St. Louis: Squats Served Eviction Notices; Oakland MusicBox house raided

say no to the FBI

[From the Open Publishing Newswire -- TCIMC editors. below the fold: more from Feb 13th Music Box raid in West Oakland CA]

As you may already know, some of the squats in St. Louis received sad news earlier this month: eviction notices.


fbi/cia methods to torture/kill w/complete anonymity

See my decades long reports on how the fbi/cia torture and kill dissidents globally with complete anonymity; today India and Thailand are actively using these techniques at the direction of fbi/cia/mi6/mossad.


The fbi/cia now instruct India's intel groups how to kill or incapacitate Targets with complete anonymity.

Here are a few such ways which many in India and Thailand (et al) are now discovering:

Synthetically Produced Kidney Stone Created By Chemical Combination In the Person Of The Target:


Iowan David Goodner: FBI spying on activists

The FBI spied on Iowans such as David Goodner prior to the 2008 Republican National Convention.

See TCIMC story from Oct 2010 with Goodner's FOIA file:  Cointelpro Gothic: Docs prove Iowa FBI's Wild Rose Rebellion a pretend RNC "Terrorism Enterprise" for great "statistical accomplishment"


FBI Minnesota Requesting Information on All Upcoming Special Events Before September 11, 2011

The highly informative site PublicIntelligence.net, which posts many 'sensitive' government documents, has posted an alert apparently originated from Minneapolis FBI looking for info on all events related in any way to Sept 11 2011 -- so this could be another fine point to add in future FOIA requests. 

The file is, as of Sept 6 6AM, still posted at http://www.msfca.org/assets/September11/Special_Event_RFI.pdf


fbi sociopathic operative makes public appearance

                                       SHILL REVEALS PURPOSE AS fbi SOCIOPATHIC PERPETRATOR


An fbi perpetrator recently stalked me at the philly Indymedia forum where I posted my reports. In the comment section the shill (the fbi low level operative) describes the food that I recently ate in my home as he writes:

                                      "Want some cheese with that Whine".


fbi covers up atrocities at Guantanamo Bay Prison

  Any Special Agent whistleblower of fbi (and cia) crimes and coverups is tortured, imprisoned, driven out of the country or murdered with total impunity as a matter of ***law. For more on how the fbi and cia function as serial killers see the ****links below. Also note that the fbi trains  police leaders as serial killers at the fbi National Academy.




See my report supported by overwhelming evidence of the fbi/cia (etc.) efforts to attack innocent persons and others via *inhumane methodology.





U.S. Guatemala Ambassador Stephen G. McFarland ,Notorious Basher,NAMBLA member, Serial Pervert, Convicted Fraud Felon,Confidential Informant

BELOW SEC  'Special Counsel' Steven G. Johnston TELLS ME TO CONTACT THE FBI WHEN IN FACT IT WAS MY VERY COMPLAINT TO THEM THAT HAS LED TO DEATH THREATS FROM THEIR CLIENTS BUD BURRELL AND PATRICK BYRNE IN THE FIRST PLACE ! And this is what I'm now requesting from U.S.Ambassador to Guatemala - an FBI investigation into their stock frauds and at the least an investigation into their death threats. - Tony Ryals


Bud Burrell's Front and Center


