Ralf S. DL-Germany


Professional Martial Arts and SelfDefence Instructor Defence Lab Lead Instructor Germany Jeet Kune Do Instructor Escrima Instructor

Vrijeme pridruživanja: srpanj 2009.


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  1. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 3 sata

    One of Merkel’s migrants - stabbing a German National to death with a sword in broad daylight in Earlier in the week an Etitrean pushed an 8yr old to his death under a train HOW MUCH MORE CAN GERMANY TAKE? Credit

  2. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 19 sati

    Kirsten Gillibrand: “The first thing I would do is Clorox the Oval Office.” Also Gillibrand:

  3. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    30. srp

    But they won’t stop taking private jets around the world... 🤪

  4. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    30. srp
  5. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    29. srp

    . and the Squad deliberately misled the American people by claiming that detainees are “drinking from toilets.” Migrants have potable water, have shelter, and are being fed. The constant attacks against our brave border patrol agents must stop!

  6. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    30. srp

    Federal Government Pumped $15.7 Billion into Cummings' District in 2018...Where Did it Go?,

  7. 31. srp

    Auch hier lässt wieder mal wichtige Tatsachen weg. Es ist kein höchstrichterliches Verbot. Und es passiert nur dann, wenn diese Menschen keinerlei Dokumentation oder nachweise besitzen das die Kinder auch wirklich ihnen sind. BRD, so geht dass.

  8. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    29. srp
    Odgovor korisniku/ci

    Greta an her mom in antifa t-shirt. She I sailing to USA right now.

  9. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    29. srp

    Candidates are calling for to formally censure after her father exposed her for about her address to register to vote and to run for office.

  10. 29. srp

    Wenn die Medien dieses faule Spiel spielen. Es war ein Afrikaner. **Kind am Hauptbahnhof auf Gleis geschubst - Ein Verdächtiger wurde festgenommen

  11. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    29. srp

    Merkel’s migrant shoves 8 year old under a train in front of mother and watching passengers. What hell is this? How much more can Germans and true European nationals take?

  12. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    29. srp

    Baltimore's last 3 mayors: 1. Sheila Dixon: Convicted for stealing gift cards from the poor. 2. Stephanie Rawlings-Blake: Stepped down after promoting the Baltimore Riots. 3. Catherine Pugh: Raided by FBI for taking bribes. Guess what political party they are...

  13. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    29. srp

    May I ask you to copy this video and share it. Anti-Macron / anti-globalist protestors being butchered by EU henchmen Please question why the media are not reporting on the protestors

  14. 29. srp

    N-TV mausert sich zum CNN in Deutschland. Lächerliche Berichte die die Hälfte weglassen, damit das böse Trump-Ungeheuer bestraft werden kann. Was ist für ein Heulsusen Verein. CNN-Moderator kämpft mit den Tränen

  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet

    I live in Baltimore County and Pres. Trump is telling the truth about Rep. Elijah Cummings! Protecting swamp officials is not in my DNA when they are in office for over 20 years causing this mess!

  16. 28. srp

    Oscar reifes Schauspiel .. Trump hat nicht gegen Schwarze gewittert, sondern gegen E. Cummings, der jetzt sogar untersucht wird, da Wahlgelder usw. nicht den Bewohnern von Baltimore zugute kommen. Tränen aus

  17. 28. srp

    Look at Sweden darling Greta Thunberg. The face of Europe's . Wearing the terrorists t-shirt from

  18. 27. srp

    Fantastic Campaign Video Slamming via

  19. 27. srp

    Youtube is getting more and more ridiculous. Allowing Isis Videos and hateful imams but banning the word Christian or Christian content. All I can say is fukkk you Unacceptable content? YouTube ad policy bans keyword ‘Christian’

  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    27. srp

    Well done , great platform you got here: ISIS videos in 10+ languages ✅ ISIS songs calling for Jihad ✅ Hateful Imams preaching terrorism ✅ Weekly uploads of Islamist Friday Sermons ✅ Ads with the keyword ‘Christian’ ❌ Banned! Disgusting!


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