
Vent: Our 6 yr. old son is INSUFFERABLE. by guntycankles in Parenting

[–]ze1da 26 points27 points  (0 children)


I don't think it's a disorder to want independence and autonomy. We treat our children like this, I have found that it's reasonable as long as you treat them with understanding and respect, they understand the world around them and want to have independence. Most people don't want to be told what to do all the time. Some children are strong willed enough to demand fair treatment and free will.

If you gave them choice and connection and a stake in their own game and were still having just as many problems then maybe. But if it's just them fighting for the ability to control their own lives then that feels pretty human.

What does your AntiSchooling position look like? by Equivalently_Seated in AntiSchooling

[–]ze1da 2 points3 points  (0 children)

ChatGPT4 can act as a personal tutor through grade 12 no problem.

I feel so bad!! My baby has an infected fingernail. I’ve been putting antibiotic ointment on it. What else can I do? Thanks by Eazy_Squeazy in Mommit

[–]ze1da 3 points4 points  (0 children)

You can also add iodine in for some extra bacteria killing kick. Just enough to turn the water brown.

I would like to improve this rendering to make it more realistic. and possibly make it more bewitching, provocative.. Any advice? by manuelhoss in blender

[–]ze1da 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Her legs and arm look kinda limp, it looks posed, like you would find in a fashion magazine instead of an action shot.

keep it up 👍 by TipPotential2501 in TrollXChromosomes

[–]ze1da 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Find other moms! I am so much happier since I started going to free forest school and playground meetups.

do you correct your partner in front of your child? by Numerous-Nature5188 in Parenting

[–]ze1da 16 points17 points  (0 children)

I disagree. I think that kids can learn from tactfully stated correction and healthy resolutions to disagreements. They also learn to stand up for themselves against injustice to authority figures when something is not fair. Showing them what that looks like is an incredibly important life skill.

witchy trick to gain weight pls? by solovemosloquesabemo in WitchesVsPatriarchy

[–]ze1da 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Set your intentions and do some kitchen witchery. Set out to make some granola that will call to you when you are hungry. Go to your spice cabinet and let the universe tell you what you should add. Give it a smell, does it call to you? Make yourself snack pouches and ask the spirits to remind you to eat them. Bring them along and listen to the nudge to eat. Food made with love and compassion feeds you better than a snack made in haste, remember to love yourself. :)

What should I get as a last minute Christmas gift for my boarders? by AskLatter5972 in Equestrian

[–]ze1da 5 points6 points  (0 children)

One time we all got a brush with our horse's name on it. Super cute and useful.

My ex-wife doesn't wake up to make sure our 9-year-old son gets off to school safely by brandon0529 in Parenting

[–]ze1da 32 points33 points  (0 children)

Not necessarily, I know a 6 yr old that cooks herself breakfast at 6AM because her parents don't get up early enough for her, it's not neglect just a strong sense of self sufficiency. The kitchen is set up so that she can cook safely and her mom taught her how. This dad seems like a great parent so I assume that's why he knows how to do it.

How to get across the importance of free riding to students that want to move up levels in the show ring by sarak373 in Equestrian

[–]ze1da 14 points15 points  (0 children)

If they are taking lessons 2-3x per week that should be enough. You have to practice what you have been taught. You have to go out on trails or at least a hack in the fields with your horse to keep them happy. If you aren't riding alone how do you find out what you don't know so that you can bring it to the next lesson?

Tips for strenghtening posture? by minnesarkivet in Equestrian

[–]ze1da 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Yeah, so you can test it by sitting in a chair, and if you curl your hips forward then your whole spine curls into a c shape like the picture above. But, if you tilt your hips back and engage your lower back it pushes your rib cage up and into alignment, then you can bring your chest up by taking a deep breath, bring your chin up so that your face is pointing directly forward and you should be able to let your shoulders fall back and into alignment. That posture should engage the muscles along your spine and those are the ones you want to strengthen to keep that posture. They are also the muscles that will control your torso for you while letting your limbs move independently.

I try to fix my posture with a deep breath in trying to lengthen my spine up, and then relax into it with a breath out letting my shoulders fall back and down. Hope that helps. I recently had a baby and have had to fix everything back to the way it was. It's a lot of work but it gets better.

Tips for strenghtening posture? by minnesarkivet in Equestrian

[–]ze1da 2 points3 points  (0 children)

My physical therapist said that if you fix your pelvic tilt your shoulder posture will follow. Exercises that work on your back strength will help. Things like the bird dog or pilates swimmer is what was recommended to me.

Also I put KT tape on my lower back to act as a reminder for pelvic tilt. It worked amazingly.

Advice needed please. More in comments been to doctors and hospital just not getting anywhere. by elladellarhaeday in breastfeeding

[–]ze1da -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I think it's because there are some unsafe practices out there on google and you should seek medical advice before proceeding with something like this. Not all people know how to properly assess the reliability of a source.

The nerves of moving up. I am moving up to the 1.10’s next show… just looking for words of encouragement and maybe some feedback on my last 1.05 round :) by 5-6-8 in Equestrian

[–]ze1da 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You look great! When I get nervous on cross country I count my strides out loud, it helps me take deep breaths and keeps me from holding my breath before jumps. Even just a 3-2-1 count down before the jump helps me relax and give him his space before the jump. No comentary on your riding, it looks great, just suggestions for when you get the eep!-s :)

I made a collapsible, height adjustable weaving loom stand for my wife. by Dimsdale53 in weaving

[–]ze1da 3 points4 points  (0 children)

This! or if you don't want to do the support work for others building it, publish the plans for free and have a requested donation.

I used some of my many thrums to make an art project by -kilgoretrout- in weaving

[–]ze1da 1 point2 points  (0 children)

That would make an awesome pillow. I love the look of it.

Activities for a weanling? by AmalgamationOfBeasts in Equestrian

[–]ze1da 6 points7 points  (0 children)

Look into R+ training, there's a ton of things to learn and because it's such a positive experience they really learn to enjoy training. It does best with 5-10min sessions so it's perfect for a baby.

How many years of horse experience did you have before getting your first foal or unstarted horse? by arielsseventhsister in Equestrian

[–]ze1da 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I helped with starting ponies when I had about 4 years of experience, I was 10 and my instructor was experienced in starting horses under saddle, and I was the stickiest kid at the barn. I started several horses under saddle in my 20s. It's actually difficult to switch between riding babies and riding well schooled horses. It's a completely different mindset. Like the difference between working with a 5 year old kid on a project and another adult. One, you give a ton of encouragement, tell them every little step, and only expect them to get about half of it right. The other you tell them once, and get out of their way just work on little balance corrections but mess with them as little as possible; you just focus on your own seat and sticking with them with as quiet communication as possible.

Accidentally micromanage a well schooled horse, they get super frustrated. Don't give a baby enough direction and encouragement, they get super frustrated. My eventing trainer would always comment about how much I talk to my horse, and that I had to remember not to talk during my dressage tests. It's the one habit from the babies that I never did get rid of, but my horses didn't ever mind verbal praise, so it's been fine.

politically speaking, do equestrians tend to lean right or left? by FaithlessnessAny5393 in Equestrian

[–]ze1da 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Partial placenta detachment will result in the mother bleeding out fairly quickly but will not kill the fetus. A premature breaking of the waters will not kill the fetus, but the mother will develop sepsis fairly quickly and die if she does not go into premature labor. The organs being incomplete or on the wrong side of the body are incompatible with life, trisomy 18 and trisomy 13 are fatal genetic birth disorders.

I know these because I have had babies, and know the quiet of waiting for the ultrasound tech to sigh in relief, smile and tell you that everything looks good. Having babies is dangerous, and the outcome is not guaranteed, Why would you deliver a baby you knew was going to an excruciating slow death as soon as it's born? Why would you send away a woman who is 18 weeks pregnant and her waters ruptured? There is no way to save that baby, we don't have the medicine to do it. You can only save the mother, her crime is what? Wanting a child? That deserves death?

Roe v. Wade has fallen; we no longer have the right to stop at four kids by tactical_cakes in Mommit

[–]ze1da 6 points7 points  (0 children)

With IVF they remove eggs and fertilize them all in an attempt to get a viable embryo to implant in the mother. They remove all deformed or less desirable embryos and in general only implant 1-2 hoping that one will take. IVF can produce many more viable embryos than that, there is no way to tell how many will be produced when you start the procedure. They then freeze them for future implantation or discard the remaining cells.
If life starts at conception, then it is illegal to discard or freeze with the potential of damaging those embryos because you have a petri dish full of people now. People consisting of 6-10 cells.

Keep falling asleep with baby by BibbaShmibba in beyondthebump

[–]ze1da 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Oh, right, I didn't keep track of the usernames and didn't realize you posted the first ones. Sorry!!

Keep falling asleep with baby by BibbaShmibba in beyondthebump

[–]ze1da 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The point is that if you know you have a high risk of falling asleep, set yourself up for safe bed sharing and try not to, knowing that if you do, it's the safest situation possible. Because if you are in a recliner or on a couch it is very very dangerous.