EPIC Domestic Surveillance Project

The Domestic Surveillance Project focuses on the privacy and civil liberties implications of emerging technologies used to conduct domestic surveillance. The project focuses on technologies that can be used in public surveillance of the masses, including drones, biometrics (e.g. facial recognition), and license plate readers. The Project also focuses on the privacy and civil liberties implications of surveillance conducted in the name of cybersecurity and the use of opaque algorithms to determine who is a National Security threats.

EPIC's Domestic Surveillance Project educates the public and policymakers through the documents we obtains through FOIA litigation. EPIC's Spotlight on Surveillance highlights specific surveillance issues providing in-depth information on surveillance technology, the privacy and civil liberties implications, and recommendations for mitigating the risks. Moving forward, the Domestic Surveillance Project will focus on the surveillance conducted by agencies like the FBI and DHS in the name of National Security.

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EPIC's work on the issue of domestic surveillance includes the following subject areas:

Drones and UAVs

Drone imageDrones raise significant privacy issues because of their ability to conduct aerial surveillance. Drones can carry a number of different surveillance equipment that can gather detailed information on individuals.

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Police Body Cameras

Body Cameras imagePolice body cameras are meant to combat police abuse and provide a mechanism for accountability of police officers. But, the devices raise serious privacy issues as they point outwards, towards the public capturing our public movements and already law enforcement is looking to expand the uses beyond police accountability by adding facial recognition capabilities.

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Algorithmic Transparency

Algorithmic Transparency imageOpaque, automated decision making by algorithms undermines our privacy and freedom of association. Our social connections and online activities are used by the government and companies to make determinations about our ability to fly, obtain a job, a clearance, etc.

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Cybersecurity imageApproaches to cybersecurity that provide liability protection for companies to disclose more user information to the government raise significant privacy issues. It allows the government to obtain information that includes personally identifiable information from companies without judicial review.

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Biometrics imageBiometric data collection, particularly for facial recognition and DNA analysis, pose significant threats to privacy. Facial recognition allows for covert or even remote identification on a mass scale without consent. DNA can reveal sensitive health data.

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Traveler Screening and Surveillance

The government deploys a number of technologies and programs to screen passengers and track their travels in the name of national security. Travelers are screened by privacy evasive technologies like body scanners and the government collects information on passengers every time they fly.

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Public Surveillance

Public surveillance takes many forms--from license plate readers gathering data on passing cars, to closed-circuit TVs monitoring every passerby. Advancing technology is eroding the privacy in public we once enjoyed.

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