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Publish your drug discovery research

Taylor & Francis' drug discovery and development portfolio covers the entire drug development pipeline, from early-stage research to clinical trials and product launch. Our range of publication options and outputs, coupled with the global reach of our platform, allows your work to reach the right audience at the right time, including medical professionals, clinical researchers, and pharma leaders. 

We work with all of the top 10 largest drug companies ranked by Forbes¹ and 86% of the top 50 global pharma companies ranked by Pharmaceutical Executive.²

Our portfolio highlights cutting-edge research on topics including:

  • Therapeutic target identification and validation
  • Structure-based drug design 
  • Computational modeling
  • Animal models for drug discovery
  • Drug metabolism and toxicology
  • Phase 1, 2, and 3 clinical trials 
  • Drug safety
  • Post-marketing studies

Like you, we value high visibility and timely publication. To extend your research impact, publish open access and use our Accelerated Publication service, which can fast-track your article from submission to online publication in as little as three weeks.

Interested in publishing with us?

Our editorial team is happy to speak with you about the best options for your paper.

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Explore the drug discovery portfolio

Featured journals

Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery

Comprehensive coverage of drug delivery research, including delivery technologies, vehicles, formulations and devices, the delivery of specific drug and therapeutic classes, modes of entry into the body, and applications in diseases.

2019 Impact Factor: 4.838

Drug Metabolism Reviews

Critically needed reviews of an impressive array of drug metabolism research covering established, new, and potential drugs; environmentally toxic chemicals; absorption; metabolism and excretion; and enzymology of all living species. Official journal of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics.

2019 Impact Factor: 3.956

Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery

Reviews and drug case histories on novel technologies involved in the drug discovery process, leading to new leads and reduced attrition rates.

2019 Impact Factor: 4.887

Drug Design, Development and Therapy

Open access journal spanning the spectrum of drug design, discovery and development through to clinical applications.

2019 Impact Factor: 3.216

Find the right journal for your drug discovery research

*Fully open access journal.
†Offers Accelerated Publication.
Copyright: 2019 Journal Citation Reports®, Clarivate Analytics, 2020.
§Published by Dove Medical Press.

Why publish with Taylor & Francis?

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Research articles are assessed by independent peer reviewers for quality, validity, and relevance. Many journals in our medical portfolio are indexed in the Science Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus, and MEDLINE.

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Taylor & Francis upholds the highest standards of ethical publishing. We comply with ICMJECOPE, and GPP-3 guidelines.

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Taylor & Francis is a leading scholarly publisher. Amazon’s Alexa service ranks Taylor & Francis Online among the world’s most-visited academic journals publishing platforms.

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Contributors to our medical journals benefit from direct and prompt communication with in-house editorial specialists.

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Industry peers

Taylor & Francis publishes research from top pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, and Sanofi.

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Additional services for corporate researchers

Our Commercial Services team can tailor ad placements, reprint packages, and research access options to fit your organization's needs.

Want to learn more?

Complete the online enquiry form on this page for a direct response from a member of our editorial team.