
Card For Tonight's Dynamite by TheTwitteringMachine in SquaredCircle

[–]tvchase [score hidden]  (0 children)

99% sure it's gonna be House of Black vs Acclaimed after the latter won that battle royal last week.

Which wrestlers would you put in the tier below Hogan, Austin and Rock? by Hot-Acanthisitta5237 in SquaredCircle

[–]tvchase [score hidden]  (0 children)

It's criminal that no one ever mentions Gorgeous George in these conversations. Dude was arguably the first television star. He was on the same tier of celebrity as Lucille Ball.

Card For Tonight's Dynamite by TheTwitteringMachine in SquaredCircle

[–]tvchase [score hidden]  (0 children)

I think there's an underlying story going on with the House of Black that needs more attention: their matches are tests of the bond between their opponents.

As a team in AEW, they've only lost three times since forming in March 2022. The first time was against Dark Order last August, who have a permanent bond forged by the legacy of Mr. Brodie Lee. The other two losses both came last fall at the hands of Sting & Darby Allin, which might as well be a guy and his adopted son.

In that same timeframe we saw them beat Death Triangle when Fenix and Pac wouldn't get on the same page, consequently being washed out of the Trios tournament in the first round due to the same issue.

Then they beat The Factory which now doesn't even exist anymore.

Then they annihilated The Wingmen with Ari Daivari, and Daivari has been in like three different groups since then but never once the Wingmen anymore.

Then they beat The Elite who have since seen huge, long-dormant cracks in their relationship reopened. Their bond hasn't been tested this much since Cody was gaslighting them and dividing them in 2018.

Then they beat JAS who all, for the first time ever, started doing things outside of Jericho's objectives. Sammy's pursuing the world title, Garcia first challenged Cole now he's chasing OC, and 2point0 with Hagar went after The Acclaimed.

Now you've got Anna Jay AS completely isolated, and Julia cuts that promo about how Anna doesn't have a real family.

tl;dr The House of Black is a force of nature that will rip your group apart if the bonds aren't strong and pure.

I'm worried about tomorrow night since OC isn't gonna be there with Chuck and Trent :-\

Card For Tonight's Dynamite by TheTwitteringMachine in SquaredCircle

[–]tvchase 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I ain't gonna panic whatsoever because no matter what the rating is I'm getting, as a fan, the best regular televised card of the year... probably the fifth best overall behind Revolution, WrestleMania, Wrestle Kingdom, and Backlash.

Tomorrow night is gonna fuck. I'm so pumped.

After rewatching TCU-Georgia, I'm convinced 65-7 was an outlier by ashterberry in CFB

[–]tvchase 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's like that silly hypothetical that gets posted here every few months: would the best college team beat the worst NFL team? It doesn't matter how much heart and how well coached that college team might be... When you distill and consolidate talent, it's a rout every single time.

We had 17 players taken in the top 150 picks of the last two drafts. Each NFL team dresses 46 players on game day, so they literally all have at minimum 3x the pro-level talent that we do at any time. Considering that... What does it say when we had 4x the amount of Top 150 players taken as TCU has in the past two years?

How many TCU players would've taken a spot from someone on our two-deep? Four, maybe five players at most? The talent disparity is key to the whole thing.

Tremendous respect to TCU and what they did this year, and I do believe this season is going to increase their recruiting by A LOT. This year though, it was two rosters of completely different caliber of players.

The Braves defeated the Red Sox by a score of 9-3 - Tue, May 09 @ 07:20 PM EDT by Blooper_Bot in Braves

[–]tvchase 21 points22 points  (0 children)

We needed a pretty stress-free game after the Fried news today. Good outing from Charlie.

Why is WWE still more popular than AEW? by [deleted] in SquaredCircle

[–]tvchase 4 points5 points  (0 children)

This feels like some false flag bullshit. You're just trying to stoke tribalism.

Georgia WR Dominick Blaylock transfers to Georgia Tech by 1869er in CFB

[–]tvchase 111 points112 points  (0 children)

You guys stink at talking trash as much you do talking to the opposite sex

Ryan Frederick: "I’m expecting a lot of these WWE stans who hate everything AEW to have quite the meltdown at some point over the next eight days or so." by PWGBoy in SquaredCircle

[–]tvchase 0 points1 point  (0 children)

That doesn't generate engagement for a hot take merchant like this guy. He's probably sliding down the algorithms and wants the heat from being a tribalistic jerk.

Wrestling journalism overall is an oxymoron.

Ryan Frederick: "I’m expecting a lot of these WWE stans who hate everything AEW to have quite the meltdown at some point over the next eight days or so." by PWGBoy in SquaredCircle

[–]tvchase 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Wasn't he also the guy who said Tony Khan and CM Punk changed the finish to Double or Nothing last year while hanging out at Punk's house in LA? Guy seems like a clown.

Most ridiculous beatdown in wrestling by MrOldSchoolMike in SquaredCircle

[–]tvchase 18 points19 points  (0 children)

Kane pushing Zack Ryder off the stage in a wheel chair.

Moxley vs Omega Inside a Steel Cage, Daniel Garcia vs OC for the International Title, and Anna Jay vs Julia Hart -- No Holds Barred | AEW Road to Detroit by tvchase in AEWOfficial

[–]tvchase[S] 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Probably the most hype I've had for a Dynamite so far this year, which is really saying something since they've been on such a hot streak of shows

I already miss the old AEW Dynamite set by deeznutz005 in SquaredCircle

[–]tvchase 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Only thing I miss is the LED ramps for big shows like Grand Slam. Otherwise the new set clears IMO

Opinion: WWE should host all post-Big Four PLEs outside of the US by Gravy_31 in SquaredCircle

[–]tvchase 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well, here's the solution: get a bigger boat.

And then let me borrow it for a week. Promise I'll bring it back in one piece.

Adam Cole: "Oh my goodness. I'll tell you now, every single week that I see Chris Jericho, I'll do everything in my power to make sure I get my hands on him. For anyone who checked out Dynamite the week before [May 3]. I was in an eight-man tag team match and the second the match was over, I made.. by shawn_2240 in SquaredCircle

[–]tvchase 42 points43 points  (0 children)

For all his faults, Jericho has a great mind for wrestling and is considered one of the best ever for a reason. He had a couple feuds that ran too long so now that's the prevailing meme about him, but if Jericho wants heat, he knows how to get it. He's done so for 25+ years now.

Opinion: WWE should host all post-Big Four PLEs outside of the US by Gravy_31 in SquaredCircle

[–]tvchase 17 points18 points  (0 children)

We got claimed in a war 125 years ago and have been an afterthought ever since, barring getting flattened by a hurricane or the occasional singer, boxer, or baseball player who makes it big...

The craziest thing is, most Americans don't realize they all have access to this beautiful tropical island in the Caribbean with insane ease of access.

You don't need a passport or visa.

You don't need to exchange currency.

Hell, most phone plans work there without needing to call your provider.

You can go anywhere with knowing maybe ten words of Spanish as residents typically have at minimum a basic understanding of English, if not fluency.

It's a cheap 3-hour flight from the big Atlanta hub and everything is really affordable once you get there.

Opinion: WWE should host all post-Big Four PLEs outside of the US by Gravy_31 in SquaredCircle

[–]tvchase 56 points57 points  (0 children)

Feel compelled to say once more... Puerto Rico is in the United States. This wasn't an international event.

What are your most heart-warming Pro Wrestling moments? by Smile_lifeisgood in SquaredCircle

[–]tvchase 5 points6 points  (0 children)

When Kenny and the Bucks reconciled during Bullet Club Civil War

When Sting helped Flair stand up after beating him in the final WCW match

"I'm sorry... I love you..."

Trent's mom Sue picking up the Best Friends after the parking lot brawl

Kevin & Sami's hug

Tribute to Mr. Brodie

Tribute to Jay Briscoe

Matt Jackson nodding "Yes" to Hangman

Satnam Singh holding Baby Briscoe