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icanmakehimworse commented on
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Score hidden · 7 hours ago

Days Gone: a game that borrowed mechanics from sooo many titles and ended up just being completely mid. Dropped it 10 hours in.

Death Stranding: Kojima is by all means an auteur and I do appreciate his amazing imagination but goddamn someone get this man an editor because his plotlines and characters are just abhorrent. Didn’t finish it.

Metro Exodus: all of it was just meh. I was hyped by the stunning opening but then it felt like a David Cage game controls-wise, VC was mid, combat was mid. Dropped it very fast.

Deathloop: I got it with my PS5 to see how the games utilize haptic touch but ultimately the game didn’t grip me. Might be on me though since rougelikes just don’t seem my type.

icanmakehimworse commented on
Posted by
3 points · 14 hours ago

God DAMN you are fuckin stupid lol

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3 points · 14 hours ago

Yeop I’m fucking stupid and it’s one more reason on the list of “don’t tip unless going above and beyond because most of them are rude, entitled twats” lmao. Good luck with (not)getting those tips!

2 points · 14 hours ago

Lol I'm not a server and never have been. Most of them are college students doing what they can while in school or people with no better option.

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3 points · 14 hours ago

Ah, just an internet warrior then. Gotcha.

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icanmakehimworse commented on
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2 points · 1 day ago

Just about a month back my raiding group got a guy fresh off WoW and he’s been doing great!

I’d suggest you start with a guild like Red Dwarf/White Dwarf (on both sides) or Dantooine Enclave (repside).

They are both quite large raiding communities and while not hardcore by any means, they are a great starting point for finding new raiding buddies and other raiding communities (some of them ofc strictly NiM raiders etc but you need to progress a bit with your chievos to get there).

I can also invite you to my raiding DC. It’s not a guild per se but we do belong to different raiding guilds and we run a lot of different raids apart from our prog stuff. Just DM me if interested.

You can also check out Darth Malgus Raiding Community on DC to check out what’s happening. Some folks don’t look in the fleet chat but rather use discord because you have a bit bigger chance the people who sign up aren’t utterly horrible at what they do lmao.

icanmakehimworse commented on
Posted by
16 points · 3 days ago

So, people usually use it in a derogatory way to mean that something is poor quality and, what I would call, out of pocket. As in, someone making a story that doesn’t seem to make much sense for what it is/doesn’t respect source material (a big complaint in the case of sequels)/jumps the shark/is extremely self-indulgent etc etc

Of course, a lot of those things have nothing to do with fanfiction because there are good and bad fics just as there are good and bad movies, shows, or books, and even then—“good” and “bad” is subjective.

However, one thing that I would say heavily applies to from fanfic to book process is cutting a lot of content from your work. Those 500k friends to lovers fics? Yeah, nope. Unless you self-publish, an editor will have you erase entire chapters, storylines and in general, you cannot hope to traditionally publish a romance book that’s longer than LOTR lmao.

That happens for a good reason, too—a lot of super long fics are mostly filler.

Editing in general I’d say is a big thing because writing fics is self-indulgent and thus, authors often don’t judge it as harshly as they would, say, an academic work or, as in your example, a work of fiction to be traditionally published. Once again, this is ok for fanfiction but if a published work has horrible grammar/bad punctuation/stylistic issues, people will judge it more harshly since they pay for it.

Then, there are things like changing character names and sometimes setting and circumstances (if not already changed due to being an AU), so, of course, your work can defend yourself as “original” or at least inspired by, rather than a copy of someone else’s work.

icanmakehimworse commented on
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76 points · 4 days ago

A lot of people wear this armor as is but I recommend dying it white and pale yellow for elegant but not too elegant outfit. To me, it fits perfectly with a Consular character. Pic of it dyed here.

On top of that, the pants from this set are perfect for so many outfits since they are simple with no weird lines on the sides and they dye in one piece.

icanmakehimworse commented on
Posted by
8 points · 6 days ago

To me, it seems anytime I look for an armor for a specific character (Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, Agent) suddenly nothing works.

However, in reality, there are so many armors, it’s very easy to make just about any outfit for any character. You just need to mix and match some staple pieces with more unique elements.

14 points · 6 days ago

my inquisitor definitely needs something eccentric but at the same time with armor

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6 points · 6 days ago

I always thought Dathomir Shaman was the perfect eccentric look for an inquisitor.

icanmakehimworse commented on
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7 points · 8 days ago

Yeah I don't get it. Gameplay is... a third person shooter. The character interactions are where the game shines and even there I felt it lost it's appeal very quickly.

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1 point · 8 days ago

As for combat, you can play classes where shooting really isn’t the objective.

Vanguards in ME3 are insanely fun and don’t have to use guns at all except for an occassional shot in the face from a shotgun. You can play a techie character with your own VI shell, a techie/biotic mix with overloading people and doing space magic, and a pure biotic who just throws folks around. You can even play something of an assassin character who stealths to enemies and kills them from behind.

To be fair though, ME1 was the most shooty shoot because a lot of the coolest abilities (like charge/nova for vanguards) weren’t added yet. However, ME2 developed and ME3 perfected them. That’s why even if the combat seemed clunky or repetitive in some parts, the games are extremely replayable not only because of the choices but also because each Shepard can be a completely different character with cool, distinct abilities.

As for character interactions—that’s fair though I’ll say it’s just „to each their own thing.” I think most avid Mass Effect fans love how the stories and relationships carried over three games, so by the end you felt as if you were truly close with some characters. No other games do it like that (I mean sure, some series have continuity and returning characters, but in a lot of cases the protag is different or the relationships aren’t as in-depth).

icanmakehimworse commented on
Posted by
25 points · 9 days ago
  • Tapping my whole powdered base with a makeup sponge and mac fix+ (tho even stuff like rose water or whatever will work). I know wet on dry seems like a no-no but this softens the look of the whole base and makes it look soooo seamless. I live by the wet-dry-wet-wet rule when it comes to base. A note tho—don’t use anything too tacky! It will lift your makeup instead of blending everything together.

  • Curling my eyelashes without mascara on. I do it when I go for a super low-maintenance, “fresh and natural” look. Think no base, no mascara, no nothing. Just some nice face cream, brushed brows, maybe a tiny bit of cream blush + curled lashes. It makes me look awake.

  • Applying cream contour under my foundation. I use a serum-type of foundation, so the contour is still visible but it looks way more subtle and natural than when applied on top of the foundation.

  • Spot concealing by applying concealer directly on the spot I want to cover, letting it dry a bit and then buffing the edges out with a fluffy crease brush. I learned this from some celebrity make-up artist and it’s literally a game-changer.

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