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Open access publishing

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Most Taylor & Francis titles—across all subject areas—have an open access publishing option, including many of our leading MEDLINE-indexed medical and pharmaceutical journals.

With open access, researchers in your organization can benefit from:

  • High visibility and discoverability of research
  • Rapid online publication
  • Dialogue with expert editors and editorial boards
  • Rigorous peer review
  • Freedom to share important work while retaining copyright
  • Legacy preservation of articles
  • Compliance with mandates for transparency and openness
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We offer open access publication in selected medical and pharmaceutical journals for the competitive article publishing charge (APC) of £3,250/$4,800/€4,000. Payment of the APC guarantees that the research will always be freely and permanently available, and copyright will be retained by the author under a CC-BY-NC-ND license.

Publication is subject to rigorous, independent peer review; we uphold the highest standards of ethical publishing and comply with ICMJE, COPE, and GPP-3 guidelines.

Want to learn more about open research at Taylor & Francis?

Open access can also be combined with Accelerated Publication, so your important findings can reach the widest possible audience in as little as 3 weeks from submission. Read more about Accelerated Publication.

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The medical and pharmaceutical journals featured below offer open access and Accelerated Publication.

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