Roosh Valizadeh Breaks Up With The Alt-Right Movement

After numerous articles railing against “degenerate” Jews, homosexuals, and non-white immigrants, his attendance at last year’s National Policy Institute conference, and his decision to allow white supremacist Paul Ramsey to write a guest article for Return of Kings, it seems that Roosh Valizadeh’s flirtation with the alt-right is finally over. Continue reading “Roosh Valizadeh Breaks Up With The Alt-Right Movement”

Flashback: Samuel Francis: Commercial Showing Interracial Romance Is An ‘Act Of Moral Subversion’

Today I’m posting not about something ridiculous from the present day. No, I’m changing it up to highlight an incredibly stupid white nationalist moment from years back. Continue reading “Flashback: Samuel Francis: Commercial Showing Interracial Romance Is An ‘Act Of Moral Subversion’”

Matt Forney: ‘Cultural Marxists’ Use Affirmative Consent Laws To ‘Undermine The Family Unit’

On the February 12, 2016 episode of his eponymous podcast, Matt Forney addressed the controversy surrounding Roosh Valizadeh’s aborted international meet-up, Donald Trump’s odds in South Carolina, and affirmative consent laws — which he believes are an attempt by the left to destroy white families. Continue reading “Matt Forney: ‘Cultural Marxists’ Use Affirmative Consent Laws To ‘Undermine The Family Unit’”