year's elections. Silva, who won nearly 20 million votes in the first round of the 2010 poll, said she would announce Saturday whether she will choose a different party affiliation if she wants to enter next October's presidential race. "I am still in a process of deciding.

Four killed as clashes rock Cairo

Four people died in fierce clashes that erupted in Cairo Friday when Islamist supporters of former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi protested against the military that ousted him. Fighting also broke out after weekly Muslim prayers in Alexandria and the Upper Egypt province of Assiut as Islamists took to the streets protesting Morsi's July 3 ouster and subsequent jailing, AFP correspondents and state media reported. "Four people were killed in Cairo.
