  1. 31. Mai

    plans to repeal passed against its opposition in a historic political defeat during last parli, and it will not accept resettlement deal as it now stands.

  2. Antwort an

    Some of us never forget. This is the most distressing part of the Fiberals win. Their first act will be to revoke the If ALP won office their first act will be to talk to NZ about resettlement is a bin fire 🔥

  3. 28. Mai

    another highly depressed man cut himself. This is the 3rd suicide attempt since last night. They are helpless with this situation. They are struggling to move on with devastating nightmares.

  4. 26. Mai

    I’m on The Grapevine in a minute talking about the state of & policy - including the dire plight of people held on Manus & Nauru.

  5. 25. Mai

    A man was taken to hospital after swallowing 15 needles. And he is in critical condition. Men on are completely desperate, the self harm and suicidal thoughts are escalating more each day. So far 14 men attempted suicide since Saturday.

  6. 23. Mai

    : I hope so..., this is were on feels totally helpless. too many are suffering. Wish we could give them 😢

  7. 22. Mai

    Medical care is a fundamental right of all human beings. Preventing ppl from receiving appropriate treatment is a crime against humanity. your policy directly reflects a lack of humane accountability. Don't make your citizens feel shamed by this.

  8. 1. Mai

    Men on are being sent to police cells for mental health treatment. sends men who self harmed to police custody instead of treating them in . Indefinite detention has destroyed our mental health.

  9. 26. Apr.

    are not only incompetent, but also highly negligent & corrupted. Driven by the profits motive only & they treated the refugees & asylum seekers like lucrative assets. On Manus we’ve typhoid epidemic & no action taken till now, we don’t know happened to ?

  10. 3. Apr.
    Antwort an

    I think the reopening was a reaction the passing of the - but also I believe it was set to be part of huge dog-whistling agenda leading to the election. Then came the NZ atrocity - and they've had to rethink their strategy.

  11. 2. Apr.

    The article below is dated 6 March. Morrison spent $185 million on this stunt because he was shitty that the got up. No-one was transferred - on 2 April his Treasurer announces its closure.

  12. 20. März

    This was a disgraceful example of baseless scare-mongering to generate antipathy against people seeking asylum in the wake of the much-needed

  13. 16. März

    And yet so many comments and actions since 2011 - up to and including his response to the - suggest that anti-muslim and has always been his default strategy.

  14. 1. März

    Conservatives last week: refugees may be paedophiles! Conservatives this week: what's wrong with paedophiles?

  15. 20. Feb.

    Tomorrow the Govt will say the means they can’t send the asylum seekers back based on SG advice

  16. 18. Feb.

    Home Affairs confirms it is the Government's policy to transfer refugees needing medical evacuations to Christmas Island for treatment. says this is contrary to advice from the Human Rights Commission and the Christmas Island CEO.

    Diesen Thread anzeigen
  17. 18. Feb.

    Dutton’s attack against veteran ABC journalist Barrie Cassidy on the is just another attempt to bully our independent public broadcaster.

  18. 15. Feb.

    The AMA is incredibly proud of the thousands of doctors who helped secure appropriate treatment for sick refugees and asylum seekers. Dr Sara Townend and Dr Neela Janakiramanan were unstoppable..

  19. 14. Feb.

    Sharing this again because I fear it got lost in the wash of yesterday. Nauru, Manus and the medevac bill: a conversation with ⁦⁩ & ⁦

  20. 14. Feb.

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