
Live WWE NXT Discussion Thread! - May 9th, 2023 by Coldcoffees in SquaredCircle

[–]nerf_herder1986 4 points5 points  (0 children)


"Can we get Hangman Page, mom?"

"We have Hangman Page at home"

Live WWE NXT Discussion Thread! - May 9th, 2023 by Coldcoffees in SquaredCircle

[–]nerf_herder1986 3 points4 points  (0 children)

You can't convince me bears are dangerous, look at dem lil ears

Live WWE NXT Discussion Thread! - May 9th, 2023 by Coldcoffees in SquaredCircle

[–]nerf_herder1986 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Ooh it's Regal's kid! Suddenly very excited about this match

Live WWE NXT Discussion Thread! - May 9th, 2023 by Coldcoffees in SquaredCircle

[–]nerf_herder1986 4 points5 points  (0 children)

They can just make a regular locker room a sauna like that

Looking at some water damage real quick

Live WWE NXT Discussion Thread! - May 9th, 2023 by Coldcoffees in SquaredCircle

[–]nerf_herder1986 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Please put Dijak on the main roster in the near future. Without the mask this time, please.

Live WWE NXT Discussion Thread! - May 9th, 2023 by Coldcoffees in SquaredCircle

[–]nerf_herder1986 5 points6 points  (0 children)

I haven't watched NXT since before 2.0, but I'm pretty sure this one's gonna be a banger

Bode by Rare-Ad7797 in FallenOrder

[–]nerf_herder1986 43 points44 points  (0 children)

Cal even has a line about that! Something to the effect of "everyone flies except me..."

Run out of dialogue in the game after 86 hours and this was the last one. Couldn't be more perfect by dannyhalfasleep in FallenOrder

[–]nerf_herder1986 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Seriously! I mean I get that he had been working with Davrik since before he joined up with Cal, but after stealing the compass he says he's not giving it to the Empire, then he goes to Tanalorr with Kata alone. Like. Dude. YOU AND KATA WERE GOING TO GET TO GO TO TANALORR ANYWAY! The Hidden Path would have allowed them to join, especially if he had revealed his past as a Jedi. So he killed Cordova and led the Empire to the Archive for nothing.

Sex with Scarlett Johansson by The_RagingHomosexual in Unexpected

[–]nerf_herder1986 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's legal for the state of Florida to kidnap your child if they have "reasonable suspicion" that your child is "at risk" of receiving gender-affirming care.

But don't worry, it's just a "social disagreement", you guys!

truth, dare, or BEAN?! by GameGrumpsEpisodes in gamegrumps

[–]nerf_herder1986 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Possibly! I didn't myself until I was 34. It might be common among bi men in our age group to not figure it out until well into adulthood.

My ignorance means you’re wrong by SmashedPumpkin_ in confidentlyincorrect

[–]nerf_herder1986 2 points3 points  (0 children)

"Every country except the USA is a tyrannical hellhole, but not the USA, because we love FreedomTM ! Now excuse us while we make every state we control a tyrannical hellhole..."


Disgraceful because it’s accurate? by Paneraiguy1 in WhitePeopleTwitter

[–]nerf_herder1986 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Not "the government". Republicans and the corporate, foreign and religious zealot masters they serve.

Post WWE Backlash 2023 Discussion Thread! by gloomchen in SquaredCircle

[–]nerf_herder1986 9 points10 points  (0 children)

They just need more belts. Not at the same time, they don't have to go all Bloodline on us, but Finn or Priest with a WHC run and either Dom and Finn/Priest with a tag title run or Dom with a chickenshit heel US title run, and they'd be legendary status for sure. Up there with DX and Evolution.