Ray Blanchard Peddles Discredited ‘Autogynephilia’ Theory On White Supremacist YouTube Show

In late Feb. sexologist Ray Blanchard made a guest appearance on a YouTube show hosted by Edward Dutton, a white supremacist anthropologist who also goes by the moniker “The Jolly Heretic.” Blanchard promoted discredited theories about transgender people — particularly trans women — and implied that it is acceptable to ask transgender people about their genitalia.

“The Jolly Heretic”

Edward Dutton is a prolific vlogger and author whose books have been published by Arktos Media, a Budapest-based white nationalist publishing house, and Richard Spencer’s Washington Summit Publishers. Dutton is listed as part of the “Editorial Circle” for Spencer’s online publication Radix Journal. He also sits on the advisory board of Mankind Quarterly, a pseudo-academic journal that traffics in scientific racism.

Unsurprisingly Dutton was denounced as a “white supremacist” in an op-ed for The Gaudie, the student newspaper of Dutton’s alma mater Aberdeen University, over his racist rants and associations with antisemites and white nationalists. Indeed, Dutton has made appearances on multiple white nationalist shows where he’s claimed white people have higher IQs than nonwhites and fretted over declining white birthrates.

In a jovial discussion of racial differences during a Dec. 2020 livestream with Richard Spencer, Dutton claimed that “white-Black” marriages are the “least likely.” He explained that “Black females are penalized because they are not particularly feminine looking,” but that “it’s Asian women that of course everyone wants” because they “have these child-like features” which are a “sign of good genes.”

Dutton also said he conducted research into “more obscure races” like “the Bushmen,” whom he described as a “small race” that “used to be dominant in southern Africa” but was “pushed” further south by “Negroids.”

“And they’re being increasingly put on reservations where they[‘re] just drinking themselves to death,” he said. “And they are very low IQ. Average IQ seems to be something like 50 where the Black IQ is 70. And they have enormous buttocks called steatopygia which is so large – and of course they’re muscle, not fat – their children can stand on them and be transported around.”

With regard to alcoholism Spencer noted that “mongoloids” in general have “serious issues” with alcohol.

In a Feb. 2020 episode of Red Ice TV, Dutton claimed that Muslims have lower IQs on average than non-Muslims while promoting his book Why Islam Makes You Stupid . . . But Also Means You’ll Conquer The World. As he told white nationalist host Henrik Palmgren, Muslims are “less intelligent than us” with IQs that are “15 points lower” than those of Europeans.

“So they are less intelligent. But they are heavily outbreeding,” he warned. Dutton went on to claim that the high birthrates of nonwhite Muslims are part of a strategy to conquer the West.

“They talk about settlement from below,” he told Palmgren. “They are conquering Western countries with the wombs of their women. And that is precisely what they are doing. And it is a conquest. It’s an act of conquest with all the hallmarks of a conquest. Even this controversy over grooming young girls and whatever. What does that do? It is undermining the confidence of the men.”

Two years ago Dutton gave a speech at the conference for the Patriotic Alternative, a white nationalist British group founded by Neo-Nazi Mark Collett. In a 2019 appearance on This Week on the Alt-Right, hosted by Collett and white nationalists Jason Köhne and Patrick Slattery, Dutton claimed that feminism was responsible for women with higher IQs having fewer children than women with lower IQs.

“Because what feminism means is … the stupid girl will drop out of school at 16 and have loads of children by unsuitable men,” he said.

“And she is a grandmother – it’s not just more children but more generations – she is a grandmother by the time her more intelligent contemporary who’s spent all of her twenties, and perhaps even the first part of her thirties, concentrating on going to university and concentrating on a career begins to become a mother.”

On his Twitter account, where he uses the handle @jollyheretic, Dutton wrote that a “society of declining IQ will become ever-more ‘Third World’-like,” joked that “Western universities” should instead be called “diversities,” and claimed that “[Social Justice Warrior] females are literally modern-day witches.”

And in a Mar. 25, 2021 tweet Dutton shared a meme suggesting that different “races” of human beings are actually separate species or subspecies:

Archived here.

Ray Blanchard and ‘Autogynephilia’

During the Feb. 25, 2021 livestream Blanchard promoted his claim that trans women — whom he repeatedly referred to as “biological males” — can be divided into two basic categories.

The first category, Blanchard said, consists of trans women who “could be thought of as just extremely effeminate homosexual males who went the extra step to conclude that they actually are women, and that they want to be living as women.” He further described them as “drag queens who take their work seriously.”

The second category, according to Blanchard, is made up of people who begin as “fetishistic crossdressers” who, at a young age, engage in “masturbatory activities around women’s clothes,” a practice which “gradually gives rise to a more generalized sense of being … women.”

Blanchard coined the term “autogynephilia” to describe this latter category, though it is not widely accepted as a reason for why trans women experience gender dysphoria or choose to transition.

Author and scientist Julia Serano has written extensively about the weaknesses of Blanchard’s autogynephilia theory.

In her 2019 essay “Making Sense of Autogynephilia Debates,” Serano noted that the “primary evidence Blanchard offered in support of his theory was a mere correlation: Individuals in his ‘autogynephile’ group were far more likely to report having had sexual fantasies centered on being female or feminine than his ‘homosexual’ group.”

She went on to write that there are “plenty of exceptions to this correlation” such as “individuals [Blanchard] categorized as ‘homosexual'” who experienced what Serano calls “female/feminine embodiment fantasies” — or “FEFs” — as well as “‘autogynephiles’ who did not.”

Moreover, the “autogynephiles” who experienced FEFs “generally reported that they first occurred only after they had already experienced gender dysphoria or a desire to be female (thus ruling out that the former causes the latter),” or “experienced a sharp decrease or complete absence of FEFs over time (thus undermining the notion that these fantasies are central to these trans women’s identities or sexualities).”

Blanchard’s autogynephilia theory is further undermined by recent studies which have “shown that FEFs are quite common in cisgender women, and that cross-sex/gender embodiment fantasies also occur among the greater cisgender population.”

Serano wrote that “it seems reasonable to conclude” that such fantasies are “fairly common,” may take other forms (e.g., having different body shapes, genital appearances, or personalities), and may be experienced “for a variety of reasons.” She concluded that “autogynephilia’s taxonomy and etiology have been disproven, and alternate models that better explain all the available data have been forwarded.”

“Much like earlier sexological theories, such as ‘all girls suffer from penis envy,’ or ‘boys become homosexual because they have dominant mothers,’ I can understand why people once found them to be compelling,” she wrote. “But the science has not borne them out. Like its predecessors, autogynephilia theory should be viewed as a historical artifact.”

Ray Blanchard Misrepresents Medical Guidelines for Treating Trans Patients

Dutton asked Blanchard about cases where people underwent sex reassignment surgery and then had it reversed. These cases of so-called “detransitioners” do occur, but are uncommon — in spite of media coverage to the contrary. Blanchard replied that detransitioners are “becoming more prominent in the media and online” because the “stringent criteria” for such treatments have been “relaxed.”

Blanchard told Dutton that “people are getting sex reassignment surgery and are getting hormones who would not have been approved for these procedures 30 and 40 years ago.” He added that a “consequence of the retirement of the gatekeeping model is that more people are regretting surgery” because they weren’t prevented from doing so by physicians.

Blanchard said that when he worked at a “gender identity clinic” from the 1980s until the mid ’90s, patients had to “live for two years as the opposite sex before considering them eligible for approval for surgery.” These patients would have to “work full-time or go to school full-time as the opposite sex” and provide the clinic with supporting documents.

He complained that the “gatekeeper model is almost universally regarded as if it had been some kind of gross oppression,” and that the current model is “informed consent.”

“So how long — do you have to live as a person of the proposed gender at all?” Dutton asked.

“I don’t think you have to now,” Blanchard answered. “There might be individual clinicians who have their own personal requirements for how long they wanna see a person have cross-lived before approving them for surgery, but I don’t know of any institutional policy requirements of gender clinics saying ‘At this clinic you have to live for X amount of time before we’ll even consider you for approval.'”

He alleged that such requirements have “pretty much gone out the window” or if they “still exist, it would be a very short period of time compared to the two years that we used to impose.”

The idea that there is no set of current institutional guidelines for how to treat transgender patients, including with hormone therapy and surgical procedures, is false.

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has published Standards of Care with the goal of “provid[ing] clinical guidance for health professionals to assist transsexual, transgender, and gender nonconforming people with safe and effective pathways to achieving lasting personal comfort with their gendered selves.”

The Standards of Care describes surgery, in particular genital surgery, as “often the last and the most considered step in the treatment process for gender dysphoria.” For many “transsexual, transgender, and gender-nonconforming people” surgery is “essential and medically necessary to alleviate their gender dysphoria.”

It encourages surgeons to “talk at length with their patients and have close working relationships with other health professionals who have been actively involved in their clinical care.” It adds that surgeons must discuss with their patients the different surgical techniques, the “limitations of a procedure to achieve ‘ideal’ results,” and any risks and complications.

While the Standards of Care “allow for an individualized approach to best meet a patient’s health care needs,” a “criterion for all breast/chest and genital surgeries is documentation of persistent gender dysphoria by a qualified mental health professional.” Additionally, some surgeries first require “feminizing/masculinizing hormone therapy and one year of continuous living in a gender role that is congruent with one’s gender identity.”

The 7th version of the Standards of Care is free, available in 18 languages, and is relied upon by clinics across the the United States — including the Mayo Clinic’s Transgender and Intersex Specialty Care Clinic, the International Center for Transgender Care, and Mount Sinai’s Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery — and throughout the world.

Ray Blanchard Defends Asking Transgender People About Their Genitals

Later in the livestream Blanchard defended asking transgender people invasive questions about their genitals.

“As far as them being touchy about people asking questions about their genitals, all I can say is there are many shibboleths around that transsexuals impose because they have a fragile story that they want maintained,” Blanchard said. “And if people ask too many pointed questions it becomes threatening.”

Blanchard told Dutton that he had seen “many, many times the outrage you’re describing when people wonder what genitals a transsexual has,” and that “their rant is always ‘How dare you wonder what my genitals are.'”

He added, “In reality, 99.99% of normal, straight normies who meet a transsexual are wondering ‘Gee, what’s between their legs?’ That’s what’s going on in the head of most people. But transsexuals don’t want this question raised, and so they act as if it’s some gross breach of etiquette that only you and your stupidity were ignorant of.”

Unlike the rest of the nonsense Blanchard spewed on this show, it doesn’t take a professional organization’s guidelines to figure out what’s wrong with it. Don’t harass anyone — transgender or cisgender — by asking them about their genitals. It’s gross, it’s rude, and it’s just plain wrong.