Infowars Host Promotes Racist Conspiracy About ‘Demographic Replacement’

The conspiracy-peddling website Infowars is no stranger to promoting white nationalism. Hosts have given a platform to racists and antisemites including Simon Roche, Nick Fuentes, E. Michael Jones, Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff. And now, one of their hosts directly cited a white nationalist conspiracy that has inspired several acts of terrorism.

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Nick Di Paolo Doubles Down On Calling For Violence Against Protesters

During the July 21, 2020 episode of his eponymous YouTube show, Nick Di Paolo reiterated his support for violent crackdowns on protesters. He praised the Chinese government for its handling of protesters, advocated for the use of German Shepherds and fire hoses, and said he’d like to assault Rep. Rashida Tlaib with a “claw hammer.”

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Men’s Rights Lawyer And Murder Suspect Roy Den Hollander Once Railed Against Feminism On Phyllis Schlafly’s Radio Show

Yesterday a gunman, who may have posed as a delivery man, shot and killed the son of U.S. District Court Judge Esther Salas and wounded her husband. According to the Daily Beast, the gunman — who died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound — was identified as 72-year-old attorney and men’s rights activist Roy Den Hollander.

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Steve Franssen Accuses Ben Shapiro Of ‘Treachery’ For Criticizing Extremist Figures

During the July 8, 2020 episode of her #MalkinLive YouTube show, far-right blogger Michelle Malkin and her guest Steven Franssen lashed out at conservative commentator Ben Shapiro. The pair accused the former editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire of unfairly maligning far-right and white nationalist figures such as podcaster Nick Fuentes.

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Roosh Valizadeh Claims Bratz Dolls Are A Jewish Plot To ‘Groom’ Children

Recently, Roosh Valizadeh — a former pick-up artist and purveyor of rapey literature turned religious zealot — railed against what he called “cultural rot” in an episode of his Roosh Hour podcast. Valizadeh took aim at, among other things, Bratz dolls, which he suggested were a Jewish plot to “groom” young girls.

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Mark Collett: Without White People The U.S. Will Become ‘Haiti 2.0’ With People ‘Eating Dirt’

During the July 8, 2020 episode of the white nationalist podcast Patriotic Weekly Review, Mark Collett, Jason Köhne, and Vincent Foxx discussed the consequences of white people becoming a minority in the U.S. They warned that this might lead to permanent Democratic rule and the transformation of the U.S. into “Haiti 2.0.”

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Jesse Lee Peterson Condemns The Civil Rights Movement And Says He Will Put Black People To Work On A Plantation

On War Room, an Infowars show that has platformed white nationalists and antisemites, far-right talk show host Jesse Lee Peterson denounced the civil rights movement as the “worst thing that ever happened to Black people.” He also claimed he was working on purchasing a cotton plantation for Black people to work on.

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