
A few resources to help you or your organization make your own media, with TCIMC or otherwise:

**NEW! (December 2010) How to Promote Events: 16 page zine adapted from original text by the Beehive Design Collective.  This file (PDF, 11MB) is formatted for instant double-sided printing on 4 -- 8.5x11" sheets, either full color or grayscale.  For computer reading, begin at the upper right and read diagonally to the bottom of the document, then return diagonally to the top.

Design For Social Change: A Step-by-Step Guide, by Favianna Rodriguez from the book Reproduce and RevoltTodo en inglés y español.  This guide was written with a focus on graphic design, but most of it can apply to any medium - writing, videography, zinemaking, and more.  (17 pages, PDF)

Activist Writing Lab packet: Activist writing tips; combatting oppression in your writing; information on writing articles, announcements, and press releases; samples and inspiration in this packet put together by TCIMC editors for an Experimental College class in 2009 (22 pages, PDF | Open Office .ODT)

Media Strategy: We recommend checking out the book Re:Imagining Change: An Introduction to Story Based Strategy, downloadable (free but donation requested) from smartMeme, or available for purchase in hardcopy.  You can find other resources related to storytelling and strategy for social justice campaigns on the smartMeme website, too.

Trifold Brochures --> Download, Print, Fold and Distro
About Twin Cities Indymedia (Jan. 2010)
Be the Media: How to Start Reporting (Feb. 2010)

Ruckus Society Video Manual (6 pages)

More video resources:

Annotated IMC Story Sample - "Shut Down ICE!" 30 Arrested in Civil Disobedience at Bloomington Facility (original story) - here's one way to publish about an action

Indymedia specific resources and local/national/global projects: Indymedia Documentation Project, (warning: kind of a janky, old IMC site with many broken links)

The Struggle is Our Inheritance: A History of Radical Minnesota, zine produced July 2007 by RNC Welcoming Committee, PDF formatted for printing (16 MB)

RNC Live: zine collecting all the updates from TCIMC during the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul - download/more info here