Random Headlines — 6/28/15

Credit: Doug Mills/New York Times
Credit: Doug Mills/New York Times

Hatewatch – Anti-LGBT extremists react with outrage to marriage ruling.
Politico – Andrew Sullivan responds to marriage equality: ‘It is accomplished.’
Jacobin – Fights over the Confederate and Rhodesian flags give us a glimpse into the reactionary mind.
Talking Points Memo – How straight people finally realized that gay couples ‘respect’ marriage.
Raw Story – League of the South leader says John Wilkes Booth ‘took too long’ to assassinate ‘treasonous’ Lincoln.
Joe. My. God. – WorldNetDaily founder Joseph Farah says God will punish America for marriage equality.
Think Progress – Following the Charleston massacre, black churches are targeted by arsonists across the South.
The Daily Beast – ISIS unleashes its full terror potential.

Stefan Molyneux Blames the World’s Evil on ‘Women Who Choose Assholes’

On the January 24, 2014 episode of his Freedomain Radio show, titled “The Matriarchal Lineage of Corruption,” YouTube philosopher Stefan Molyneux lectured a caller on why his mother chose to have sex with his “asshole” father — and ranted about how women are responsible for all the evils in the world. Continue reading “Stefan Molyneux Blames the World’s Evil on ‘Women Who Choose Assholes’”

Random Headlines — Obamacare Edition

Obamacare Protest

The New York Times – The Supreme Court rules in favor of nationwide healthcare subsidies in King v. Burwell.
Politico – GOP sticks with Obamacare repeal plan.
Media Matters – Conservative media freaks out after the Supreme Court’s healthcare decision.
The Atlantic – In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court saves the Fair Housing Act of 1968.
Think Progress – Justice Thomas says we can gut anti-discrimination laws because there are a lot of black NBA players.
Salon – Ted Nugent just called Obama the n-word, even if he insists that he didn’t.
Feministing – Study shows how men overcompensate when their masculinity is questioned.
Media Matters – Radio host Michael Berry compares the Confederate flag to the Koran.
We Hunted the Mammoth – Leading MRA site A Voice for Men continues to publish a Holocaust denier and marital rape apologist.

Random Headlines — 6/22/15

Klan supporters brandish Confederate and Gadsden flags.
Klan supporters brandish Confederate and Gadsden flags.

Raw Story – Leader of group cited in Dylann Roof’s ‘manifesto’ donated to top Republicans — including Cruz, Paul, and Santorum.
The Root – President Obama discusses racism, and says the n-word, in a presidential podcast. (Cue conservative pearl-clutching.)
Right Wing Watch – Meet the Republican candidates who have defended the Confederate flag.
Talking Points Memo – S.C. Gov. Haley crafting plan to take down the Confederate flag.
Jacobin – Last Wednesday’s shooting in Charleston is part of a long history of white terrorism in the South.
Salon – One insane Fox News segment shows just how far conservatives will go to downplay racism.
NY Mag – Parsing clues ahead of the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision.
Feministing – Court upholds Planned Parenthood’s telemedicine abortion program in Iowa.

Random Headlines — 6/14/15

Duke University "Take Back the Night" march (11/19/87)
Duke University “Take Back the Night” march (11/19/87)

New Statesmen – A male rape charity has had its funding slashed to zero. Where are all the outraged men?
We Hunted the Mammoth – Another male rage bomb — James Boulware — has gone off in Dallas.
Salon – The Bible’s racist monstrosities and how the ‘word of God’ has been — and still is — used to oppress.
The Atlantic – What Tim Hunt’s resignation should teach us about sexism in science.
Pacific Standard – ‘Religious freedom’ is a losing argument against LGBT rights — even among Christians.
BuzzFeed News – Co-author of Mike Huckabee books was accused of child molestation in two legal cases.
Raw Story – Friend of Christian couple who vowed divorce over gay marriage brutally uninvites them them from her wedding.
Talking Points Memo – Sen. Elizabeth Warren shreds Jamie Dimon’s mansplaining.