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Peer-reviewed research

Support your researchers by providing the latest journal articles in their area of focus. Find out more about our journal collections for specialist industries:

Our flexible purchasing options offer access to articles on either an individual basis, or as part of a subscription to complete journals. Curate the collection that works best for your organization.

Accelerated publication

Our Fast Track and Rapid Track service allows authors to coordinate the publication of biomedical science research with conferences, drug approvals and drug launches.

With the potential to publish your research in as little as 3 weeks from submission, including thorough and rigorous peer review, choose accelerated publication to bring your research to market at speed and gain competitive advantage.

Open access

A number of our leading pharmaceutical science and medical journals now offer an open access option, making research freely and permanently available online. Publishing open access increases the potential impact of research, helping to push the collective knowledge further while allowing authors to retain copyright.

Reprints and ePrints

Share the research that supports the benefits of your latest product by building article reprints into your marketing campaign. Available in both printed and electronic formats, reprints can be used for a variety of customer touchpoints, reinforcing your messaging with an expert voice.


Advertising in academic journals gives you access to a targeted audience of key opinion leaders and decision makers in specialist fields. Our online journals platform enjoys almost 1 million page impressions per day, and our print titles have large global circulations; take advantage of these ready-made audiences to expand the reach of your campaigns.

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