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  1. fa 18 hores

    was a radical far-leftist. Make people aware before they paint a false image then abandon the story.

  2. 4 d’ag.

    Both shooters were wearing Pro Ears hearing protection. Obviously coordinated together.

  3. 3 d’ag.

    ANTIFA Terrorists Heading to Texas! This ain't Portland or Seattle Folks! Watch all this and more on

  4. 3 d’ag.
  5. 3 d’ag.
  6. 3 d’ag.

    Friendly reminder that right wing violence is killing dozens of Innocents and that tipping trashcans, breaking store windows, or burning flags is not the same. If you think that you are a part of the problem. Lynch your local Nazi.

  7. 2 d’ag.

    FUCKKKKING MAGA AF! That old man had nothing on that MAGA Patriot. He’s such a cuck.

    El contingut pot incloure material sensible. Més informació
  8. 2 d’ag.
  9. 2 d’ag.

    Awesome tonight. Thanks for taking a second to denounce lol.

  10. En resposta a

    He's not even a white guy either, he looks like he might be Hispanic.. How are they getting away with this? We need to force the to tell us their stance on the . They either support them or not. If they're silent, they support them.

  11. 1 d’ag.

    members out here protesting at and they won’t take off their masks. Antifa is a terrorist organization!

  12. 1 d’ag.

    Antifa...liberal fascist trying to start a civil war...good luck!

  13. 1 d’ag.

    I am starting a new twitter series called: Seattle Unhinged! I will be exposing the true faces of the Democratic Party. Here’s a sneak peak! RT

  14. 31 de jul.
    En resposta a

    Antifa is a terrorist organization. It needs to be forbidden. Once again had the right idea

  15. 30 de jul.

    Hey , y'all should know Texas ain't Portland or Seattle!

  16. 29 de jul.

    Time for to stop "considering" designating Antifa a terrorist organization. No more "monitoring" is needed. This s a national emergency.

  17. 29 de jul.

    From Facebook. Accurate imo. I've been figuring that I'll probably die in a death camp for a little bit now, and all I ever did was provide medical aid and armed security in the face of violence from fascist citizens and fascist police.

  18. 28 de jul.

    Look at Sweden darling Greta Thunberg. The face of Europe's . Wearing the terrorists t-shirt from

  19. 28 de jul.

    Italians know fascism. Benito Mussolini They don’t romanticize as we do in Canada/USA so Italian Police show us exactly how to deal with Antifa. It’s an easy decision - Antifa are not heroes they’re nation destroyers

    El contingut pot incloure material sensible. Més informació
  20. 28 de jul.

    Imagine being this stupid! Hey Hey! Ho Ho! Antifa has got to go!

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