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Customized books and eBooks

How can our customized books and eBooks content help you?

Our content can help your staff develop the skills they need.
Developing staff skills is vital to increasing productivity. Our content, written by consultants, professionals, and educators, can be tailored to your organization’s learning goals and for your staff’s professional development. We can even include your own case studies, challenges, and development objectives within a customized book or eBook.

Our content can connect customers with your business.
Customers today are bombarded with communications. Using our content to create a customized book or eBook, with your advertisements alongside relevant insights, engages your customers with the value you provide. Your logo on the front cover puts your brand front and centre.

Our content can get your message read and understood.
Starting a conversation using social media is easy, but changing minds on a complex topic is hard. A customized book or eBook can help you put your message across in an engaging and compelling manner, and sustain a conversation with the individuals and groups you want to influence. Having an expert author whose views chime with your own adds weight to any campaign.

Our content can solve complex problems with expert information.
Some problems can’t be solved by a search engine. A customized book or eBook can pull together exactly the right information, from global experts, to help you solve the critical challenges you face within your organization. If the information doesn’t yet exist, we know the right people to ask.

Our content can add value to your event.
Making your event memorable is about more than a free pen. A customized book or eBook can keep your attendees engaged with your message long after an event has finished. It doesn’t hurt to include an advert for next year’s event in the foreword either.

For more information, please contact cis@tandf.co.uk.